If your mods are causing trouble, here's what you can do
This page information for people who are using mods rather than making mods. You will find step-by-step guides, grouped by different problems.
Did you know? You can use your browser's search function (Ctrl+F) to quickly find your problem on the page – simply type a word from your error message.
Interactive guide
Before you start debugging, make sure that
your graphics driver is up-to-date
your Windows is up-to-date (no, really) and that you are at least on Windows 10
you have the most recent version of .NET Desktop Runtime installed
you have Visual C++ Redistributable 2022 installed (direct download, Microsoft)
your game is running from an SSD (Solid State Disk) rather than a HDD
Before you start debugging, update your mods and make sure that all dependencies have the latest version, in particular the core mods (Redscript, Red4ext, Cyber Engine Tweaks, ArchiveXL and TweakXL).
If you are on RED4Ext >= 1.13, make sure to uninstall cybercmd!
Find a download-ready collection for Vortex here.
This section aims to give you a quick overview. If your exact problem isn't listed here, please look through the different sections below and try anything that looks promising.
To enable REDmods, check Activating mods (you need to install REDMod first)
Your game is crashing
Randomly, and you have an Intel i7 or i9
Check this forum post. If that doesn't help, read on.
During car chases
If your game is crashing during certain car chase missions, try removing Eye Exposure Adaption.
If you can't play because the game is crashing, this section will help you find the right troubleshooting steps in the rest of the guide.
If you're done with this shit and would rather reinstall, see The nuclear option: a clean install
Crash on startup
If you're trying to start your game, but it never even launches, this is the right section for you. Otherwise:
If the game crashes before you make it to the menu, see Crash before menu
If the game crashes when you're trying to load a save, see Crash on loading a save
Cyberpunk has flatlined
Check the section Cyberpunk has flatlined below.
Empty your cache, check the info box underredscript / RED4ext.
Red4ext.SDK: Failed to resolve address for hash 0x1817231d
You need to update the game and RED4ext
Red4ext: A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed
You need to install the VisualC Redistributables. Check the red box under Navigation for a download link.
Something about files or permissions
If you think that your error is file-related, you can check the section "Something something files" or use your browser's search function (Ctrl+F
) to search this page for your error.
Some other error
Your problem lies with either red4ext or redscript. You can find what to do under redscript / RED4ext
Crash before menu
If you're starting the game, but never make it to the in-game menu, this is the right section for you. Otherwise:
If the game never even starts, see Crash on startup
If the game crashes when you're trying to load a save, see Crash on loading a save
2.0 / PL: Missing tweakdb.bin or inaccessible memory
If you run into the error above, or if the game complains about attempting to read inaccessible memory, do this:
Go to your Cyberpunk game directory and find the folder
.Find the file
and copy it (Ctrl+C
)In r6\cache
, browse to the foldermodded
(create it if it doesn't exist)paste
here (Ctrl+V
)If asked to overwrite, select
If you have Phantom Liberty, repeat the process with
If that doesn't fix it
Your problem most likely related to Cyber Engine Tweaks. To find out how to troubleshoot it, check the "disable CET" section.
Cyberpunk has flatlined
Crash on loading a save
If you can make it to the menu but crash out when you're loading a save or starting a new game, this is the right section for you. Otherwise:
If the game never even starts, see Commands
If the game crashes before you make it to the menu, see Crash before menu
If you can start a new game without crashing, see Corrupt(ish) saves
Most likely, you have an issue with an .archive mod. Here's what you can do:
To rule out that it's a save game problem (those are extremely rare), start a new game.
Go to the bisect section and start with the first two entries on the list
If that doesn't solve your problem, or if the issue is save-game related, feel free to browse around some more.
Corrupt(ish) saves
You only need to read this if you can start a new game without mods, but crash on loading a previous save game. For any other problem, please see the corresponding section(s).
Some mods store data in save files. Removing those mods may (but doesn't have to) lead to your save game crashing until you install them again.
At the current time (09/2023, before PL), that has been confirmed to affect those mods:
Immersive Rippers - see the expandable list below for uninstall instructions, or check the mod's pinned post on Nexus
If you are experiencing this issue with a mod that is not on this list, please check Broken mods: How to help
Crash during the game
This section tells you how to deal with crashes during gameplay.
When editing the inventory
Kiroshi Crowd Scanner and Tooltip Fixer do not play together (source, discord). Uninstall one of them.
Somewhere in Japantown
Somewhere in Japantown is a mesh with a broken material. Material and Texture Override removes the cache, and thus forces the game to re-create this material, and causes the game to crash.
Many mods list MTO as a dependency, but it's usually optional and you only need it to force-apply changes to original game materials.
If you can make it crash reliably
You're lucky, because it means that you can systematically troubleshoot. Go to the bisect section; start with .archive mods, but if that doesn't fix it, do the other folders as well.
