Creating Area Nodes

This guide will describe the steps necessary to setup an area outline, and link it to an area node, using Object Spawner


  • Area nodes are used for a wide variety of things, for example:

    • Soundscapes (E.g. Muffling of outdoor sounds while indoor)

    • Locations (For location notifications)

    • Vehicle Forbidden (Prevents you from driving cars into the area)

    • Prevention (E.g. Removing wanted level)

    • Interior (E.g. For applying gameplay restrictions like no weapons)

    • Death areas

    • Quest Notifiers

    • And more...




  • You need to have a basic understanding of:

    • Working with WolvenKit

    • Using Object Spawner (Spawning things and importing into WolvenKit)

General setup

  • In order to have an area node that functions, you need:

    • An area node

    • An outline, defined as a group containing multiple outline markers

  • It is generally recommended to create a new group for each outline, which only contains the markers for that specific outline

  • Additionally, it is good practice to have one group containing all the outline groups

Creating outline

  • An outline consists of a group containing at least 3 Outline Markers

    • Ideally, the group contains only the markers and nothing else

    • The outline is only useable within the same root group

  • Select Area -> Outline Markerin Object Spawner, as the spawn category

  • Spawn the markers, one by one (Make sure you put them in the correct group, e.g. by selecting the group in the "Spawn New" tab)

  • The markers will connect in the order in which they are within the group

  • To insert a marker in the middle, simply duplicate the closest marker (CTRL-D)

Linking outline to area node

  • In order to make an area node use the outline, select the path of the outline group from the Outline Pathdropdown of the area node

    • Note that only groups containing at least 3 markers, and located within the same root group (In our case the common root group is Some Mod) are valid outlines

Finishing up

  • Now simply export your group from Object Spawner, and import into WKit using the Object Spawner import feature

Last updated

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