This guide is archived and will lead to wide-ranging compatibility issues. Do not use it for your world edits - please look up the ArchiveXL guides instead!
Created by @Krat0es Published October 10 2022
This guide aims to teach you moving and deleting objects from the world.
the most recent Wolvenkit (stable | Nightly), at least 8.7
Add your sector file to the Wolvenkit project
Open it by double-clicking
Click on Sector Preview
Click into the preview to highlight an object. This will print the object's node name and -index to the log.
In the list on the right, find the object that you want to delete. You can toggle the red checkmark(s) to show/hide objects in the preview
Go back to the WorldStreamingSector tab
Click on expand nodeData to find the object in the list. It is easiest to go by index, which should have been printed to the log when you selected the object in step 4.
Expand the node and find Position
, Orientation
and Scale
You can now
change the object's coordinates or scale
delete the object from the world by right-clicking the node and deleting it (see screenshot deletus
Remember to save the file after making changes!
That means that it has a proxy mesh, which you also need to delete.
Search the game for your sector file's name without the last digit
You're editing interior_-23_15_0_1
You're searching interior_-23_15_0_
when you delete a object and you see a low res mesh in its place in the game that means the object has a proxy assigned you will have to find the sector the proxy is in and delete the proxy mesh. (you may do that following the same steps)
How to use streamingSectorPrefabVariant
This page contains the theory of sector variants, for creating sectors with variants, head over to the Creating Sector Variants guide
This page will show you how to switch sector states.
To learn more about .streamingsector
files, check The whole world: .streamingsector
To learn about .streamingblocks
, check .streamingBlock: Sector definitions and -variants
For a list of node types, check Reference: .streamingsector node types
check World Editing -> Archived: Merging World Additions via ArchiveXL if that's what you'd rather do
Here is an overview of file relations between .streamingsector
and -block
The game contains only 3 streamingblocks that gather more than 26300 sectors.
We will focus on the main one and take a look at the first sector inside (exterior_-18_3_-12_0
When creating a mod with sectors, you will need to create your own block that will list your new sectors.
This sector has 10 variants, in this case, each one is related to a quest state.
indicate the number of node ranges the sector contains; it always corresponds to the number of variant + sector's default range (so here 10 variants + 1 default).
When opening a variant definition, we can find the range index (to find the right range inside the sector file). rangeIndex
cannot be 0, 0 is used as sector's default range.
Variant's name is only used to identify the variant within the streamingblock.
The link between quests and sectors' variants is not well-researched as of Jan 2024 - if you know anything more about this, please get in touch via Discord or update the wiki!
In the .streamingsector file, add a new entry in each of these lists:
To trigger a switch between sector states, you can use
.questphase files
Codeware via redscript/CET
Published: Jan 07 2025 by Last documented edit: Jan 08 2025 by
This section contains guides that are archived
While the guides in this section are archived, they can still serve as valuable resources for information, helping to understand how the newer methods work
This guide demonstrates how to add new locations to the world by creating new .streamingsector files and adding them to the game world by merging them with the all.streamingblock via ArchiveXL
This guide is outdated and should not be used anymore. For more recent information, see the Object Spawner GitHub page (Until the wiki article is updated)
Valid as of March 21 2023
Wolvenkit 8.8.1 (bugs in nightlys and stable version 8.9.0 prevent adding new nodes to a streaming sector)
The latest stable release of ArchiveXL (thanks Psiberx!)
Example mod project, including template .XL file, .streamingsector and .streamingblock - this adds a low poly house exterior mesh to the center of the glass dome in corpo plaza (near the giant holo fish)
After following the previous guide to add and position the objects you want to add to the game, open the example mod project in Wolvenkit and open the file new_mod_sector.streamingsector
in the "Node Data" section, right click on the existing node and click "Import from JSON (no coords update)
This will open a window which allows you to browse to the export folder of Object Spawner. this will be something like Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods\entSpawner\export
You will find a JSON file named after the main group you created and exported in this folder folder
Select that file and Wolvenkit will create the necessary nodes, in the streaming sector, adding them to the location you selected.
Delete the node which was included as an example and update the index of your node to 0 if it is not already.
Rename the file to something unique for your mod.
Open the new_mod.streamingblock file in the project
Under the "descriptors" tab, edit the 1st entry so that the depot path points to your .streamingsector file
Now you need to set the streaming box for your new sector. The easiest way to figure this out is to just take the coordinates from a central object in your mod (you can find these in your .streamingsector file on each node) and add 300 units to each number for the max, subtract 300 for the min. This will need to be adjusted based on how far away you want your objects to be visible in the world.
rename this streamingblock file to something unique to your mod
Now all that's left is to edit the .xl file included in the resources section of the example so that it points to your streamingblock file. All you need to do is replace "mod\new_mod.streamingblock" with the relative path to your streamingblock.
Once you've done the above steps, install your new mod and launch the game, if you've completed all the steps, your new objects, structure or location will spawn just like the rest of the world
If you run into any troubles, double check the guides and then pop over to #world-editing on the cyberpunk discord server