If you can't
… that puts you in the same boat as the rest of us: most veteran players live with occasional crashes, especially while tabbing out and back in under certain circumstances.
That being said, if the crashes exceed what you're willing to live with, you'll have to find out a way to improve it, but your options are thin on the ground. Depending on how long it takes for the crash to occur, you might try
resetting your game to a clean state (if the error persists, it's not mods)
temporarily disabling certain types of mod to home in on the cause (see the bisect section for an overviev)
Best of luck!
Corrupt or missing script files
Cyberpunk 2077 encountered an error caused by a corrupt or missing script file and will now be forced to close. Please verify...
You have an error with redscript / RED4ext. Please see the next section.
redscript / RED4ext
When your game doesn't even start up, either of these frameworks isn't working properly.
The first step whenever you run into this error is deleting the folder r6/cache
and verifying your game files. If that doesn't help, keep reading.
Below, you can find a list of the most common error messages with steps to resolve them.
If you are using RED4ext, uninstall cybercmd.
If you're sure that you don't have cybercmd, it's time for more detailed troubleshooting:
If you are on Linux, make sure to double-check the launch options, as Steam sometimes resets these between updates
If your game stops crashing when you disable red4ext, that points to an error with a . Make sure that your error is related to red4ext before you proceed!
Find the folder
Cyberpunk 2077/red4ext/log
and check for a file namedred4ext.log
. Does it exist?No: RED4Ext is not installed correctly. Make sure that you fix this before troubleshooting further.
Yes: look inside, it will tell you which mods aren't compatible with the current game patch and may be the cause of this issue
if that doesn't help, go to #3.-reset-redscript in the corresponding section (you will need to verify your game files).
If that doesn't solve your problem, you can
troubleshoot or reset redscript
the faster variant: temporarily disable all mods and reinstall the core frameworks
Corrupted archives
Cyberpunk 2077 encountered an error caused by corrupted or missing archives and and will now be forced to close. Please verify...
One of the .archive files in your folder is broken. To find out which one, try the bisect approach, starting with the first two folders.
The game isn't starting: other reasons
There are various non-mod-related reasons why the game couldn't be starting. If you have followed these steps and they haven't gotten you anywhere, check the errors in this section:
Other than that, there are general troubleshooting steps, because missing Windows stuff can make Cyberpunk go brr. Make sure that
your graphics driver is up-to-date
you have the most recent version of .NET Desktop Runtime installed
you have Visual C++ Redistributable 2022 installed (direct download, Microsoft)
Also, try starting the game without Reshade to rule it out as a source of crashes (this happened after the DLSS patch) and temporarily disable your antivirus.
If none of that helps, find us on Discord in #mod-troubleshooting.
Too many mods
There is such a thing as too many mods which are making the game crash. This number seems pretty random, but generally doesn't start below ~460.
To fix this, you need to disable analysis in the settings:
Failed to initialize script data
This is not a Cyberpunk error!
Check your NVidia Control Panel panel. If power saving options are enabled, turn them off:
If you don't, check for other power config options in your operating system.
Steam: verify file integrity loop
The error below is partial to Steam:
There are three potential fixes:
Workaround suggested by CDPR:
Set Power Limit (TJ max) for CPU to 150W
Reduce Long and Short Duration Package Power Limit to 150 W (Intel default is 253)
Set the maximum CPU Core Temperature to 98°
Reduce the P-Core ratio of the processor
Deactivate Turbo Boost of the CPU
Disable CPU Hyper-Threading
Or check Reddit:
Downclock your processor (via reddit, do so at own risk)
Run as admin
Before trying to implement any of the other solutions, configure the REDprelauncher.exe
in the to always run as administrator.
Right-click on the file and select
Switch to the
tabCheck the box
Run this program as an administrator
Run without antivirus
The second reason might be that your antivirus fucks with your game files in a way that the game can't cope with.
Try the following steps:
Turn off your antivirus and your firewall - anything that counts as "System Protection".
Yes, that includes Windows Defender
Yes, all of it. That includes your computer's bodyguard if it has one.
Now, start the game.
If the error persists, verify game files through your client (you won't catch any viruses doing that)
Start the game again
If it works now, you need to find out how to keep your antivirus away from your game directory. If it doesn't, then you can turn the stuff back on now.
You pirated the game
There's a chance of >95% that we have already found the source of your problems — pirated copies just don't mod well. That's the first reason why things won't work.
The second reason is that CDPR needs to earn money to pay people to make games for us. If you can at all afford it, please buy the game. It's a good deal: how much are you willing to spend for a movie ticket? How long does a movie keep you entertained?
You are, of course, welcome to peruse the troubleshooting guide. It might even help you. But know that pirated copies will never be explicitly supported.
