This page holds a list of community guides and resources all over the internet.
Last documented edit: Nov 27 2024 by
Please note that some guides and resources may be outdated and/or may not work as intended as at the time of their creation - since over time, Modding Tools and the game itself received several updates and changes.
Outdated guides should be marked as such. If they are not, feel free to get in touch or edit the wiki.
Having said so, you are free to check the links below and use what works best for you!
This page collects any guides about Cyberpunk modding that are not on the wiki. While we want to catch them all, we don't port guides without their writers' approval, because we appreciate the time and effort that went into creating them.
If you want to add a guide to this list, please remember to credit the original creator.
If you are a creator and would like to add your guide to the wiki, please sign up and edit! You are more than welcome here!
Please make sure to always read any Terms of Use and to credit the creators.
If you have any questions, seek the original creators first.
Google Document
Published 23 February 2021 - This document contains the first comprehensive introduction to CP2077 modding - by now, this is Outdated.
Youtube Videos
Part 1 - Focuses on What it is, what it does, how to use
Part 2 - Focuses on - How to edit scripts (Redscript comparison)
Part 3 - Focuses on - How to install/replace animations
Youtube Videos
Google Document
Google Document
by PinkyDude
Google Document
by PinkyDude
Resources on NexusMods
Resources on NexusMods
by ManaVortex
Guides & Resources on Personal Website
Youtube Videos
by 86maylin
Google Document
by Grayscale
Google Document
Google Document
Google Document
by Halkuonn
Youtube Video by 86maylin
Youtube Video by 86maylin
Youtube Video
Youtube Video
Google Document
The Community Palette Project
Resources on NexusMods & Personal Website
(a MLTemplate resource which adds - 730 color options to a wide variety of materials in the game, broadening the horizons when it comes to convenient and colorful MLsetup work.)
by Halkuonn
Resources on NexusMods
by NoraLee (a collection of custom microblends that can be used when recoloring objects and clothing using mlsetups.)
Google Document
by Тима (Teem)
(Uses 010 Editor - Outdated)
Resources on Personal Website
by xbaebsae
Resources on NexusMods
Resources on NexusMods
Google Document
by Halkuonn
Guides & Resources on Personal Website
by xbaebsae
Google Document / Resources on Nexus Mods
by Halvkyrie
Google Document (Uses 010 Editor)
Resources on NexusMods for modding projects
by NoraLee
by NoraLee
by NoraLee
by NoraLea
by JLee Modding
by NoraLee
Guides & Resources on Personal Website
by xbaebsae
Template by xbaebsae
(this template is mentioned in Transferring and Expanding Skeletons in Meshes, but the link on the guide directs to a discord server, which not everyone may have access to. Thus, the link here is a direct access to the file.)
JADE Cloth Physics:
Resources on NexusMods for modding projects
Guides & Resources on Personal Website
by xbaebsae
Google Document
by PinkyDude
Youtube Video
by Hineytroll
Resources on NexusMods
Youtube Video
Guides & Resources on Personal Website
by xbaebsae
Guides & Resources on Personal Website
by xbaebsae
Guides & Resources on Personal Website
by xbaebsae
Google Document
by PinkyDude
Google Document
by Halkuonn
Resources on NexusMods
by ManaVortex
Google Document
by Zwei
Google Document
by Deceptious & Zwei
Google Document
by Deceptious & Zwei
Guides & Resources on NexusMods
Guides & Resources on NexusMods
by NoraLee
Resources on NexusMods
by ManaVortex
Guides & Resources
by Wolv
Resources on NexusMods
by ManaVortex
Resources on NexusMods
by PinkyDude
(Advanced Guide - Outdated)
Google Document
(Beginner's Guide - Outdated)
Google Document
by 86maylin, edited by beaniebby
Youtube Video
by PinkyDude
Google Document
by beaniebby
Guide on Wiki-Redmodding
by Simarilius & dragonzkiller
Guide on Wiki-Redmodding
by Simarilius
Google Document
by PinkyDude
Google Document
by Halkuonn
Please see the corresponding sub-page for further information.
Guide on ko-fi
Guide on Tumblr
by fereldanwench
Google Document
by fereldanwench
Resources on NexusMods for modding projects
(Wolvenkit Tutorial)
Resources on NexusMods
Resources on Personal Website
by Bioskop
(Wiki in WIP)
Google Document
by supernova1672
Google Document
by Bioskop
Youtube Video
by Bioskop
Guides on Github by
Article on Nexus Mods
Google Document
Resources on Personal Website
by Roelani
Google Drive
Youtube playlist
by 86maylin
Google Drive & Youtube Videos by PinkyDude
Google Document
by Halvkyrie
(identifies the internal names of the hair colour swatches in character creator with picture references. This is outdated as of patch 1.6., due to the addition of 8 new hair profiles)
Google Document by trala#5476 -ordered by animated actor
by Meluminary
by PinkyDude
A subpage dedicated to custom NPCs
This page is dedicated to the process of creating custom NPCs via community guides and resources.
For the wiki version of this guide, see .
: How to swap out components in an .app file
The base head that's used for NPV can be found under
To export a head mesh with shape keys, you have to export the corresponding .morphtarget, e.g.
by by by by
(Check - , for further detailed information)
(Check , for further detailed information)
(010 Editor Version - Outdated)
(Check , for further detailed information)
(Beginner Tutorial)
Youtube Video by
using Wolvenkit
(Check , for further detailed information)
Google Document (Requires Photoshop or )
(Check & , for further detailed information)
(Check , , , for further detailed information)
[ and NoraLee]
Template by , created based on the Female Body template above, by xbaebsae.
(Check ,, for further detailed information)
(Check , , for further detailed information)
by , edited by beaniebby
(Check , , for further detailed information)
(Check , for further detailed information)
(Check , for further detailed information)
PSD and mesh/blends Resources list:
Patreon (Free) by
(Check ; ; , for further detailed information)
(Check , for further detailed information)
As these are not named in a human-readable way, you'll want to apply them via .
How to create an NPV (Google Docs) - resources on Google Drive - utility script for glb shapekeys on gist
Google Drive & Google Document
by NoraLee
(How to manually swap V over an NPC)
WolvenKit: Create an NPV Contains a section on facial animations
How to customize an NPV via Tweak XL
Guide on Personal Website
by xbaebsae
(How to add custom behaviour, equipment, and translation strings)
YouTube Video
by CyberVesna
Website: NoraLee's NPV picker
A (WIP) mapping between the character creator and appearance keys in the app/ent files
Resources on Personal Website
by NoraLee
Blender: Python script to apply shapekeys
Set up for use with NoraLee's glb files
(needs adjusting otherwise)
Resources on NexusMods
by xbaebsae