How materials work, and how you can configure them
Last documented update: Apr 20 2024 by
This page gives an explanation and overview about material properties. For more detailed explanation of a specific kind of material, please check the nested pages in the wiki's file tree, or check the "next" link at the bottom of the page.
If you want to see a list of materials grouped by class, check Cheat sheet: Materials
If you want to learn how material assignments work on the object, check 3d objects: .mesh files
If you want to understand reusable material templates, please check Re-using materials: .mi
The Modding Guides section has multiple guides on editing materials, e.g. Changing materials, colors and textures or AMM: Textured items and Cyberpunk Materials using Custom Props
The properties of a material (or a shader) are defined in its shader file. Those files have the extension .mt
or .remt
and are widely used and extended.
You should never replace a .mt
or .remt
— this will affect every single thing using the material.
If you want to change specific surfaces, look out for the right .mi
file and change that, or create one and start custompathing.
You can find a wiki page with an overview of shaders under Shader Docs, but it needs expanding. Maybe you'd like to contribute?
You can see a material's default properties by opening the .(re)mt
file in WolvenKit and inspecting the parameters array.
To find a shader template, use the (you can copy the query):
yourMaterialType > .remt|.mt
Any properties that you don't overwrite by adding them to your CMaterialInstance or .mi file will take the default properties specified in the file.
Here, you can also see what value a shader template will use if you don't give it any properties.
The interesting bit is on the right side of the arrow in the picture above, since it specifies the type of parameter:
A vector with X, Y, Z, W (coordinates and space). This is also used for colour values (Wolvenkit usually supports those).
A texture (.xbm) via DepotPath
A color (RGB/color picker)
a numeric value with decimals. Float has 7 decimals, Double has 15
a texarray via depotPath
A material's relative "z-index" is determined by the materialPriority
property in the shader. Here is how it works:
If a material inherits properties from base\materials\mesh_decal.mt
and has the enableMask checkbox enabled, it renders on top of materials without that option.
If EMP_front is enabled, that material renders on top of those with enableMask.
If both enableMask and EMP_front are enabled, the material covers everything.
If materials have identical settings, they start flickering when overlapping. However, this only seems to happen if one of them is opaque (possibly).
Whether or not a material can be transparent depends on the shader. Transparency can be switched on/off via the EnableMask
property, or clamped via AlphaThreshold
(see #shared-properties).
Whether or not a material emits light depends on the shader, e.g. metal_base.remt
supports this via the Emissive
texture property.
For a documentation of this, see Emissive Material Properties.
This section will list properties that are common to many materials and give a short explanation of what they do.
Not all materials use all of these properties.
The same parameters can be named differently across different shaders (e.g the base texture can be called BaseColor
, Diffuse
, or Albedo
Properties with texture paths can end in Texture, e.g. BaseColorTexture
instead of BaseColor
As this is a horrible mess, it is easiest to look up the properties in the shader if you're not certain.
LayerTile LayerScale
Material scaling (zoom on surface) > 1 zooms in, >1 zooms out
Roughness Rough
Whether a surface is rough or smooth. White: full, Black: none
Metalness Metallic
Whether a surface is metallic or not. White: full, Black: none
Normal GlobalNormal
BaseColor Diffuse Albedo
Clamps transparency. (TODO: how exactly?)
Should the material enable masking? (will use the diffuse texture's alpha channel)
A mask (transparency) texture (like a layer mask in Photoshop)
This section gives you an overview of shaders and their properties. For a detailed explanation, see .
We do not have official documentation from CDPR about how shaders are used by artists. Thus any 2d/3d artist is looking at hundreds of black-box shaders with unknown usage. This is extremely demotivating for anyone looking to bring new assets to life with REDengine. The following list of tables is an attempt to make life easier for artists by using the community to document commonly used shaders.
The name and path of each shader will be documented by the header.
Next we are using a table for each texture parameter with the exact name listed by CDPR in the w2mg file, how REDengine uses each specific RGBA channel, and the usable range of the channel if not 0-1/0-255.
When applicable, vertex color properties will be listed underneath the texture table with a similar format.
Scalar, vector, color, and other properties will follow with their own unique description table.
An asterisk (*) is used to notate some degree of uncertainty, or need for more independent testing.
The skin material is a versatile PBR (textured) shader.
You can learn more about the skin shader under -> .
The DetailNormal texture contains generic normal details that are shared between most faces. This is not a tiling/procedural texture. The DetailNormalInfluence scalar parameter can be used to lower the intensity to simulate makeup or synthetic skin.\
The MicroDetail texture contains a microblend tiling texture used to add procedural detail to the normal map. We believe the Roughness texture blue channel is used to mask parts of the face from exhibiting this detail, such as the lips, eyelids, and ears.
DiffuseColor multiplies against the texture color to add procedural color
There are many different other glass shaders. This is the most basic one, used for small objects:
AdTexture: TV screen will play looping animations that are actually sprites like a .gif. We believe this is for optimization purposes since videos are heavy.
TilesWidth, TilesHeight, and PixelsHeight combine will help the game define the dimension of your tile (sprite) on the sprite sheet.