Finding the broken mod: known problem children
Stuff that isn't mods
It doesn't have to be either of these. But if it is, you'll never find it with the rest of the list. Rule it out by deactivating them while you're debugging.
If you can start a new game without mods, but can't load an existing save, seeCorrupt(ish) saves.
Frameworks / Core Mods
These mods are not problem children – quite the opposite. But if they are outdated, either your game or your mods won't work. Make sure that you have them all up-to-date with the most recent game version.
Script mods
Some mods go far beyond the ordinary, adding whole new features to the game (why no flying cars, CDPR?). Unfortunately, that means they're more prone to breaking than others. Here's a non-comprehensive list.
Being on this list does not mean that a mod is "bad" or that you shouldn't use it – they break much for the same reason as the frameworks do, and are fixed in the same way (the modder has to update). Until that happens, you will have to disable them.
Displays in-world holographic arrows that direct you towards your quest objectives. Is very likely to break upon patches.
Adds car chases and a bunch of related features. While CP2077 needs more car chases and explosions, this usually breaks and will require an update.
Adds mod settings to the in-game menu – Redscript version. This needs to be updated after every game patch.
Adds mod settings to the in-game menu – CET version. The mod itself will be fine, but it's dependent on Cyber Engine Tweaks being up-to-date.
Well-known outdated mods
The below mods will no longer work on versions beyond 2.0/2.1 and in some cases can completely break your save. If you have any of these, remove them.
Adds flying cars to Cyberpunk. While this is awesome, it will absolutely break whenever CDPR changes anything, and requires updating. It has been broken for a long time as of patch 2.02 and later and will not work.
Replaces the default crash logs with actual usable logs instead. This needs to be updated after every game patch. It has been broken for a long time as of patch 2.02 and later and will not work.
Effectively an in-game save editor that can give you a lot of items and even create a new game plus method. This mod has stopped working since 2.0 and while it will be updated in the future, in the mean time mods like Simple Menu (CET) and Pseudo New Game Plus can be used.
NPCs Gone Wild (NSFW)
Makes multiple NPCs nude. In all versions since 2.0, this causes missing characters, missing body parts, exploding limbs, and other issues. Do not use the mod, there is a Naked NPCs collection by modder marnhorn that does the same thing and will work on current game versions.
Phone Messages Overhaul (PMO) and 8ug8ear Romance (standalone)
These mods change the game journal that controls all quests to add more romance options. This method only works on the patch it's made for and therefore they will not work on version 2.1 and later. Other mods that do the same thing, but in a compatible way, are Panam Romance Enhanced and Judy Romance Enhanced, which use ArchiveXL (the safe method).
This mod adds furry, animal-like NPCs to the game and optionally replaces main characters. While lore accurate to a point, the mod is made in the same way as PMO and therefore breaks quests in 2.1 and later.
This mod hasn't been updated since v1.63, and the game has made significant breaking changes that cause this mod to crash to desktop (CTD).
Most famous for edits of the female body that defy gravity and wreak havoc on V's spinal disks, this modder has been around since the early days, and the same is true for their mods.
However, modding has come a long way since then, and spawn0 never followed. For that reason, their mods are known to have compatibility issues with pretty much everything in the general vicinity.
On the bright side, their mods won't crash your game and are downwards compatible until the dawn of time. With Phantom Liberty, sp0 mods have been known to cause crashes to desktop near the dam.
Finding the broken mod (log files)
Bad news: The game's logs are usually less helpful than the Swiss navy. Good news: Mods are doing a far better job. Bad news again: You have to find the right log file in the game directory. Good news again: There's intel how (see below)
jackhumbert's mod ctdhelper will give you additional information. There is a chance that it shows you something helpful. Make sure the ctdhelper is updated before using it, though.
If you don't want to download and run script files from the internet, you can go and Step 1: Temporarily disable all your mods by hand. Otherwise:
Download this script (right-click -> save as) Link goes to Presto's github repository
Now, do either of the following things:
Move it to your Cyberpunk install folder and double-click it
Drag-and drop your Cyberpunk folder on the file that you downloaded
After running, the script will have created a folder
in your Cyberpunk game directory, which contains a file listing all the log files for you.
The list will give you useful information along with a list of files to check. Once you've found the broken mod, you can go here for instructions on how to troubleshoot further – they also tell you when you should ask for help!
Finding the broken mod (bisecting)
You have hundreds of mods, and one of them is broken. How do you find out which one it is without wasting the entire day?
Don't worry! As long as you have less than 2048 mods, bisection lets you find the problem child with only 10 rounds. (Otherwise, it's 11)
Some mods install themselves to multiple directories, but that doesn't matter. Due to the fact how mod loading works, you can find the error like this.
If you are using Vortex, you should enable and disable mods through Vortex rather than directly on disk. The principle below still works, you're just selecting the halves inside Vortex instead of moving them between directories. If you do opt to work directly on disk, do not save changes to files if Vortex prompts for it.
