Creating Security Areas

This guide covers the process of setting up security areas using Object Spawner


  • Security areas serve two main purposes:

    • Makes the minimap say "Safe/Restricted/Hostile"

    • As an area in which specific player actions alert connected hostiles, as well as providing connectivity between devices and community NPCs (Such that pinging one enemy / device pings all devices and NPCs)




  • You need to have a basic understanding of:

    • Working with WolvenKit

    • Using Object Spawner (Spawning things and importing into WolvenKit)

Spawning the nodes

  • In order to have a functional security area, you need two things:

    • A security system, linked to the security area

    • A security area, defining the area outline and type

  • Security system:

    • Spawn a base\gameplay\devices\security_systems\security_system.ent

    • Assign a unique NodeRef

  • Security area:

    • Spawn a base\gameplay\devices\security_systems\security_area\security_area_1.ent

    • Assign a unique NodeRef

    • Ensure that it has no rotation, so set roll, pitch and yaw to 0

Linking the devices

  • Next we need to link the security system to the area

  • To do this, we will go to the Device -> Device Connections header of the security system, add a new entry

  • Fill the device class name field (On the left), with the device class name of the security area

    • In our case this would be SecurityAreaControllerPS, which can also be found under the device header of the security area

  • Select the NodeRef of the security area on the right hand side of the entry

Creating the outline

  • Next we want to create the outline of the security area

  • In order to do this, setup a Dummy Area, using the guide for setting area outlines (Use a Dummy Area as area type)

  • Next, press the Copy outline to clipboard button, found in the Dummy Area

Setting the outline

  • Now, we want our security area device to use our previously defined (And copied to clipboard) area outline

  • Open the Entity Instance Data header of the security area

  • Locate the area component, and expand it

  • Right-click the outline header, and select Paste outline [Number of outline markers]

Setting area type

  • By default, the area will be Hostile

  • To change this, under the entity instance data header, locate:

    • controller -> persistentState -> securityAreaType

    • There you can select the type of area you want


  • You should now have:

    • A security system and security area, spawned as device

    • Both have unique NodeRefs

    • Security system has a device connection to the security area

    • Dummy outline, copy pasted the outline into the security area

  • Now simply export your group from Object Spawner, and import into WKit using the Object Spawner import feature

Last updated

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