You should calculate your sprite sheet dimension so it completely fits in a square sheet. For example, a simple dimension is 5x5 tiles with 300x300 pixel sprite. Such a dimension will produce animation with 25 frames of a square sprite.
More examples of such sprite sheets can be found in the path below
There are many screen shaders, this one is used for small TV screens.
If used cleverly with a properly done mesh, you can make use of this shader to put animation on your clothing or other items
Created: Jan 14 2024 by Last documented update: Jan 14 2024 by
This page documents glass shaders and their properties.
For an overview of glass shaders, see ->
For an explanation of material properties and further links, see
To turn on material transparency, the EnableMask
property must be set to True
Cyberpunk's glass material, such as base\materials\glass_onesided.mt
All glass materials can consider the vertex color attribute, which you can edit .
For a glass material without view distortion and warping, use base\vehicles\common\materials\glass_windshield_tinted_black.mi
There are a number of ways you can colorize your glass. GlassTint is the texture used to determine glass color. TintColor is procedural color. TintFromVertexPaint value determines how much vertex color affects the glass color. GlassTint seemingly has the highest priority, as in it will override other color parameters. Below is a test result from the process of making a glass wing.
RED4 shaders (mt)
Every visual asset in REDengine uses a specific shader, designated by REDengine as MT (.mt) files. Even meshes "without a shader" are in-fact using a debug shader such as debug_coloring.mt. Shaders are the most basic expression of a surface, ranging from glass, skin, concrete, and steel. Each shader contains a combination of constant hidden-variables, and exposed variables for artists to tweak. For example, all skin exhibits some similar properties such as subsurface scattering so there is no reason to expose this; artists cannot use the skin shader without subsurface scattering. However skin color can vary dramatically, so these parameters are exposed to the artists using textures or color parameters. Artists are able to create "instances" of shaders called , which contain localized variations of the textures and properties exposed by the base shader.
For an overview of the most common shaders and their use cases, see
Materials are a specific instance of a , to be used on a mesh or subset of meshes. Materials are contained inside mi (material instance) files or within mesh files themselves as a CMaterialInstance chunk. While internal material instance chunks can be handy to have inside the mesh, external mi files can be used for multiple meshes. It's important to remember that materials are simply instances of shaders. The variables contained within the material only take effect when those same variables are present inside the base shader. For example, if RoughnessTexture is not present within the base shader adding this property to a material instance will have absolutely no effect.
Meshes rarely use shaders directly, but instead rely on any number of (check the player's for an example, or check ->).
If the ends in .mi, you're looking at a daisy chain.
This approach lets you bundle . If you have 30 materials with 4 properties and 3 of them never change, then it's the perfect time for a .
Daisy-chaining those together lets you define and refine templates. For example, every human has skin, and all skin has veins and blood vessels — but the player, your average Maelstrom gangoon and bog-standard vanilla NPCs are not using the same textures. And that is before skin colours come in.
Think of them as photoshop layers, applied in reverse order: the first one that's loaded is the shader itself with its default properties, then each .mi in the chain gets applied on top of that.
Properties in the mesh will be applied last, and will thus overwrite anything from the chain.
The closer to the mesh, the more override!
Properties of emissive (glowing) materials: Let There Be Light
Created: Jan 14 2024 by Last documented update: Dec 30 2024 by
This page documents glass shaders and their properties.
For an overview of emissive shaders, see ->
For an explanation of material properties and further links, see
You can make engine\materials\metal_base.remt
glow by adding the correct parameters, or you can poke through the game files and search for emissive > .mi
to find Cyberpunk material templates to learn from.
For a list of such templates, check
Find a ready-to-use glowing .mi file .
You can find the shader under base/fx/shaders/device_diode.mt
The properties need to be documented at some point
There are several versions, located at base\materials\screen\
Screen fluff is the effect used on items with a digital/led decoration like pozer jackets, infovisors, and ocusets.
There are additional properties that haven't been documented yet.
Modifies the colour of the screen/glow.
Results appear to be the same regardless of which version of screen_fluff is used, but the colour of the ParalaxTexture
does matter. This can lead to unpredictable results if a coloured ParalaxTexture
is used. The blend mode (the method used to determine how the colours are combined) applied appears to be divide. Results will be more predictable if a black and white ParalaxTexture
is used.
Properties of textured (PBR) materials
Created: Jan 14 2024 by Last documented update: Feb 20 2024 by
This page documents textured (PBR) shaders and their properties.
For an overview of PBR shaders, see ->
For an explanation of material properties and further links, see
The most commonly used material for anything textured is engine\materials\metal_base.remt
. Despite its name, this material isn't necessarily metallic.
To use this material as emissive (light), check
You can change the colour of a texture on-the-fly by using the BaseColor
property (color picker blend file )
The material can be transparent by setting enableMask
to True
(and make sure its not overriden in the ). When set, the material will use the alpha
channel of the BaseColor.
To make your mesh load a texture, use the following CKeyValuePair
s in your material's "values" array:
The .xbm is a container around the texture. Export the xbm to png via WolvenKit.