Which kind of mod is it?
If you already know which folder contains the broken mod, skip to the next section.
You can find a video of the process below.
To find out the type of broken mod, take each Directory
from the following list and complete the steps in the next paragraph after the table.
Redmod directory: contains .archive mods (in subfolders)
Legacy directory: contains .archive mods
.lua (cyber engine tweaks)
Cyber Engine Tweaks
redscript mods
red4ext tweaks
Rename the game data folder ( for short – e.g.
) to a by appending an underscore (e.g. /mod_
). Only do this with the last subfolder in the path, the result should be\archive\pc\mod_
, notarchive_\pc_\mod_\.
The folder is now hidden from the game. Since it doesn't know, it will try to look inside anyway - create a new empty folder with the original name for that (e.g.
Start the game. You will now run into one of these two scenarios:
Your problem is gone: Jackpot. This is the correct folder for the next section: Go bisect Before you go there, you can restore all the other folders you moved, deleting the empty directories.
Your problem is still there: This folder is innocent. Proceed with the next
from the table above.
You can put the innocent folders back if you want: due to the way mods are loading, there won't be side-effects.
Go bisect
Congratulations, you have found which folder causes the problem — you're more than halfway there. All that's left is to find the broken mod. Here's how.
The process is the same every time, no matter if you are moving files or folders.
If you don't vibe with text, there's a Bisect: Video demonstration below.
Switch on half of the mods from your by moving them back to the .
Remember (roughly) which batch you moved (e.g. "everything after
or "the first half")Start the game. You will now run into one of two scenarios:
The error is still there: Progress! Go to Step 5.
The error is gone: Progress too! Go to step 4
The error is gone: You have identified which mods aren't the problem! Good! Do the following:
In your , find the last batch of mods that you touched
Half of these go into the
Go back to step 2 – you should now definitely see the problem again.
The error is still there: You have narrowed it down, let's narrow it down further. Do the following:
In your , find the last batch of mods that you touched
Half of these go back into the
Go back to step 2 for the next round – the problem might be there or not.
Repeat this process until you know which mod is causing the crash. Then, you can either try to update it, or do a full uninstall
Bisect: Video demonstration
Audio problems
If your CPU is too busy, the game will try to save resources by dropping audio, starting with dialogue audio. Disabling spatial audio from the main menu might help:
It's not connected to CPU load
Missing footsteps had in the past been connected to a bug in Let There Be Flight, so it is worth debugging your script mods. However, if you're on the most recent version (check the github for previews), you might just have to bisect your mods at random.
Mod(s) aren't loading/triggering
If the mod in question is Cyber Engine Tweaks (CET), check the corresponding troubleshooting page.
Normally, a mod should just work, as long as all of their requirements are working. If you aren't certain what that means, you can check Users: troubleshooting requirements for detes, or follow the checklist below ( Getting a mod to work).
Make sure that you have enabled mods in your launcher.
If items or hairs aren't changing, you need to install cookedapps nulled
If materials aren't updating, you need to install material override
If you already have all of that, check the next section.
If you've been using Mod Organizer 2 to install your mods, chances are high that it's been doing it incorrectly, at least for some of the more important mods. You'll need to do additional steps detailed here in order to get MO2 working with Cyberpunk.
Getting a mod to work
Check that you've enabled mods (see Deploying Mods and Starting Game).
Check the requirements on the mod's nexus page. Make sure that you have installed them all and that they are up-to-date.
If the requirements list Cyber Engine Tweaks, check its log file under
Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\cyber_engine_tweaks.log
For a more detailed guide, see Users: troubleshooting requirements
Make sure that all of your core frameworks are up-to-date and starting up correctly (here's how you can check their log files)
Check the other log files in the game directory (here's a guide how)
Optional: reach out to us on Discord in #mod-troubleshooting
Deleting user settings
You almost never need to do this.
However, if you want to remove anything that Cyberpunk might have stored on your disk, you need to find and delete the following folders (as per CDPR's own troubleshooting guide:
%userprofile%\Saved Games\CD Projekt Red\Cyberpunk 2077
%userprofile%\AppData\Local\CD Projekt Red
You can quickly navigate to the folders by pasting the path into your Windows Explorer's path bar, or pressing Windows+R, pasting the path there, and
The nuclear option: a clean install
This is the last resort and you do not need to do this — run Mod Remover for the same result in less time. However, if you're still set on reinstalling, the instructions below will help you completing that in minimal time.
Back it up, baby!
Unless you back them up, your mods will be lost. If you don't want that, make backups of the following folders:
The script linked above will do that for you.
Quick (download <4GB)
Unless you back up your mods and scripts, all your settings and manually installed mods will be lost.
The instructions below tell you which folders not to delete. Delete everything else.
