RHT: The world inspector

"I can show you the world"


Created: Aug 18 2024 by manavortex Last documented edit: Aug 18 2024 by manavortex

This page describes RHT's World Inspector, telliung you what you can do with it.

World Inspector: Inspect

Here, you can inspect world nodes and their properties:

World Inspector: Scan

Here, you can scan for any nodes around you:

If you expand the node properties, you can simply hide them at run-time, or use the integration with Removal Editor to create permanent presets:

World Inspector: Lookup

Reverse search of world nodes and spawned entities by their node IDs (e.g. if you're browsing a sector in Wolvenkit)

World Inspector: Watch (the player)

The world inspector's Watch tab lets you inspect the player puppet and all of their components at runtime.

Last updated