If your texture has any brightness issues in-game, toggle around the isGamma flag during import.
The expected isGamma
settings are:
normals: false diffuse/albedo: true anything that is used in .inkatlas files: true
The most commonly used material for anything textured is engine\materials\metal_base.remt
. Despite its name, this material isn't necessarily metallic.
To turn the material into plastic, use the following CKeyValuePair
s in your material's "values" array:
Overview and introduction
This is the landing page for materials in Cyberpunk 2077. It contains a definition and a rough overview.
Check the section's sub pages in the wiki's navigation tree for more detailed information about the different kinds of materials. Additional material-related information can be found here:
Handy list of references:
Re-using materials as templates:
How it works in the example:
General information:
Properties and definition:
Preview images:
The shader is the thing that goes on top of the surface, rendering a material such as glass, skin, concrete, steel…
Without a shader, objects would be invisible in the game, the surface simply being transparent. In Cyberpunk, a default shader will be assigned in such cases (such as debug_coloring.mt).
In Cyberpunk 2077, REDEngine shaders are implemented as .mt
If you have ever messed with an item's materials, then you already have.
To use a shader, you create a Material Instance, where you can configure the parameters. Not every parameter of a shader can be configured: since skin always has subsurface scattering, it makes no sense to tweak this. But since skin color already varies dramatically if you don't throw exotic chrome into the mix, you can change them easily via tint.
The property baseMaterial
can point at a .mt
/ .remt
file directly, or to an intermediary .mi
Each part of a mesh (submesh) can have a different material assigned.
If you have modded other games, you're used to PBR materials with a bunch of textures like diffuse, normal, metalness etc.
Did you know? You can make Cyberpunk's default textured material glow.
This is specific to Cyberpunk, and it is incredibly cool. If you're used to textured materials, you're probably going to hate it at first, but it has incredible versatility and re-usability.
A decal material is applied to a decal (sub)mesh, which is located on the surface of another mesh like a sticker.
You can make materials display as wireframes of their geometry by changing the following property in their .mt.
Please do not overwrite original .mt files, as this will effect everything in the entire game. Always create your own local copy!
Properties of the multilayered material
Created: Jan 14 2024 by Last documented update: Jan 14 2024 by
This page documents multilayered shader properties.
For an overview of glass shaders, see ->
For an explanation of material properties and further links, see
If a layer with a greyscale mask is invisible, set MicroblendContrast in the .mlsetup
to 1!
For a full documentation, check the corresponding .
To set it up, use these keys for the "values" array of your material:
Created: Jan 14 2024 by Last documented update: Jan 14 2024 by
This page documents liquid shaders and their properties.
For an explanation of material properties and further links, see
Cyberpunk has its own liquid shader(s) such as base\materials\fillable_fluid_vertex.mt
. Projecting this material onto a submesh will turn the submesh into a transparent container filled with the liquid you specified. If you flip the container on its head, the fluid will drain to the bottom and fill it up again.
To control the offsets, you need to adjust the vectors FluidBoundingBoxMax and FluidBoundingBoxMin.
It shares various properties (such as IOR, FresnelBias, BlurRadius) with the .
Find a ready-to use (black) liquid .mi file .
What kinds of textures exist, and what do they do?
This page aims to give an overview on different kinds of textures and what the game is using them for.
If you just want to make textures and don't care for the theory, you can find the guides under
By default, all textures in Cyberpunk2077 are Y-flipped (upside down). WolvenKit will take care of that for you during import/export via the VFlip
If you just want to know how to import/export textures, see .
This texture is directly projected onto a mesh to give it colour and appearance. Used by shaders like metal_base.remt
In the game files, these files will be named <name>_d.xbm
(e.g. base\environment\decoration\food\packaged_food\textures\synthetic_snack_01_d.xbm
When importing a diffuse texture with a non-default file name, make sure to check the isGamma box in the import properties.
Also known as "bump map", this texture is used to give a mesh depth and surface details. Used by shaders like metal_base.remt
In the game files, these files will be named <name>_n.xbm
(e.g. base\environment\decoration\food\packaged_food\textures\synthetic_snack_01_n.xbm
Also known as "gloss map", this texture defines how light scatters across the surface of your 3d model. Used by shaders like metal_base.remt
In the game files, these files will be named <name>_r.xbm
(e.g. base\environment\decoration\food\packaged_food\textures\synthetic_snack_01_r.xbm
Also known as "metallic map", this texture defines which parts of the material behave like metal and which parts don't. Used by shaders like metal_base.remt
In the game files, these files will be named <name>_m.xbm
(e.g. base\envment\decoration\food\packaged_food\textures\synthetic_snack_01_m.xbm
In the game files, these files will be named atlas_<name>.xbm
(e.g. base\gameplay\gui\fullscreen\hacking_minigame\atlas_minigame_programs.xbm
a (.mlmask
) via depotPath
a (.mlsetup
) via depotPath
A hair profile () via depotPath
A material's . Yellow normal maps are called swizzled.
A material's base colour value. This is usually a colour, but it can also be a vector4. Wolvenkit usually supports this, but if you don't see a colour picker, please (and use the )
While it is possible to use the skin shader for things that are not skin, you should consider using instead.