Go to the Cyberpunk 2077 install directory
Delete everything except for the folder
, delete everything but the folderspc
, delete everything but the folderscontent
Verify your files
Modular / minimal download (download <1GB
Unless you back up your mods and scripts, all your settings and manually installed mods will be lost.
Will download < 1GB.
Rename or remove the following folders. If you do not have them, you don't need to do anything.
Afterwards, verify your files.
Nuke it from the orbit: The thorough version
In case neither of these options is good enough for you, you can find a full reinstall guide on CDPR's support page.
A fresh install: Starting from scratch
You have completed either of the previous steps. Your game should start now. If it does not, you either have leftover files (check here for how to get rid of them), or you have a problem that is not related to Cyberpunk. Make sure to follow the hints in the red box at the very beginning of this guide.
Now it's time to systematically install mods. We'll start by installing the frameworks and making sure that the game starts up without any framework-dependent mods. Afterwards, you can add back all of your mods, and if the game stops working, find the offender via bisect.
Don't worry about your savegames — those are fine, even if they won't load right now. We're just laying the foundation here that you can later build upon.
Let's go about it step-by-step.
Installing the frameworks
This step will tell you how to set up your Cyberpunk install with the necessary dependencies so that you can start modding.
Check the framework page. For each of the frameworks, complete the following steps:
If you didn't have it in your previous install, skip it.
Install it (manually or via Vortex, your choice)
Install all of its dependencies
Start the game and load a savegame (you can also do this after installing all of them, but if you run into issues, that will make isolating the point of failure more difficult).
Optional (for CET): Start the game and make sure that it asks you to bind a key. If not, check the corresponding section of this guide.
If you are using redmod (have any folders inside of /mods
), you probably have cybercmd installed. That is no longer necessary with RED4ext >= 1.13 and can lead to false positives. Uninstall it!
Once you are done, start up your game and load a savegame. If you don't have one or the game still crashes, start a new game.
This should now work. If it doesn't, you need to check your log files to see which framework is causing trouble, or find us on Discord in #mod-troubleshooting.
You need to complete this step before proceeding: if the core frameworks aren't working without mods, they won't work with mods – adding anything now will just make debugging more difficult.
Fortunately, this is not rocket science. Be methodical and install them one by one. If you need help, you can find us on Discord (#mod-troubleshooting
Adding (back) your mods
If you don't (yet) have any mods, you can head over to Nexus and start installing. Make sure that you include all necessary dependencies!
This section assumes that
you installed all required core mods
your game is starting
you can (without crashing) do either of these things:
load a savegame
start a new game
If you didn't make it that far, the steps below won't help you and will only obscure your problem. Please head back to Step 1: Temporarily disable all your modsand complete the process.
If you need help, find us on Discord in #mod-troubleshooting!
If you're using Vortex
Head directly to the bisecting section and pretend you have just removed all your mods.
If you made a manual backup:
For each folder that you have backed up (check link for a list), repeat the following steps:
Put it back into its original place in your new/fresh install
Start up the game
Load a non-modded savegame or start a new game
If your crash(es) are back, you can now go to the bisect section and follow the steps for your folder.
Something something files
Your error goes something like this:
Cyberpunk is trying to write to a file that doesn't exist
These are caused by access errors – Cyberpunk is trying to read or write a file, and for some reason, it can't.
Follow the steps in this section one by one, or find us on Discord in #mod-troubleshooting.
Make sure that the file path exists
Ignore this if you can't spot any file paths in the error message
If Cyberpunk is trying to move files to a subdirectory that it can't access, make sure that the directory actually exists (if it doesn't, create it). The most frequent candidate for this is /r6/cache/modded
Make sure that no previous game instance is running
Sometimes, the game instance doesn't shut down properly and is still running in the background, althoguh you can't see a window. This problem goes away after rebooting.
Open your task manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc)
Switch to the Details tab
Sort by Name and scroll to C
Check if you can see anything Cyberpunk in the list.
If yes, right-click on it and select End Task
It is possible that your antivirus is causing this problem. Before you lose your mind, try temporarily disabling it.
Reboot your PC
Always a good idea to do that from time to time – in this case, it could make the error go away.
If it doesn't, check the next steps on the list.
Make sure that all files in the game directory are writable
Sometimes, files in your are set to read-only.
What kind of monster would do something like that???
We've had confirmed reports of the following culprits:
mo2 mod manager
various flavours of antivirus
You can fix this either via Windows Explorer or via system console, the results will be the same.
Via system console:
Press Windows+R
and press Return to open the command linerun the following command (replace the path with your actual game dir):
Via Windows Explorer:
Navigate to the Cyberpunk game directory and right-click on it
Select Properties (the last entry in the drop-down menu)
Uncheck the "Read-only" box:
After unchecking and applying changes, the box will jump back to maybe-checked. That's because Windows can't tell if the folder contains read-only files. However, since you just made sure that it doesn't, you can ignore this.
