Stat Modifiers
Published: Jan 17 2025 by Apart Last documented edit: Jan 17 2025 by Apart
An explanation of the various kinds of stat modifiers and modifier types and how to use them.
This guide uses the TweakXL-yaml language for item additions.
Wait, this is not what I want!
To see stat modifiers in action, check Creating Cyberware using TweakXL -> Addendum #1: Item-Specific Entries for Cyberdecks
What are Stat Modifiers
Stat modifiers allow you to adjust the stats of an object, whether it is the player or a piece of equipment. There are three main types of stat modifier types, but first we'll need to learn which modifier types exist, so we can effectively use stat modifiers.
For a full list of available stats in Cyberpunk 2077, see Cheat Sheet: Tweaks
Modifier Types
There are five types of modifiers, with the three most common ones being: Additive, Multiplier, and AdditiveMultiplier. The remaining two, Count and Invalid, are not as common and rarely used.
An additive modifier type "adds" to a stat. It is also possible to subtract using a negative value.
We have a weapon that has a base value (a) of 5% Crit Chance. We'd like to add another 5% Crit Chance (b), using the following formula: (a+b=10)
A multiplier modifier "multiplies" a stat. A multiplier stat can also be used to reduce a stat to 0.
We have a weapon that has a base value (a) of 5% Crit Chance. We'd like to double our Crit Chance to 10%, using the following formula: (a*b=10)
We have a weapon that has a base value (a) of 5% Crit Chance. We'd like to remove our Crit Chance by making it 0, using the following formula: (a*b=0)
An additive multiplier "adds" something to a stat by "multiplying" it.
We have a weapon that has a base value (a) of 100% Crit Damage. We'd like to add an additional 20% Crit Damage, using the following formula: (a+(a*b)=120)
Stat Modifier Types
Constant Stat Modifiers
The stat modifier we've used in the previous step for our examples, a constant stat modifier, is the most commonly used type of stat modifier there is.
A basic stat modifier that adds Crit Damage.
Combined Stat Modifiers
Combined stat modifiers take one stat, and use one other stat to change it, combining the two stats to influence an object. A combined stat modifier requires a modifier type, just like a constant stat modifier, but also requires a reference object (e.g. Player, Weapon, Owner or Root) and an operation symbol.
A combine stat modifier that increases Crit Chance by 2% for each quality level.
Curve Stat Modifiers
Curve stat modifiers use a curveset file to adjust stats on an object. A curve stat modifier requires that you provide an id and a column, so that the game knows where to find the curve you want to use. The id is the curveset file's name without extension, and the column should refer to the curveSetEntry inside the curveset file.
First, a curveset is needed, that we will name crit_chance_curves with a column named quality_to_crit_chance The point will be matched with the reference stat (refStat) of the tweak.
This curveset should lead to a 2% Crit Chance at Tier 1 (Common) quality, up to 14% at Tier 5 (Legendary) quality.
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