To see different glass materials and their configurations, check -> .
It's recommended that you use free tools like to make .gif and convert it into a sprite sheet for AdTexture
Find a ready-to-use bottle glass .mi .
Find a ready-to use glass .mi file
Find a ready-to-use example of a turned-off screen .
Download the here
You can see the material in action on mana's mod, or download the .mi file from the
You can find a ready-to-download template .
In its original state, a is a collection of vertices (pixels). The space between those vertices is filled by faces, which form the 3d object's surface.
For details how materials are used on a mesh, see the , or learn how materials can be defined in a mesh via or loaded externally from
In the context of Cyberpunk, a material is the thing that lets the shader define the surface properties of a . Typically, you create a local instance, which will then pull in a shader via baseMaterial
Do you want to know more? ( =>)
For a hands-on guide and something to play around/experiment with, check .
See -> for a list.
To change a textured material, see ->
What is a multilayered material and how does work?
What are these , how do I use them?
Check out our guide on for further explanation and detail.
There are various kinds of emissive materials. See -> for a list.
For a guide how to make your own normal maps, see .
For an overview image, see .
For an overview image, see .
Used for in-game items and UI elements, these textures contain a collection of images. They are made available to the game via files.
Additive Normal
Additive Normal
MicroDetail mask (0.5-1)*
Additive Normal
Additive Normal
Additive Normal
Additive Normal
Additive Normal
Additive Normal
Ambient Occlusion*
Subsurface Scattering Mask
Improved Facial Lighting Mask
Controls MicroDetail normal intensity
Controls DetailNormal normal intensity
Opacity Mask
Procedural Color
Procedural Color
Overall Opacity
Opacity of back face
Control how much vertex color will tint the glass color. If set to max value, vertex color will completely replace TintColor.
How much front face reflect light
How much back face reflect light
Index of Refraction?
Color of light reflected from glass
Control how much normal map affects mesh
Control how much normal map affects reflected light
How many tiles are on the horizontal axis of the sprite sheet
How many tiles are on the vertical axis of the sprite sheet
Speed of which animation will play
How much screen scanline is visible
Height of sprite in pixel
Energy Voltage of light emission
Energy Voltage of light emission by Raytracing
Enable Raytraced Emission
If enabled, the animation will have a broken TV overlay effect
Opacity of Dirt Texture
Roughness of Dirt
UV Scale of Dirt Texture
UV Scale of Dirt Texture
float, 0.0 - 5.0
: Controls glass transparency. OpacityBackFace will only affect inside-facing normals.
FrontFacesReflectionPower / BackFacesReflectionPower
float, 0.0-10.0
: How strongly should the glass reflect?
Surface and refraction color as RGB (copy from e.g. mi_neokitsch_fridge_z_emissive.mi
Texture that your screen should display, e.g. base\materials\placeholder\black.xbm
white (220, 220, 220, 0)
colours the material
Index of refraction
the material's transparency will be determined by the mask texture
texture (black/white)
black parts of the mask will not be affected by this material
texture (black/white)
use base\materials\placeholder\white.xbm
for maximum roughness
texture (normal map)
0 - 1, controls glass opacity
will blur the things behind the glass
The image that will be displayed on the screen.
The brightness of the display.
Determines how a scrolling animation is applied to the ParalaxTexture
See below.
Hue. A degree from 0° to 360° in a colour wheel where 0° is red, 120° is green, and 240° is blue, represented as a decimal between 0 and 1. See examples below.
Saturation. A value between 0 and 1, with 1 being fully saturated and 0 being unsaturated.
Unknown. Doesn't seem to have an effect.
Unknown. Doesn't seem to have an effect.
0% (0/360)
16.66% (60/360)
50% (180/360)
optional: path to your normal map
optional: path to your roughness map
Colour as x/y/z values (color picker blend file here)
Material scaling (zoom on surface) > 1 zooms in, >1 zooms out
Materials for colouring splines (e.g. monowire)
Created: Oct 19 2024 by manavortex Last documented update: Oct 19 2024 by manavortex
Based on research by Aanderz and wizard bakery
This page documents monowire materials and their properties.
The monowire's wire is a spline
, not a regular mesh. It will appear invisible in 3d preview and behave in interesting ways if you put any different shader on it than the intended one. Please fuck around, find out, and then document your results!
Influences the color but is overridden by Temperature
Influences the brightness of the Monowire, but Temperature takes priority.
Influences the gray wire near the hand. Set to -1 to disable.
Influences the animation of the Monowire, but Temperature takes priority.
Noise scale and amount set how much the wire wobbles when used. Unstable wires, which wobble across the entire screen, are set to a scale of 1.5 and amount 50.
Influences the thickness of the Monowire.
Influences the brightness of the Monowire, but Temperature takes priority.
Influences the brightness of the Monowire, but Temperature takes priority
The key value. The higher the value, the brighter it gets, and it changes color in the following order as it increases: black → red → orange → yellow → white
float, 0.0 - 1.0
: Controls glass transparency.