File Ownership
Sometimes, file ownership got messed up, and not all files in the folder are accessible by your current Windows account. It is a mystery how this comes to be.
You can fix it via system console or via Windows Explorer; either of those will do. If in doubt, the commandline one is more thorough.
Via commandline
In any of the commands below, you need to substitute C:/Path/to/Cyberpunk2077
with the path to your .
Press Windows+R
Type cmd and press return
Run the following command (make sure to insert your real Cyberpunk path):
If that didn't help, run the command
to see your current user name. You will need it for the next step. It should be identical to your Windows username, but if you have spaces or special characters, Windows might get funny about the spelling.Run the following command (putting your actual game dir and the username from
Via Windows Explorer
We haven't included the full instructions here, but you can check this guide.
Reboot your PC again
If none of these things has helped, reboot your computer.
The error should be gone now.
Not to say that your game will work now – but if you still have an error, it's hopefully a different one. Go back to the start of the guide and let's fix that one too!
Your quests are not working / You get LocKey# messages
This section tells you how to deal with
quests that are not starting
broken text messages
broken journal entries
Quests not starting although you meet all prerequisites
When two mods hook into the same quest to do their thing, this can break the quest.
Known problem children:
Phone Messages Overhaul
Judy/Panam Romance Messages Extended
These mods can not be used together. PIck either of the entries below!
If it wasn't that, check any other mod that hooks into basegame quests, such as romance mods or "quest fixes".
You can't 'fix' a quest by changing quest facts. Setting a quest fact after you've passed the sequence where it is checked will do nothing — worst case is you will brick your save.
Shards, text messages or journal quest just say LocKey#
If you are playing in a language other than English
This can be caused by mods not including translation files for your language. Check if there is a translated version, or change the game language to English.
If you are playing in English
Most likely caused by a mod conflict: two mods are trying to change the same text archive or journal entry. You can use the Archive Conflict Checker Tool to find conflicting mods, or check the list below.
Known problem children:
Phone Messages Overhaul (you can resolve this by setting this mod to load first)
Hot Fuzz
Biosculpted Exotics
Database Fixes
If none of the mods have suggestions about load order, swap them around and see if it fixes the issue.
Redscript Compilation Failed
You're running into the following error:
This workflow is geared at the exact error above. If you have a different one, it's still worth checking this, but you can also head back to the start of the guide and find the right section.
0. Make sure that you don't have multiple versions of Codeware installed
In the past, Codeware wasn't a standalone mod, but was instead inside of other mods. Since that is different now, the leftover versions can cause errors.
Search your Cyberpunk game directory for
.If you have exactly one folder, this is not your problem — proceed to the next step.
Delete everything you have found.
Reinstall the latest version of Codeware from Nexus.
Delete the folder
Verify your game
1. Make sure that you have the latest versions
Actually check this. Do not rely on memory or common sense – if in doubt, re-download. (This is totally not something that the guide's author learned the hard way)
Optional, but recommended:
Check that you have the latest versions of all troublesome Redmods.
2. Check redscript.log
It is in r6/log/redscript.log
See if you can find any errors – warnings may or may not be a problem, see here for context.
3. Reset Redscript
If you rename or delete any directories, make sure to create a new, empty directory.
Redscript: Disable dependent mods
Vortex: Disable them
Manual: Remove the contents of r6/scripts/
You can zip the directory from the windows context menu, then delete its contents.
Resetting the redscript cache
verify game files
Optional: create a new directory
(this will prevent errors)Make sure that
Make sure that
(that the red4ext core frameworks aren't getting loaded)
Make sure your game starts up without error.
4. Reinstall your mods
Hopefully, your problem should be gone now.
It's time to put your mods back and see if you can start the game - see Starting from Scratch.
XML Document parsed with errors
XML document parsed with errors: C:\Path\toCyberpunk 2077\r6/config/inputUserMappings.xml
Error description: Error parsing element attribute
According to InputLoader's documentation, you can ignore this. Keep searching! (You can also try reinstalling InputLoader and hope that the error goes away)
CET isn't starting
CET needs at least VisualC 14.40.33810.0 . You can download it from the official Microsoft website (direct link)
You forgot your CET keybind
Delete the file Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\bindings.json.
The game should let you bind a new key at the next startup.
Photomode screenshots are blank
With 1.62, screenshots are now saved to Documents\CDPR\Cyberpunk\Screenshots
, and the previous location will receive an empty file.
With 1.63, screenshots have now been moved back to \Pictures\Cyberpunk 2077
Press [none] to continue / can't skip loading screen
That is due to Input Loader requiring an update.
I'm not getting a metro ticket!
