Play animations with workspots

Learn how to play an animation on an entity through clever gimmicks in Redscript.

This is an advanced tutorial that requires you to understand the basics of wolvenkit


First of all, let's give credits to people out there:

  • Cyberscript and Smoke Everywhere authors donk7413 and Eli, who originally found out how to play animation through workspots. All credits to them in that regard.

  • psiberx for his numerous hints and advices, as always.

How to ?

It started from a talk with @Eli and @donk7413 the authors of Cyberscript and Smoke Everywhere mods.

When asked details about how they managed to have V smokes a cigarette anywhere in-game, they mentioned having merged all .workspot files in a gigantic file for convenience (namely Cyberscript Core Animation Archive), so that Cyberscript can play any animation in-game on V or any NPC.

At first it didn't ring a bell, but then @psiberx mentioned about modders "abusing" .workspot by spawning an invisible .ent to have the target being animated.

The trick is actually to spawn an invisible device (.ent) right onto your entity, which then allows to trigger animation(s).


So it happens that we need a .ent file whose components contains a workWorkspotResourceComponent which references a .workspot by name and DepotPath.

In turn, .workspot file contains a list of worksSequences containing workAnimClip which are the animations to play with idleName and animName.

Of course the .ent must be made invisible and contain a set of specific properties, and this is where all hard work was already made by Cyberscript people.

💡 Generally speaking if you need to play a ton of animations I would recommend you to use Cyberscript directly, since it already does everything for you and also comes up with a ton of useful more features to build a mod with ease.

On the other hand, if like me you only want to play 1 or 2 animations at most, then it's probably a lot of overhead and you can keep reading.

What I personally did was to reuse Cyberscript archive .ent stripped of components that I don't need, and .workspot with only the animations that I'm interested into.

To do the same, you will need to download the Cyberscript Core Animation Archive, install it in your mod folder so that Wolvenkit can find it, and locate the workspot_anim.ent file in the following directory structure:

├─ base/
│  ├─ cyberscript/
│  │  ├─ entity/
│  │  │  ├─ workspot_anim.ent

You can then use wolvenkit and your file explorer to move the workspot_anim.ent in the location of your choice inside your mod. Then you can strip it of every components that isn't aworkWorkspotResourceComponent using wolvenkit.

Then you will need to locate an interesting .workspot file inside the base/workspot of the game and place it in the location of your choice inside the archive folder of the mod you are creating.


Once the previous files are ready, we need something able to spawn an entity in Redscript (once again if your preference goes to Lua, I'd recommend you to use Cyberscript directly).

This is exactly what Codeware offers with DynamicEntitySystem: see "Entities" in its wiki!

Here's a short example which will get us going:

(You will need to replace the paths to the .ent and .workspot files with the paths to your files )

// minimal example
// use in CET console like: Game.GetPlayer():Smoke();

public func Smoke() -> Void {

    // first listen for entity spawning events
    // this is because spawning happens asynchronously
        .RegisterListener(n"MyMod", this, n"OnEntityUpdate");

    let spec = new DynamicEntitySpec();

    // then designate entity to spawn
    spec.templatePath = r"base\\mymod\\entity\\smoke.ent";
    // position it on the player
    spec.position = this.GetWorldPosition();
    spec.orientation = EulerAngles.ToQuat(Vector4.ToRotation(this.GetWorldPosition()));

    // add a tag to differentiate it once spawned
    // this is because DynamicEntitySystem listen to all the entities spawned
    // not just the ones it creates
    spec.tags = [n"MyMod"];

    // process with entity spawning ...

// and this is the method that will be called by DynamicEntitySystem
// with entity spawning events
private cb func OnEntityUpdate(event: ref<DynamicEntityEvent>) {

    // make sure this is our .ent and it has spawned succesfully
    if Equals(event.GetEventType(),DynamicEntityEventType.Spawned){

        // retrieve our invisible device
        let device = GameInstance
            .GetEntity(event.GetEntityID()) as GameObject;

        // make our player enter workspot
            .PlayInDevice(device, this);

        // when player smokes,
        // it probably need to own a cigarette and a lighter in the first place :)
            .GiveItem(this, ItemID.FromTDBID(t"Items.crowd_cigarette_i_stick"), 1);
            .GiveItem(this, ItemID.FromTDBID(t"Items.apparel_lighter_a"), 1);

        // and these objects better be in his/her hands too :)
            .AddItemToSlot(this, t"AttachmentSlots.WeaponLeft", ItemID.FromTDBID(t"Items.crowd_cigarette_i_stick"));
            .AddItemToSlot(this, t"AttachmentSlots.WeaponRight", ItemID.FromTDBID(t"Items.apparel_lighter_a"));
        let left = new AIEquipCommand();
        left.slotId = t"AttachmentSlots.WeaponLeft";
        left.itemId = t"Items.crowd_cigarette_i_stick";
        let right = new AIEquipCommand();
        right.slotId = t"AttachmentSlots.WeaponRight";
        right.itemId = t"Items.apparel_lighter_a";
        let controller = this.GetAIControllerComponent();
        // more steps eluded for simplicity:
        // you probably wanna play SFX and VFX too... 

        // finally start anim on player!
            .SendJumpToAnimEnt(this, n"stand_car_lean180__rh_cigarette__01__smoke__01", true);
        // from there on, you probably want to use Callback
        // and coordinate each step of the anim :)

Adding the script to your mod

to add this script to your mod, you will need to create the following structure in the ressources folder of your mod:

├─ scripts/
│  ├─ your_script.reds

Clearing misconceptions

  • .ent can be anything, not just a "living entity". it can be a cigarette, the act of smoking.. it can really be "whatever".

    • it contains components with e.g. workspotMapper, entSlot, etc

    • it also contains obviously a workWorkspotResourceComponent with points out to the .workspot.

  • .workspot gets triggered throughout .ent: you don't spawn a workspot and play it on a target, you spawn an entity which references the workspot and plays the workspot through the entity (which in turn play the animation(s), and you can "jump" from one animation to another in the same workspot).

Last updated