A texture to tint your glass. (TBD: Does it work as a mask?)
Glass tint as RGB (copy from e.g. mi_neokitsch_fridge_z_emissive.mi
Index of refraction as float, 1.0-2.0:
The refraction properties of your material. (Water > glass > air)
Refraction Depth
float 0.0-10.0:
Control refraction depth here. You can turn your ray into a curve that way!
float, 0.0 - 2.0
: How much does the glass behave like a lens (that is, warp the picture behind it)?
float, 0.0 - 1.0
: Blur amount when looking through the glass
float, 0.0 - 1.0
: Transparency of vertex colour tint
liquid's color as RGB (copy from e.g. mi_neokitsch_fridge_z_emissive.mi
float, e.g.0.0
: Probably works in combination with the bounding box. You'll have to experiment.
FluidBoundingBoxMin FluidBoundingBoxMax
Vectors (X, Y, Z, W) controlling the maximum distance from the container's walls. Each value is a float (decimal) speficying the axis in question - you'll simply have to play around with them (you can ignore W). For a bottle material I've used Max: 0.03, 0.03, 0.155 Min: -0.03, -0.03, 0.09
Hair and skin shader
Published: Apr 05 2024 by manavortex Last documented edit: Apr 05 2024 by manavortex
This page gives an explanation of properties for the hair and skin shaders.
You can look up different hairstyles and -colours under Cheat Sheet: Hair
You can look up information about skin under Cheat Sheet: Body and Cheat Sheet: Head
Or you can learn more about Creating Custom Skins - Tattoos - Scars Textures
Or you can learn how to make a custom hair profile with the Wolvenkit Blender IO Suite
Texture - Paths to an identity map (.xbm
This is a greyscale texture where every masked hair strand has a single, unique greyscale value. gradientEntriesID
colour gradient in hair profile (.hp
) is mapped to this texture.
Texture - Paths to a root map (.xbm
). This is a greyscale texture with a vertical black to white gradient from root to tip. gradientEntriesRootToTip
colour gradient in hair profile (.hp
) is mapped to this texture.
Texture - Paths to an opacity mask texture (.xbm
). Black = fully transparent. White = fully opaque.
Scalar with a decimal value between 0 and 1.0. Determines how rough or smooth hair material look. 0 = least rough (high specular, shiny reflection characteristics). 1.0 = most rough (high diffuse, matte reflection characteristics). Hair will look unnatural if this is too low (shiny).
Scalar with a decimal value between 0 and 1.0 that is applied between min and max RoughnessScale
, which changes the suddenness of its onset.
Texture - Paths to an anisotropic rotation map (.xbm
). Anisotropy is a reflection characteristic of materials with fine grooves/ridges predominately following the same direction. The reflection will become blurred and stretched perpendicular to the direction of the grooves.
Scalar with a decimal value between 0 and 1.0. Anisotropic materials have unique reflection characteristics as a result of their grooved/ridged surface. The more anisotropic a material is, the more its reflection is influenced (stretched/blurred) by the direction of its grooves/ridges. 0 = fully isotropic. 1.0 = fully anisotropic. Hair should have high or full anisotropy.
Scalar with a decimal value between 0 and 1.0. Determines how much influence vertex colour has in the material. Vertex colour is a mesh attribute (colour, red channel). Cyberpunk hair meshes are vertex coloured red on the cap mesh and the innermost layer of hair clumps. They fade to black at the outermost layer of hair clumps. RGB 255, 0, 0 = max dull/dark. RGB 0, 0, 0 = max bright/glossy.
Scalar with a decimal value between 0 and 1.0. Effect is not well understood at this time. Related to some internal light scattering function in hair shader. It affects the colour and reflection characterics of hair materials. There is some interaction between this and advanced game options for hair rendering. Specifically AlphaShifts R, TT, TRT (light scattering modes), single scattering and multiple scattering. Default values can be overridden with CET console commands. e.g. GameOptions.SetFloat("Editor/Characters/Hair/AlphaShifts", "TRT", 0.375000
HairParameters - Paths to a hair profile or .hp
file. Hair profiles contain 2x arrays named gradientEntriesID
and gradientEntriesRootToTip
. Each array contains a set of colour values and gradient stop positions. They are mapped to the greyscale identity and root maps respectively, which are blended to form the hair material's base colour. Cheap method to create a large variety of editable hair colour variations without the need to use large, colour textures.
Texture - Paths to an albedo texture (.xbm
). This texture is used to determine the base colour of skin. Most skin albedo maps are pale/caucasian and tinted darker tones via TintColor.
Texture - Paths to a secondary albedo texture (.xbm
) with alpha transparency, which is blended with Albedo
. Intended for secondary colour details like freckles. Commonly used by texture frameworks to blend tattoos with Albedo
Texture - Paths to a primary global normal map (.xbm
Texture - Paths to a secondary global normal map (.xbm
). This is typically used for muscle/vein definition and is blended with primary normal.
Scalar - UV scale compensation factor for microdetail_n01.xbm
. See Fig. 1. Value is an integer between 0 and 100. A particular value is required for this detail normal map to tile seamlessly depending on the UV scale of the body part mesh. See Fig. 2.
