Section for in-depth UI explanations
This section will cover all features of each UI tab (Hopefully nothing has been forgoten)
Spawn New: The place to spawn new things from
Favorites and Prefabs: This is where you spawn favorites from, organize and browse them
Spawned: This is the core of the mod, with a split view giving you the spawned objects and properties
Saved: This is where you find everything you have saved, and allows you to add it to the export
Export: This is where the final steps happen, before importing the build into WolvenKit
Everything there is know to effectively spawn anything you want
There is a wide range of things you can spawn, so they are organized into categories
Each category has has multiple variants, with each variant corresponding to a type of node
By hovering over the dropdown for the Object variant you can also bring up a panel displaying some helpful information for the selected variant
Target group
This selector lets you choose a group which to put new objects into
You can also hit CTRL-N
on the spawned tab to set it to the selected group
Under the options header you can find:
Strip Paths: If this is enabled, resource paths will be shortened: base\object.mesh
becomes object
Asset preview: Lets you toggle asset preview for the supported object types
Spawn position: See next section
There are multiple ways of controlling the position in which new objects spawn:
Use the "Spawn position" selector to determine the position used when simply clicking a list entry to spawn
Drag and drop a list entry into the scene to spawn it under the cursor
In 3-D editor mode, use CTRL-R
to repeat the last spawn under the cursor
Additionally, you can use the Shift-A
spawn menu while editor mode is active
Asset preview is available for:
With background: Meshes, entities, decals
In-Place: Effects, particles, AISpots and sounds
It gets activated simply by hovering a list entry
At the very top you can find the main search, which supports pattern matching:
E.g. wall.*large
will match anything that has the words "wall" followed by some characters, followed by "large" in it
You can make something a favorite either from the "Spawned" tab, or from the "Spawn New" tab
In either cases, simply right-click the element you wish to make a favorite
If you see an asset used in the gameworld, you can use RHT to send it directly to OS's search
This is supported for: Entity, Entity Record, Device, Mesh, Decal, Particle, Effect, Static Sound, AI Spot and Reflection Probe
You can also import your list of AMM props
AMM props will spawned as entity nodes, as they are just .ent
files with an alias name
Do this by selecting Entity -> Template (AMM)
then pressing the "Generate AMM Props" button
Explanations on loading and searching for saved things, as well as importing AMM presets
Any root group you save in the "Spawned" tab will appear here
You can search, load and delete them from here
Additionally this is also where you can add groups to the export
In convert an AMM decor preset, and turn it into a group, do:
Place the AMM decor preset .json
inside Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods\entSpawner\data\AMMImport
Make sure you have all requirements for that decor preset installed (Custom archives)
Press the Import AMM Presets
The import can take a while, and will lag
You can track the progress via the loading bar
During the conversion, "props" (Entities) will get converted to meshes, when possible
Information on export templates
Since you will probably want to export your builds frequently, to make sure everything looks correct and works as expected in the native world edit, you can use export templates to save export settings
Simply add all the groups to export as you would, setup their extents, variants, category, etc.
Then, press "Save as Template", to save everything you setup into an easily reusable template
Keep in mind that changing a groups name will remove it from any template in which it is used
Explanation on the main editing tab, where you organize and modify your spawned objects
At the top (Underneat the search and add group options), you will find the toolbar:
From the left to right you have:
Save All button, saving all loaded root groups
Expand and collapse all, expanding / collapsing all groups
Hide / Show all, spawning / despawning everything
Undo and redo
Shortcut info
This is main part from which you organize your build
It is a tree type hierarchy, similar to the one in e.g. blender, with groups and objects
Hovering the I
icon gives you a list of all available shortcuts
These are very similar to the ones found in most file explorers
: Select
: Make a multi-selection
: Make a range-selection
: Select all
: Unselect all
To move elements:
Drag selected elements onto group element, to move into group
You can change whether or not an object or group is visible by either:
Use the little "Eye" icon on the right of a element
Press H
, to toggle visiblity of all selected element
Double Click
: Rename double clicked element
: Delete all selected
: Copy selected
: Paste selected
: Cut selected
: Duplicate selected
: Put all selected into a new group
: Save all root groups
: Drop selected too floor
: Move all selected to root
A "root group" is just a group which is not inside another group, thus you can save it
Additionally you can bring up a context menu for the current selection, by right-clicking
Use the controls under the "Transform" header to move and rotate your current selection
You can move single objects, but also groups and multi-selections
You can also copy transforms from one object to the other, using the transforms context menu
You can open it by right-clicking any of the transform controls
Enable precision mode by holding down shift while using the transform controls
When having multiple elements selected (Or a group), you can use the "Group Properties" header to control certain properties of all elements of a type
E.g. Visibility of all colliders inside the selection
Here you can give each object a NodeRef
A NodeRef is a unique identifier which can be used to reference one specific object (If you do not need it, just leave it empty)
The ranges found under the World Node header of each object control when that specifc object streams in / out
To make setting these easier, there is a "Auto-Set" button
Having too large or too small primary/secondary range can lead to bugs
E.g. Too large range can cause performance issues and audio bugs Too small range for things like markers can lead to issues, if other objects depend on the marker being streamed in
For information on how to export, follow the guide
: Set selected group as "" target group
: Make selected a
If you want to save a sub-group, to make it reusable,
As already mentioned in the guide, there are multiple values controlling streaming ranges
As seen in the section, you can also auto-generate the values for all your builds objects at once
This page covers what favorites and prefabs are, how to create them, use them and organize them
Favorites and prefabs let you alias anything you want (Single objects to whole groups)
Things marked as favorite can be assigned a name, category and tags
The combination of categories and tags allow for both for browsing through your library, and also highly specifc and organized searching
The favorites system offer multiple ways of browsing and searching:
Simple text based search
Tag based filters
Grouping a categories contents by tags
Categories can be easily shared and merged
Category files can be found in Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods\entSpawner\data\favorite
(E.g. For sharing)
Favorite: This is a single object
Prefab: This is an entire group, made to be re-usable just like single objects
In the following, "Favorite" and "Prefab" is used interchangeably, since they are treated exactly the same
The main favorites view can be found on the "Spawn New" tab, specifically the Favorites
Underneath the Add Category
header, you can find everything you need to make a new category
There are two ways of creating them:
Right-Click any item in the "Spawn New" list, and choose Make Favorite
Right-Click any item (Group or object) in the "Spawned UI" hierarchy, and select Make Favorite / Prefab
Tip: You can also simply hit CTRL-F
, and make the currently selected item a favorite / prefab
A popup will appear, allowing you to assign a name, tags and category:
You can always bring back this menu, by clicking the configuration button for the favorite you like to edit, in the main favorites view
To spawn a favorite, simply click it in the main favorites view
You can also do any of the more advanced things, such as drag and dropping a favorite into the world
This works the same as spawning anything from the All
Clicking the icon on the right of a category will group its contents by their tags
This can be done recursively for each created tag category
If you already know what to look for, you can also use the search bar, and the Search Tags
Search tags can be set to be either in AND or OR mode
Often you might end up with multiple tags that indicate the same thing:
E.g. "Large", "large", "L", "big"
To combine these tags, you can use the Rename Tags
header, where you can select which tags to rename, and what the new name should be
Categories can be merged in two ways:
Automatic: If you ever end up having two categories with the same name (E.g. You added someone else's categories), they will be merged
To explicitly merge a category into another, simply use the category configuration menu (Wheel button)
When merging categories, any favorites which contain the same data (E.g. the same mesh) will be merged as well (Tags will be combined).
Additonally, a pre-merge copy of both categories will be placed in the preMerge
subfolder of the favorites folder