If you have passed the start of Act 2 and you aren't getting a text with a metro ticket because of an outdated mod, there is nothing you can do. Even removing the mod won't fix it. Remove the mod, then play from an earlier save.
[Kerry/Judy/Panam/River] isn't talking to me!
This is a new one with 2.1 — a reciprocal effect of CDPR's romance interactions with previous romance or phone message overhauls. The bad news is that the broken state is baked into your savegame and you can't get rid of it by removing your mods. The good news is that modders are already on top of the problem, and simply updating should fix your issue.
Make sure to check the instructions and pinned comments on the Nexus for any romance or phone message overhaul mods before running the command below. There's a good chance that you can only use it once for any given save, and you don't want to waste your shot.
You can try running the following command (which has solved the issue for some people):
Switch "judy" for the affected NPC's name. Then, save and reload.
Alternatively, you can use this mod for Judy (which is supposed to have helped as well).
If that didn't solve your problem, there is a good chance that you're stuck. You can check the Nexus pages and -comments of everything that looks as if it interacted with romance partners or phone messages, but there is a good chance that you missed the point where the interactions should trigger. Check I'm not getting a metro ticket! for details.
I'm naked!
Here's how to fix your sudden indecent exposure.
Go to the vanilla wardrobe in your apartment
Create an outfit (anything will do)
Equip the outfit
Un-equip the outfit
Save and reload
V has black eyes!
You have an outdated or two different versions of Kala's Unique Eyes installed.
Make sure to uninstall all your eye mods, then open your Cyberpunk game directory and use the Windows Search for e.g. kala
. Make sure to delete all leftover files!
I have another problem that isn't on this list
Here's the catch-all solution. After this, your game will work (or the problem you have is not Cyberpunk related).
(optional, as this might solve it): Reset the Redscript cache.
If your problem doesn't go away, follow the instructions in the next section.
I really just want to get this working, what do I do?
You might want to deactivate ReShade before you start debugging. Especially after DLSS, it has been known to cause crashes.
The bad news is, at this point you have little choice but to reset your Cyberpunk install and re-mod it from scratch. The good news is that the process is really streamlined. If you don't run into any hitches, you're <30 minutes away from a working game.
Now, how do we go about this?
Is there a shortcut?
Yes! There is a batch script that will automate steps 1-4 of the list below for you.
If you don't want to download and run script files from the internet, you can go here and complete the steps by hand. Otherwise:
Download the mod remover script by either
downloading it from Nexus and following the install instructions
grabbing it from github (right-click -> save as) and moving it to your Cyberpunk game directory Link goes to the github repository of the person who wrote most of this guide.
Optional: If you don't want the script to delete modded files for you (because you just want to disable mods), right-click on the file and select Edit, then find and delete line 6:
Make sure that the file is in your Cyberpunk game directory. If you downloaded from Nexus, you should have a
Double-click it
Follow the instructions and prompts
Verify your game files
Optional: You can now proceed to Step 5 and start modding your game again.
Instead of following these instructions, you can also reinstall the game. Do yourself a favour and check the instructions, as you might be left with residual files otherwise.
Step 1: Temporarily disable all your mods
Follow the instructions and prompts
Press the purge button — this will remove any and all installed mods.
Do not press deploy.
If all your mods were managed via Vortex:
Start Cyberpunk however you want, as long as it's not via Vortex. If it starts now, you're done here and can proceed with bisecting – otherwise, go to Remove RedScript.
If you had a mixed install:
Complete the instructions in the section manual now.
Find the following folders:
and rename them to
The purpose of renaming them is that the game won't find them anymore, but you still have a back-up of the files inside. Feel free to achieve this goal however.
You can optionally create a new, empty folder with the same name.
Check if the problem is gone.
If it is, put the folders back one after the other and apply the bisection method.
Step 2: disable CET
Find the folder
and move it out of plugins
(e.g. put it on your desktop).
If you'd rather delete it, make sure that you retain a copy of your mods
and plugins
directories, as they contain your mod settings (AMM decorations etc.)
Check if the problem is gone.
If it is, put the folder back and apply the bisection method to cyber_engine_tweaks\mods
and cyber_engine_tweaks\scripts
until you have found the culprit.
Step 3: Remove scripts and tweaks
First, remove (or rename) the cache:
Verify game files. Check if the problem is gone.
If that didn't do the trick, find the following folders:
and rename them, you know the drill.
Check if the problem is gone.
If it is, put them back one by one until you find the one that breaks it. If that is one of r6\scripts
or r6\tweaks
, apply the bisection method.
Step 4: Remove RedScript
You can try resetting RedScript first, but at this point, you'll going to have to verify your files anyway.
Delete the following files and folders. You don't need a backup, as you can reinstall RedScript from Nexus. If any of them don't exist, that's okay — just means you don't have to delete them.
