Creating Sector Variants

This guide explains how to add variants to your sectors, using Object Spawner


  • Sector variants allow you to assign different parts of a sector to a variant

  • You can then toggle those variants on / off, while the game is running

  • This can be used to e.g. offer different variations of a build, within a single mod download, and allow the user to toggle different parts / layers at will

  • Unlike the name "Variants" may suggest, you can have multiple ones active at the same time, allowing you to mix and match




  • You need to have a basic understanding of:

    • Working with WolvenKit

    • Using Object Spawner (Spawning things and importing into WolvenKit)

General Setup

  • Variants are something you should keep in mind during the building process, if you want to use them

  • You will be able to assign each group, which sits directly within in main group, to a variant

  • In the above example, you will be able to assign each of the three groups to a variant

    • All objects placed directly within the root group (The group that you saved and export), will be part of the default variant

Assigning variants

  • Once you have added your group(s) to the export, you can start assigning variants

  • Variant settings can be found under the same named header (One per group)

  • By default, each group will be assigned to the default variant, meaning they will be always active

  • Variant Node Ref:

    • This MUST be set to some unique NodeRef, in order for the variants to be controllable

  • Below you can assign a variant to each group

    • You can assign multiple groups to the same variant

    • Optionally change whether the variant should be active by default

Testing variants

  • In order to quickly toggle variants on and off, during development and testing, you can use the following commands in the CET-Console:

Game.GetWorldStateSystem():TogglePrefabVariant(CreateNodeRef("$/yourRefName"), "variantName", true) -- Toggle variant on
Game.GetWorldStateSystem():TogglePrefabVariant(CreateNodeRef("$/yourRefName"), "variantName", false) -- Toggle Variant off

User Configurable Variants

  • In order for mod users to quickly and conveniently toggle variants, one could e.g. hook up the above code to some UI

  • To make it easier, below there will be a ready to use Native Settings UI based menu, that allows toggling variants

  • In order to configure it, simply change the values at the top of the init.lua file:

    • settingsMainName/settingsSubName : Controls the names displayed for the category, in Native Settings UI

    • defaultMutuallyExclusiveVariants: Here you define string selectors for variants which should be mutually exclusive (Only one active at a time)

      • ref: This is the variant node ref

      • displayName: This is a more human-readable string, gets actually shown in the UI

      • currentIndex: This is the default state (Will override what is defined during export)

      • variants: This array contains the variants which should be mutually exclusive, with a display name

    • defaultAdditiveVariants: Here you define simple switches for variants which can be mixed and matched

      • ref: This is the variant node ref

      • variant: The name of the variant, as defined during export

      • displayName: This is a more human-readable string, gets actually shown in the UI

      • defaultState: The default state of the variant (Overrides what is set during export)

Last updated

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