Tab: Spawned
Explanation on the main editing tab, where you organize and modify your spawned objects
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Explanation on the main editing tab, where you organize and modify your spawned objects
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At the top (Underneat the search and add group options), you will find the toolbar:
From the left to right you have:
3-D Editor mode toggle
Save All button, saving all loaded root groups
Expand and collapse all, expanding / collapsing all groups
Hide / Show all, spawning / despawning everything
Undo and redo
Shortcut info
This is main part from which you organize your build
It is a tree type hierarchy, similar to the one in e.g. blender, with groups and objects
Hovering the I
icon gives you a list of all available shortcuts
These are very similar to the ones found in most file explorers
: Select
: Make a multi-selection
: Make a range-selection
: Select all
: Unselect all
To move elements:
Drag selected elements onto group element, to move into group
You can change whether or not an object or group is visible by either:
Use the little "Eye" icon on the right of a element
Press H
, to toggle visiblity of all selected element
Double Click
: Rename double clicked element
: Delete all selected
: Copy selected
: Paste selected
: Cut selected
: Duplicate selected
: Put all selected into a new group
: Save all root groups
: Drop selected too floor
: Set selected group as "Spawn New" target group
: Make selected a favorite / prefab
: Move all selected to root
A "root group" is just a group which is not inside another group, thus you can save it
If you want to save a sub-group, to make it reusable, make it a prefab
Additionally you can bring up a context menu for the current selection, by right-clicking
Use the controls under the "Transform" header to move and rotate your current selection
You can move single objects, but also groups and multi-selections
You can also copy transforms from one object to the other, using the transforms context menu
You can open it by right-clicking any of the transform controls
Enable precision mode by holding down shift while using the transform controls
When having multiple elements selected (Or a group), you can use the "Group Properties" header to control certain properties of all elements of a type
E.g. Visibility of all colliders inside the selection
Here you can give each object a NodeRef
A NodeRef is a unique identifier which can be used to reference one specific object (If you do not need it, just leave it empty)
As already mentioned in the Exporting to WolvenKit guide, there are multiple values controlling streaming ranges
The ranges found under the World Node header of each object control when that specifc object streams in / out
To make setting these easier, there is a "Auto-Set" button
As seen in the Group properties section, you can also auto-generate the values for all your builds objects at once
Having too large or too small primary/secondary range can lead to bugs
E.g. Too large range can cause performance issues and audio bugs Too small range for things like markers can lead to issues, if other objects depend on the marker being streamed in