Scalar - UV scale compensation factor for microdetail_n02.xbm
. See Fig. 1. Value is an integer between 0 and 100. A particular value is required for this detail normal map to tile seamlessly depending on the UV scale of the body part mesh. See Fig. 2.
Texture - Paths to a microdetail texture (.xbm
). See Fig. 1. This is a tileable detail normal map, typically used for pore structures. There are 3x by default (microdetail_n01.xbm
, microdetail_n02.xbm
and a 2:1 combination of the two textures called microdetail_n.xbm)
Scalar with a decimal value between 0 and 1.0. Determines normal strength of microdetail_n01
and microdetail_n02
. See Fig 1.
Color - RGB uint8 colour value multiplied with the per pixel colour of Albedo
and SecondaryAlbedo
texture. Used to make all of the skin tone options in character creator (ca_almond, ca_senna, bl_dark etc).
Texture - Path to a bloodflow (vein) texture (.xbm
path to emissive texture, e.g. engine\textures\editor\white.xbm
The texture works like an alpha mask.
float, e.g. 2.0
: emissive brightness. Brightness varies depending on your colour. Unless you want to actively blind people, you might want to stay below 4.
Glow colour as RGB (copy from e.g. mi_neokitsch_fridge_z_emissive.mi
path to your texture.xbm (Diffuse/Albedo)
path to your roughnessMap.xbm (if you have one)
path to your metalnessMap.xbm (if you have one)
path to your normalMap.xbm (if you have one)
path\to\mask.mlmask (white file)
Animated materials and their properties
For a list of effect materials, check Cheat sheet: Materials -> #fx-shaders
This shader glimmers
path to your texture.xbm (Diffuse/Albedo)
an RGB color value
path to your roughnessMap.xbm (if you have one)
path to your metalnessMap.xbm (if you have one)
Holo material (example .mi)
You can find a mesh-as-effect as component inside base\characters\cyberware\player\a0_003__mantisblade\appearances\a0_003_wa__mantisblades_edge.app
Documentation of properties, with screenshots if applicable
Sets a color from within the file. Hex codes corresponds to rows and columns in substance painter.
Depot path to the base material from which the surface inherits its properties (lightbreaking, subsurface scattering…).
Example values:
Scaling (tiling multiplier) of the material across the mesh. The higher the value, the smaller it is.
Clamps metalness input levels. This value corresponds to a (generated?) greyscale texture across the entire mesh.
Clamps metalness output levels. This value corresponds to a (generated?) greyscale texture across the entire mesh.
Applies or ignores the base mesh's normal map to this layer. This value can be greater than 1!
For logos: X-offset on the texture. Used for e.g. targeting a certain label.
For logos: Y-offset on the texture. Used for e.g. targeting a certain label.
Transparency of the layer, 0 means that it isn't displayed, 1 means that it's fully visible.
Determines the roughness of a material
You can only use microblends if this layer's mask is not fully white.
Depot path to the base microblend texture (xbm), a seamless pattern which will be projected on the surface. Think of an extra normal map that tiles across a layer.
A crossfade between the layer mask and the microblend mask (the black parts of the microblend texture). If you set this to >=1, then the layer will be blocked out where the microblend texture is black.
This requires the xbm's AlphaChannel (transparency) to be set up.
X-offset for the microblend texture.
Y-offset for the microblend texture
Troubleshooting guide for materials.
If you have , then something in the mesh got borked. Easiest way to fix:
Export your mesh
Re-name it to act as a backup
Replace it with something where transparency definitely works
Import over that mesh
Copy-paste the material setup from the original mesh
That happens when one of the depotPath
s can't be resolved. Double-check your values
— can help you with this.
It's possible that you have a texture ref inside an object that expects mlsetups or mlmasks, or vice versa. File validation can't test for this, so you'll have to do it by hand.
Make sure to have the correct kind of cKeyValuePair for your kind of material.
Test if it is the material, or if your mistake is somewhere else. Replace your material's basePath
with something that you'll definitely recognize, such as base\environment\decoration\containers\cases\coffin\textures\m_z_gold.mi
If the gold material shows up and your custom material doesn't, then you have an issue with the material.
Published: Jan 20 2024 by Last documented update: Mar 26 2024 by
This page will teach you how to get Cyberpunk materials into Blender (and how to bake them into textures).
If this is your first time in Blender, check out
Most Cyberpunk shaders are procedurally generated from and . As such, there aren't any textures that you can import.
So how is everyone doing it?
This is where the comes in:
On , Wolvenkit creates a .material.json
file containing the .mesh
file's in a machine-readable form.
When into Blender, the plugin reads this file and automatically generates a list of materials. After selecting a mesh, you can see all available options in the Materials tab:
To change the assigned material, complete the following steps:
Select a mesh in Object mode
Switch to Edit Mode (hotkey: Tab
Select all vertices (hotkey: A
In the list on the material tab, select the appearance that you want to display
Under the list, click "Apply"
Be sure to select "Material Preview" as the Viewport Shading Method (see the screenshot below)
Substance Designer 2077: How it works and why it's actually super
Published: Last documented edit: Oct 15 2024 by
This page describes Cyberpunk's multilayered supershader.