@Auska has compiled a handy script for unix people:
Step 5: Repair game files
Exact procedure as documented by @ArsenicTouch
Go to Games -> Installed, right-click on your game and select the following menu entry:
Open your library
Right-click on "Cyberpunk 2077" and select "Properties"
Select "Local Files"
Click "Verify integrity of game files…"
Open your "Library"
On the "Cyberpunk 2077" tile, find the "…"
Select "Manage"
Click "Verify"
Step 6: Launch the game
All files you deleted have been re-acquired. If there are no left-over files from earlier modding attempts, your game should work now.
If it does not and you have exhausted the reset options as specified in this guide (troubleshooting and nuclear both) and your game still does not start, then your problem exists outside of Cyberpunk. In this case, you can
check your file permissions (separately for REDprelauncher.exe)
google your error message and try solutions at random
Step 7: Install the core frameworks
Now that your un-modded game is starting, it's time to install the core frameworks. Do this before you enable your other mods, as they won't work without their dependencies and can only add problems at this stage.
You can now re-enable your mods. Do it in chunks and check that the game keeps working so that you can narrow down where the problem is, in case it isn't gone for good.
Dealing with a broken mod
You have followed all the steps and your game is launching, but you now have a mod on your hands that just doesn't work, and you want it to. What do you do now?
If you join a modding discord to ask for help, people will walk you through this list, so you might as well do it first. Nobody will unbundle someone else's mod and just fix it for free unless they want to use it themselves.
1. Make sure you have the correct dependencies
Many mods require frameworks or other mods to work. Check the mod's page and description for those, and install them.
Repeat the process by installing the dependencies' dependencies, until you have everything necessary.
2. Check the mod's description
Often, the description contains detailed installation instructions, known incompatibilities and/or workarounds. Sometimes, mods worked on past versions of Cyberpunk, but the author stopped updating. In that case, proceed to point 5 of this list.
Before you get upset, please keep in mind that modders don't do this for a living (these are called "game developers" and they get paid for it). Somebody made this in their spare time, for their own use, and then decided to share it with you for free. Do you know the easiest way to avoid toxic users? It's not publishing your mods. No reward system, credit points or reputation will ever make up for online abuse.
As a mod author, I can tell you that I will ignore assholes, but gladly spend an extra hour after work to help out someone who politely asks me for help.
3. Check the mod's comment section
You're unlikely to be the first person to run into this problem. There is a good chance that the comment section on the download page has helpful information. Look for either a pinned post by the mod's author or a user discussion about your problem — these often contain a solution.
4. If you are using a mod manager: Try installing it manually
While mod managers are very reliable and get better with every new release, you should rule out that they are the cause of the problem by installing the mod from hand.
If everything else works and installing the mod by hand still breaks compilation, then it is broken. See "Dealing with a broken mod" below. start your game client's file verification.
5. Contact the mod's author
Describe your problem as clearly as you can, and add all useful data.
Bad bug report: "Your mod doesn't work lol pls help"
Good bug report (example): "Hi, installing your mod (manually and Vortex) causes a Redscript compilation error on startup (possible screenshot of error popup). xxx.log says <citation of error message>. All my dependencies are up-to-date, and I've ruled out that it's any other mod. Can you help me out?"
Good bug report (example 2): "Hi, when I try to equip Item <item name and colour>, it doesn't show up and I only get glitches. I'm using Hyst's boob mod and <specific version and variant> of your mod. I hope you can help me? Thank you for making this."
As per the last red box, do keep in mind that you're asking a favour. The modder doesn't have your problem, and if they do, they know exactly how to fix it. The most time-efficient response for them is to ghost you, so any kind of response is either them being nice or getting mad when you or someone involved ignores visible information.
5. Hands-on troubleshooting
At this point, you have exhausted all easily accessible solutions. If you still want the mod to work, you will have to get involved yourself. A commendable attitude! (Not sarcasm, it really is.)
This is the point where you might want to join a modding discord, because now you're entering the territory where other modders can actually help you.
Usually, there will be a log file that will point you towards the source of your problem. If there isn't (the game loads and the mod just fails silently), that means that the error is inside the archive and you have to become a modder.
Fixing scripts
But sometimes, you're lucky. Sometimes, the error is in a script file. You can tell this by a log entry pointing towards a file in your Cyberpunk folder (e.g. r6\scripts\my_broken_script.reds
Open up that file in a text editor like Notepad++ and try to find and fix the problem. Sometimes, the log file has more information. Sometimes, an online syntax check can help you — there isn't one for redscript, but it's fairly close to lua.
Sometimes, such mistakes are trivial — a forgotten , or incorrect file encoding. Often, they are not.
A tip for nil access error in lua
Ascending from user to modder
If the error isn't in any script files, you will have to unbundle the .archive, load it in WolvenKit, and get your hands dirty. We'll be seeing each other, choomba!
Last updated
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