The Wiki

How to contribute to the thing you're currently reading (please do)!


Published: Feb 11 2024 by manavortex Last documented update: Nov 10 2024 by manavortex

This page gives you some intel on how the wiki works and why you should start contributing.

To skip the pep talk, you can jump directly to How to edit or sign up here (github/Google account required)

Why you should edit the wiki

If you're already convinced, you can skip straight ahead to How to edit or Requesting reviews

Wikis are the most open source thing since the invention of democracy, because everyone can edit them (that includes you!). They gather and share knowledge, facilitating all kinds of beautiful change — like the library of Alexandria before it was DDOSed by fire.

In terms of our wiki, that means:

Unfortunately, most people don't edit the wiki.

Of course there are plenty of good reasons, so let's go over them one by one (open the box)

Reasons Not To Edit The Wiki

But I don't know how!

That's easy, just scroll down to How to edit and find out!

But I'll just ruin everything!

No, you won't. Every change you make has to be reviewed by one of our wiki admins before going live, so you really couldn't if you tried.

But my English is bad!

I promise you, nobody else will care about this as much as you do. Personally, I'm so happy about the guide/wiki page's existence that I love the author all the more for not letting grammar get in the way.

That being said, if you really feel uncomfortable publishing anything in "bad English", we can solve that! You can either add it to the title of your change request (e.g. "PLEASE FIX GRAMMAR my guide about stuff"), or run your text through ChatGPT (this is exactly what LLMs are for!)

But this is just speculation! I haven't verified it!

No problem at all, just pop an info box at the top of your wiki page or section:

This stuff is not verified! If you can confirm it (or find out how it really works), please update this page or get in touch with (you) via (however)!

... and then go ahead. Remember, wikis are collaborative! Once you've put a foundation, others can pitch in and improve.

But I have only half-understood this!

Imagine the following situation:

In a world without wikis, you want to edit the colour of a car. After a bracing journey, you make it to the Discord server, where you find the textures-and-materials channel and ask. Someone cheerfully tells you:

Cyberpunk doesn't use textured materials, so you'll have to edit a multilayered file. For that, you're gonna want MLSetupBuilder, it's linked all over the place, there's also a channel somewhere under tools, or was it a thread? I dunno!

<they ping the tool's creator, who is not responding — presumably AFK>

Ah, nvm. Just use the search function, you'll find people talking about this!

<you use the search function. There are thousands of hits.>

That is why even a shitty wiki page is better than none. At the very least, it's a point to collect information and links.

Besides, from personal experience — writing guides helps me to understand a process much better.

But I'm just me! Why can't someone competent write this?

There are two kinds of people: those who can write documentation and those who don't. A lot of people simply suck at explaining things (I'm sure you had at least one of those as a teacher), which rules them out for creating wiki guides.

That leaves a much smaller group, which again splits in two halves: those who hate writing documentation, and those who don't.

So you're looking for a competent person who is good at explaining things and doesn't hate making guides. That's not very many people, and most of them have other things to do besides writing wiki pages (making mods, developing tools, slaving away for a corporation to earn a living wage, you name it). Sure, if you wait long enough, someone will probably get around to it, but... chances are that it's someone just like you.

OK, I'm sold! I'll edit as soon as...

With all due respect, DO IT NOW!

Because "as soon as" never comes.

You'll be killed by a dropping anvil. Or you will be replaced by bodystealers from the dark side of the moon, who never intended to edit. Or while double-checking your facts, you'll notice another rabbit hole that you want to go down first. Or you'll forget about it. Or real life will get in the way.

Get that information out of your head and into a change request. If you never finish up on it, somebody else will — but at least your knowledge doesn't die with you.

Good luck, soldier!

How to edit

Before you can edit, you need to sign up to Gitbook (no way around it). It's integrated with github, so you can use that or your google log-in.

As of today (March 2024), I've never received a single spam mail from them.

Change requests

You can't edit without a change request (which is a snapshot of the wiki as-it-is that you can fuck around with to your heart's content).

Until you complete the steps under Requesting reviews and a wiki admin merges your changes, nothing of what you do will go live, so you can safely break everything.

Please name your change request immediately - it helps to keep track of what's what, and also makes it easier to delete obsolete change requests.

Your edits will be saved in your change request, so that you (or somebody else) can resume editing later. See

Creating a new change request

You can create one by clicking the Edit button in the upper right corner:

If you want to know more, you can check gitbook's official documentation for this, or read the TL;DR below:

Browsing existing change requests

In the top left of your

Clicking on "Change Requests" to the left opens a side bar panel where you can browse existing change requests:

Creating new change requests

Click the "Edit" button to create a new change request:

Uploading files

You can upload images by either pasting them, or drag-and-dropping them into the article. Please make sure to

Requesting reviews

When you're done editing, you can request a review. The button is on the topright where the Edit button used to be:

... and that's it. After requesting a review, you don't have to do anything — your MR either gets merged directly, or the reviewer may change some things around (usually scatter some links), or they'll get back on you to clear things up.

Editing guidelines

Please check the Editing guidelines page for a few basics on wiki editing!

Last updated

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