This wiki contains multiple guides about editing multilayered materials, such as:
For editing .mlmask files:
For editing .mlsetup files:
Everyone asks this question in the beginning, but you're only a single epiphany away from a change of mind. The multilayered shader can pack up to 20 layers of texture into a single file! Read on to find out how it works.
A significant portion of assets for Cyberpunk 2077 leverage the complex multilayered.mt supershader. The supershader has several different component files which are used to create masks to blend procedural textures without baking them. You can read more about this technique in by CDPR Technical Art Director Krzysztof Krzyścin.
While the multilayered supershader is very common, there are hundreds of other non Substance-style shaders, some with traditional baked PBR textures.
The multilayered shader is composed of three distinct parts:
MLMASK files are the core element of the substance-style integration. These files contain an array of up to 20 textures which are used to control the blending between pre-defined surfaces called mltemplates. These mask textures are more-or-less 1:1 with substance-style layer masks.
As shown above, each mesh using the multilayer shader uses a unique mlmask file that is hand authored by CDPR artists. To take effect in game, each mask file is linked by the mlsetup file.
MLSETUP files are fairly self-explanatory when considering the name, multilayer setup. These files correspond with an mlmask file and are responsible for setting up parameters for each layer from the mlmask. Each layer within an mlsetup contains information very similar to materials or shaders.
MLTEMPLATE files are the actual visible surfaces that appear on meshes using the multilayered.mt supershader. The multilayer templates include a wide variety of surfaces such as steel, iron, aluminum, plastic, nylon, linoleum, carpet, soil, grass, rubber, concreate, and everything else imaginable. Each template can use a unique color, normal, roughness, and metallic PBR texture. The mltemplate files are selected from within each layer definition of an mlsetup file. Meshes can blend up to 20 mltemplate surfaces into a single material by masking them with the mlmask.
See for a picture
Scalar with a decimal value between 0 and 1.0. Determines how wet/shiny or dry/matte skin material appears. 0 = least rough (most wet/shiny). 1.0 = most roughness (most dry/matte). See for a picture
path to your normalMap.xbm ()
Like , this determines the scaling of the microblend. The higher the value, the smaller it is.
Like for the microblend.
If the gold material also doesn't show up, then your problem lies somewhere else. Maybe the entire is hidden?
Please see the page.
For a list of shader properties in multilayered.mt, see
Layer Masks | Mask textures that control where each surface is visible
Layer Definitions | Controls procedural effects such as tiling or color for each layer
Layer Surfaces | Links PBR textures to create numerous pre-defined visual surfaces
For editing mlsetup files, you'll want to use the ()
To edit .mlsetup files, it's recommended that you use the software.
For a definition of the properties, see .
For a guide on how to edit one, check .
base\materials\multilayered_clear_coat.mt | Adds clearcoat effect
base\materials\vehicle_destr_blendshape.mt | Adds procedural vehicle damage
Normal R
Normal G
See mlmask
See mlsetup
Sets visual intensity of normal map texture
Sets the scale of the normal map in relation to the uv map (equivalent to tiling)
Sets number of mlmask layers to be used
The selection of materials and the available colours for each material in Cyberpunk 2077 is very limited and often underwhelming. The colours the game offers by default lack saturation and are usually either too light or too dark. The way of getting around this is layering different materials of different colours at varying opacity.
The Tools
MLSETUP Builder - setup instructions here, from here on out referred to as MLSB
Red Hot Tools - setup instructions here
Photoshop (or another image editor of your choice if you need to edit an .mlmask
Blender (if you want to create an .mlmask
from scratch)
For this to work properly, you need two layers inside the .mlmask
, each of which needs to cover the same part of your .mesh
you want to change. The lower layer needs to be pure white, the other one on top of that at 50% grey (rgb(50%,50%,50%)
). This way, the materials of each layer will blend into each other allowing much greater control over shade, brightness, saturation, and shininess.
If your blue denim lacks saturation, slap a second layer on top of it. Give that second layer the same material and colour and both will amplify each other.
The default .mlmask
found inside your .mesh
might already contain the layers described above. If not, you'll likely get away with editing the layers in Photoshop. To learn more about .mlmask
files go here and to learn how to create one yourself using Blender, go here.
For a specific example, we'll try to get yellow to look nice as I find yellow to be one of the more finicky colours to get to look "correct" within Cyberpunks shader. Here, I'm using velvet_clean_01_30
with rgb(77%,22%,8%)
as the base and latex_neon_01_30
with rgb(100%,100%,0%)
on top of it. By itself,velvet_clean_01_30
lacks saturation and its selection of yellows is very limited. latex_neon_01_30
on the other hand includes a pretty decent shade of yellow, but also lacks saturation—even though the name implies the opposite. I find that Cyberpunks shader often renders yellows to be more green than I'd expect them to be. Which is why I'm using an orange base layer.
This method of layering materials unfortunately drastically reduces the effect of the normals
of each material. normals
become "filled in" the more of them you stack. A workaround is to mis-appropriate a materials normals
as a microblend
for another material.
