.streamingBlock: Sector definitions and -variants

What are these files? What do they do?


Published: Jan 07 2025 by Sergey, heavily based on input by psiberx Last documented edit: Jan 08 2025 by manavortex

This page contains information about #streamingsector and Streamingblock files

Wait, this is not what I want!


The game contains only 3 streamingblocks that gather more than 26300 sectors. We will focus on the main one and take a look at the first sector inside (exterior_-18_3_-12_0).

When creating a mod with sectors, you will need to create your own block that will list your new sectors.

This sector has 10 variants, in this case, each one is related to a quest state.

numNodeRanges indicate the number of node ranges the sector contains; it always corresponds to the number of variant + sector's default range (so here 10 variants + 1 default).

When opening a variant definition, we can find the range index (to find the right range inside the sector file). rangeIndex cannot be 0, 0 is used as sector's default range.

Variant's name is only used to identify the variant within the streamingblock.

Last updated

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