Copy the path of the .mltemplate
of a material whose texture you want to use from MLSB.
Paste the path into WolvenKits Asset Browser and hit Enter
to search.
Right click on the .mltemplate
and select "Open without adding to project".
Copy the DepotPath
of the normalTexture
and paste it into the µblends
field in MLSB.
In the µblends Parameters box, you can mess around with its size (Tiles
, higher number means smaller texture—it gets tiled more often across the same surface area), opacity (contrast
) and intensity (normals
, can be higher than 1
of µblends
can also be inverted by setting their intensity to a negative number. this will, for example, turn a relief from pointing outwards to pointing inwards. This is sometimes necessary when using the normals
from an mltemplate
as a µblend
, but creative choice takes precendence, of course.
Cyberpunk allows layers in your mlsetup
to exceed Opacity 1.0
. What this does is amplify your current layer. This is very useful for camouflage materials such as denim_camo_01_30
. This material looks faint and lacks saturation by default. This can be mitigated by setting the Opacity
to 3.0
. For denim_camo_01_30
I'd also recommend using olive green as the base colour for your camo layer in the mlsetup
↓ Grey base, opacity 3.0
↓ Grey base, opacity 1.0
This tutorial won't go into the technical details of how reflections and roughness work (mainly because I don't get it myself), but for more information, see here. Shininess is mainly controlled through the Rough Out value in MLSB. The dropdown contains a list of properties inherent to each material.
If you want your material to be matte, pick a value where the two numbers are roughly equal. For velvet_clean_01_30
this would be 0.502,0.498
. This might end up looking a bit flat though. An alternative with more depth would be 0.1569,0.8431
If you want your material to be very shiny, pick a value where the first number is low, and the second is zero.
Confusingly, the opposite might be true, as well. In the following example, 0.6667,0.3333
is shinier than 0.3333,0.6667
. It's quite illustrative of the interaction between the two numbers because they're the exact opposites.
Most of my mlsetups
bascially exclusively contain layers of velvet_clean_01_30
or a similar cloth material with different µblends
. Exceptions are latex_neon_01_30
for anything yellow as described above, and any metals. Although you can colourise those with an additional layer of velvet_clean_01_30
Once you've found material-colour-texture-shininess combinations you like, I'd recommend writing them down somehwere to be re-used across your mods. Good starting points for base materials are velvet_clean_01_30
, spandex_clean_01_30
, and nylon_metallic_01_30
. All of these are very versatile because they offer a broad range of colours and levels of shininess. The first two of those also work very well as materials to be used on the top layer. canvas_clean_01_30
and denim_clean_01_30
have lovely textures. For reference, this page contains previews for all materials available in Cyberpunks shader. There's also a downloadable .zip
in there which is useful to keep on hand when you're messing with materials.
If you create your own material combinations, expect a lot of trial and error and bring a lot of patience.
To quickly check how your changes look in-game, you can use Red Hot Tools.
Create an outfit using your item, save it with Equipment-EX and un-equip it
Enter Photo Mode, Alt + Tab
over to MLSB, and make some changes.
Export the .json
and import the .mlsetup
in WolvenKit. Click on "Hot Reload" in the toolbar.
Switch back to the game and, while still in Photo Mode, switch to your saved outfit.
Your changes should show up on your item. Switch back to no outfit again, make more changes in MLSB, export, import, Hot Reload, rinse and repeat.
Collect preview pictures for multilayered materials here
@jato on the Cyberpunk 2077 Modding Community Discord server has created 3D rendered previews as .jpeg
files of all the .mlsetups
in the game. Original post can be found here. The following list has been generated from these previews. A .zip
is also hosted on this Wiki.
More accurate previews rendered in-game (check below) can be created with the Material Preview AMM Prop.
ToDo: These need to be grouped (one picture per type), and then they need to be linked with nice headers. But I'd rather put them on here before they rot away on my disk for a few more months
What is UV mapping and how does it work?
Published: Jan 21 2024 by manavortex Last documented update: Jan 21 2024 by manavortex
This page contains the theory of how to connect meshes (3d objects) with textures (which are 2d after all)
For a hands-on guide to UV mapping, check Adding decals -> #step-5-uv-projection
For import/export help, check Textures: Importing, editing, exporting
This is the technical term for the process of mapping a flat texture on your three-dimensional object. The most hands-on example for this is Christmas chocolate:
Regardless of that, you can not eat it.
To look at an object's UV mapping, you'll have to fire up Blender (or a 3d editing software of your choice).
An object's UV maps are visible in the Data tab:
To look at an object's UV mapping, you'll have to fire up Blender (or a 3d editing software of your choice).
Open the UV editing perspective, select a mesh, and switch to Edit Mode. If you select vertices in the viewport
on the right, you can see their UV islands in the UV editor
on the left:
You change the mapping by editing those UV islands. For a more hands-on guide of this, refer to Adding decals -> #step-5-uv-projection
If you work with UV mappings, you should definitely check out MioUV. It automates a bunch of things that used to take the better part of an afternoon: