Welcome to Cyber Engine Tweaks official Wiki!
Cyber Engine Tweaks is a framework that allows modders to interact with the game's internal functions using Lua. It also provides a user-interface with a console and additional tools to assist developers.
For information on how to install Cyber Engine Tweaks, check out the link below.
Learn how to use each Cyber Engine Tweaks tabs.
Everything you need to know to create your own mod for Cyber Engine Tweaks.
If you wish to contribute to the main repo, try to follow the coding style in the code, otherwise not much to say, don't use code that is not yours unless the license is compatible with MIT.
TweakDB Editor
Game Log
First Steps
CET Functions
Game Functions
Snippets & Examples
Guide to installing the Cyber Engine Tweaks into the game
Make sure Cyberpunk 2077 is updated to the latest version
Make sure you run the game in Windowed Borderless
Ensure all apps overlays are disabled as the console may not open: Steam, Discord, GOG, Geforce Experience, Windows 10 Game Bar, Rivatuner, Fraps, Afterburner etc...
If using Windows, you should right click on the zip file, and check under Properties for a security notice saying "This file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect this computer" - if that security notice is present, click the checkbox to unblock the contents of the zip file.
You can now either
Unzip the download directly into your or
Unzip to anywhere on your desktop. After unzipping the file, you will see a bin folder.
Drag the bin folder to your
If installed properly, the Cyber Engine Tweaks files will be in the /bin/x64
folder. As follow:
(Optional) To check that everything works you can look at the logs in <cyberpunk install path>/bin/x64/plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks/cyber_engine_tweaks.log
(Optional) When installing through Nexus Vortex, make sure to use hardlink deployment.
Make sure you installed the latest
Download the latest file. (Do not download the source code)
When you first start the game, a window will appear prompting you to choose a keybind to bring up the . Pick any key and save it. It will open with that key from now on.
How to use the Cyber Engine Tweaks Overlay
The Cyber Engine Tweaks Overlay is the interface that is used to display and set various settings, and configure mods hotkeys.
Additionally, the most advanced mods will also display their own settings window in this overlay. It contains different tabs:
Upon the installation of CET, the overlay will appear automatically when you launch the game. You need to assign a hotkey to it before you can move on:
Press the Hotkey
button next to the Overlay Key
Press a key or a key combination on your keyboard after the button becomes BINDING...
to bind it.
Now the hotkey has been bound, you can press that key anytime to open/close the Overlay.
How to remove Cyber Engine Tweaks
Remove the following folders/files:
Removing Cyber Engine Tweaks will not undo any edits made to your character and your save files.
If you have added items to your inventory, you will not be able to remove them once you have removed this mod. Please ensure you have done so using the appropriate commands first.
Saves made with the patch should be completely fine without it, thought that might change once proper mods start coming out
Frequently asked questions about Cyber Engine Tweaks based mods.
"mod" or "mods" on this page refers to mods that are dependent on Cyber Engine Tweaks.
Cyber Engine Tweaks will be referred to as CET from now on.
Make sure that CET works fine without any mods installed.
Make sure the mod that you are installing is compatible with the latest CET.
You need to bind a hotkey in the Hotkeys tab of the CET overlay. Check how-to here.
The hotkeys only work when the CET overlay is closed.
You need to press the hotkey combination in the right order.
For example Ctrl + Shift + S
is different from Shift + Ctrl + S
You need to open the CET overlay to interact with anything using your mouse.
(question mark).You need to change the default font of CET in order for the characters to show properly. You can follow this guide here.
Click here for the ultimate guide.
You can find a very detailed step-by-step guide here for first-time users.
For a list of console commands for beginners, check out the Useful Commands page:
Checkout the Modding Introduction page for your first steps:
You can find additional guides on how to install mods in the users section of the Cyberpunk 2077 modding wiki, including:
Using Cyber Engine Tweaks on Linux
This is a basic guide to using the mod within Proton (aka Linux).
Please make sure your game works in proton first, before installing this mod.
While this isn't a required step, it's useful for performance.
Right click the game in Steam and select 'Properties'. Go to the 'Compatibility' tab and tick 'Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool'.
In the dropdown, select 'Proton Experimental'.
Please note - this method requires the use of Steam. For other options, see below.
First, follow the steps to install the mod. These are in the wiki.
Run protontricks 1091500 --gui
, you may get an error saying "You are using a 64 bit WINEPREFIX", you can ignore this. Press 'Ok' when this error appears.
Choose the option 'Select the default wineprefix', then 'Run winecfg'. In the window that opens, select the 'Libraries' tab. In the dropdown on 'New override for library', select version
. Click Add
, then Apply
and Ok
You can now exit out of Protontricks and start your game. Check to see if the log exists after you run the game. If it's there, you've successfully installed the mod.
If you have issues with the mod still not working or the game just crashing, you can try this: re-open Protontricks like you did before, choose the option 'Select the default wineprefix', then 'Install a Windows DLL or component'. Tick vcrun2022
and press Ok. If a window pops up, then go through the steps to install that runtime (just click next really), otherwise just wait until the Protontricks screen comes back. Now exit out of Protontricks and try launching the game. DON'T do this without first checking if the mod works without this step, since installing vcrun2022
has been observed breaking game installs before, preventing the game from ever launching again and requiring a re-install.
NOTES: You will also need to install d3dcompiler_47
with winetricks to get it to work now, contribution on how to do this would be much appreciated!
If vcrun2019
breaks your install, it's been reported it can be fixed without reinstalling by deleting the contents of/steamapps/compatdata/1091500
Please note, this method still requires the use of Steam. You must install Cyberpunk 2077 and then add it to your Steam library by following the official instructions.
Search for the game APPID with: $ protontricks -s name_of_the_game_on_your_steam_lib
$ protontricks -s Cyberpunk 2077
copy the APPID from the terminal then run:
$ protontricks "APPID" --gui
From now on, you can follow the Setting up the mod with ProtonTricks instructions.
For users running on the GOG version of the game, via launcher like Lutris, Minigalaxy or GameHub, those running from the direct GOG Galaxy Windows application through Wine, or those directly using the Game libraries, Protontricks won´t be helpful in your case, as Protontricks will notice that you don´t have the game on Steam.
Instead, use Winetricks in which Protontricks is derivated from. Please note that you may need to install Winetricks first, either through the official website or through your distribution's app store.
Lutris users may perform the following steps to activate the mod:
Authenticate with GOG Galaxy by clicking on the small profile icon to the right of the GOG entry. You will then be presented with a list of your owned games. Select Cyberpunk and install it - this will install the base version of the game with no other options selected. You may right click on the game icon after installation and choose the option to install the Phantom Liberty DLC if desired. Once installation is complete, select Cyberpunk 2077 and click on the Winetricks 'wine flute' icon along the bottom of the Lutris window. In the expanded menu, select 'Winetricks'.
Choose the option 'Select the default wineprefix', then 'Run winecfg'. In the window that opens, select the 'Libraries' tab. In the dropdown on 'New override for library', select version
. Click Add
, then Apply
and Ok
Alternatively, you may run Winetricks in itself if you use your default prefix, or from your custom prefix via: WINEPREFIX=<Location of your WinePrefix directory> winetricks --gui
via the terminal.
From now on, you can follow the Setting up the mod with ProtonTricks instructions. If you want to verify in Winetricks has correctly taken in account your custom Wine directory, click on Browse files
to see if it brings you to the designated folder.
How to use Cyber Engine Tweaks Settings
The Settings tab is where you change the Overlay open/close hotkey, and toggle the tweaks to Cyberpunk2077's game engine.
Note: The "Skip Start Menu", "Suppress Intro Movies", and "Fix MiniMap Flicker" mods shown in this image have been deprecated. See the following comment for more information: https://discord.com/channels/717692382849663036/795037292955172895/1332405506769158236
See the following section for more information about the configuration file generated using this UI.
An overview of how to use CET to create custom mods
In the early days of Cyberpunk 2077 modding, we noticed a lack of discipline and proper use of the SDK provided by CET. So we strongly recommend you read the documentation and understand what is expected of you and your mods.
Before you start, it is highly recommended to check out the Modding Resources page
If you are using VSCode, make sure to also pick up the CET VSCode extension
Next, it is recommended to read through the Scripts and Mod Structure page, which gives an overview on how to create a mod / run a single script. It also covers the basic elements of a mod
After that, you might want to check out the Scripting API page, which explains how you interact with the games systems and code.
Once you've made yourself familiar with how a general mod is structured and how to interact with the game, you might want to read up on the different functions offered by CET itself, such as Events, Keybinds, Overrides and more.
Check out the Examples section for a collection of small example mods and useful code snippets
How to modify the TweakDB via CET
This page documents CET's in-game Tweak Editor.
For an introduction on TweakDB modding with CET, check the Simple Gameplay Mod guide
For further information, refer to the TweakDB section on this wiki
After opening CET with the key that you bound during the installation, you can find it in the "TweakDB Editor" tab. Here you can browse and update the TweakDatabase in real time.
Note that changes you made in the editor do not persist across game restarts.
Explaining how to create and run a custom mod
Cyber Engine Tweaks will be looking for mods inside its/mods/
folder, with each mod having it's own subfolder.
Create a new folder in the <
folder to get started, e.g. my_mod
(snake case recommended)
fileCET will be looking for an init.lua
file inside your mod folder. This is the entry point of your mod, and gets executed when the game is launched.
Each mod only has read / write access to its own subfolder, so any extra files need to be placed in the same folder or a subfolder.
The init.lua
file is the only file that gets automatically loaded, thus should contain all your initialization code.
Additionally read up on the CET Functions, for information on how to create custom keybinds, Observer and Override game functions, spawn objects and more
How to use Cyber Engine Tweaks Bindings
The Hotkeys tab is where you manage all the hotkeys of the mods you installed.
CET does not allow mods to define default hotkeys. Thus, every time you install a new mod, you need to bind a hotkey for it, if it requires one.
Binding hotkeys for a mod is the same as how you bind the hotkey for the CET Overlay.
You can unbind a hotkey by pressing the UNBIND
button behind it.
To save the changes, press the Save
Undefined hotkeys appear in red text. Unsaved changes appear in yellow text.
If Cyber Engine Tweaks isn't working, here's what you can do
Go to your, since all paths given in this guide will be relative to that folder.
CET is installed to bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks
The log file is bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\cyber_engine_tweaks.log
Your keybind is stored in bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\bindings.json
Each version of CET is compatible with exactly one game version. Nobody keeps track of those other than "the most recent ones work together".
For that reason, the Redmodding Discord can only support you the most recent version.
If there's a mismatch, then you can find a warning in the following file:
If you don't have that file, proceed to Step 2.
It should have at least the following files:
If everything looks okay in step 1, check if you have a file cyber_engine_tweaks.log
inside the cyber_engine_tweaks
folder from the previous screenshot.
No log file means that CET isn't starting up.
If you did that and it didn't help, check your antivirus. Most likely, it is protecting you from scary things like Cyber Engine Tweaks. Disable it.
Uninstalling (the full game or just the mod via Vortex) can leave files behind, which will fuck things up for you after a reinstall. This section tells you how to avoid that.
If you are using Vortex, turn it off (it will get angry otherwise)
rename bin/x6/plugins
to plugins_
delete the file bin/x6/plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks.asi
move the folder bin/x6/plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks
out of plugins
e.g. your Desktop). Do not delete it yet.
Extract the downloaded archive to your (the bin folder will merge with the one that is already there)
Start the game: CET should now ask you to bind a key. If it doesn't:
Optional: Restore your mods and/or settings Now that CET works, find the old directory from step 2. Move the following files/folders:
Mods: the directory mods
from the old cyber_engine_tweaks
Settings: The .json files directly inside cyber_engine_tweaks
Optional: delete the old folder (or leave it, it's your diskspace)
That's it! You're good to go!
Find the file \bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\bindings.json
and delete it.
Start the game.
You should now see a popup asking you to bind a key. Otherwise, read on.
Click into the "Binding..." field.
If that doesn't help, make sure to turn off all your overlays (Discord, Steam, Microsoft Game Bar, Random Useless Bloatware) or start Cyberpunk in the Windowed Borderless mode.
This is a known issue with AMD cards, and it's not something the CET developers can fix. Everyone who could fix it is informed, but such things take time. If you're on an AMD card, you can try running your game in Windowed Borderless mode. Otherwise, you just have to live with the crashes.
Please ensure the following:
If you have modified your game's .exe file yourself, the mod will not work - to undo this, delete the file and verify your game through GOG, Steam or Epic to download a fresh copy of the newest exe.
Update your game. You are using a patch that is not supported. Only current versions are supported. (current version is 1.6)
You used the old version of the mod and still have the old files installed. Delete bin/x64/plugins/ and reinstall the mod.
Do a repair on your installation with no other mod files installed (redscript, cet, et cetera) then install CET as you normally would and check the log file. If it still isn't working, uninstall cyberpunk 2077 and do a complete wipe of the install folder.
Cyber Engine Tweaks no longer comes with a config file, one is generated when you first launch the mod.
When first launching cyber engine tweaks, it will prompt you to pick a keybind. Tilde is no longer the default. Keyboard input is blocked until a keybind is chosen. If you do not see the pop up, look below for further troubleshooting steps.
Certain programs conflict with the hook that Cyber Engine Tweaks use to display the console - to avoid this, disable any software with overlays that may impact the mod (some examples below). This includes crashing the game or not launching at all. OBS graphics-hook32.dll and graphics-hook64.dll can also interfere. Do a search of your windows files to see if you have a program running them. For rivatuner, you can also open the Global file with notepad++, which is located in RivaTuner Statistics Server\ProfileTemplates and add cyber_engine_tweaks.asi to the end of the decimal in the line: InjectionDelayTriggers
Open Windows Security
Go to Apps & Browser control on the left tabs
Click Exploit protection settings Under the Exploit Protection section
In the Systems Settings tab locate Randomize memory allocations (Button-up ASLR) and High-entropy ASLR and change their settings to Use default (On).
Restart your computer.
Credit to discord user @rachmanov1c @OrBy
Please verify that:
Your version of Cyberpunk is compatible with the newest release on GitHub or Nexus (this can be seen in the menu, underneath "Quit Game")
You have verified that the log found in bin/x64/plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks/cyber_engine_tweaks.log
is 'last modified' at the same time and date as your most recent attempt to launch the game
Remove all previous mods in the mods folder and try to launch the game. If it works, add your mods back one by one until you find the one that breaks CET. Some mods can break CET completely or change the overlay colour if they are not up to date.
There are six possible solutions to this:
Make sure your game is up to date and you are using the latest version of Cyber Engine Tweaks and that you installed it properly. (do a clean install by deleting the plugins folder, LICENSE, global.ini, version.dll files if you are running into a problem)
Run the game as administrator. (this works for some people where other methods have failed)
Check to make sure your antivirus software is not removing or blocking cyber engine tweaks.
Do a complete reinstall of cyberpunk 2077.
Delete the bindings.json file located inbin/x64/plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks/
and start your game, the overlay will to choose a new keybind should come up. If it doesn't, check the known list of programs that can interfere.
If you see in your log that your game is freezing on CRender and you have problem like this you should try steps provided below.
Your configuration file
Your Cyber Engine Tweaks version and your Cyberpunk 2077 version
Your log file
Your OS version
A description of your issue
Explaining how to create and run a custom mod
Codes good practices, pitfalls and tips
You're probably used to coding like this:
In LUA, you can skim a few processing cycles by using the early return style:
You can gain a significant amount of performance this way, especially when doing this in a loop.
LUA throws an exception if it encounters nil
in unexpected places. The corresponding error will look like this:
Open the corresponding file, find the correct line, and check what is being accessed there. It will look like variable.property
, or perhaps something will be concatenated to a string ("something something text" .. variable
You can assign a default value to the property in question:
While that won't solve any other problems, it will at least make the error go away.
Who doesn't know the problem? You want to know if your string is A, B, or C, but not D — and LUA doesn't have a switch statement.
Fortunately, there is a built-in and performant way to
Lua internalizes strings. That means these two strings will share a single representation in memory:
The comparison between those two strings will be almost-instant.
Every single pass of the loop will create a memory representation of "This is the same object!" and then discard it again.
If at all possible, define things outside the scope of loops!
Lua's regex implementation is very limited. There is a limitation for pipes. For example, the following example will actually iterate twice after creating internal string representations:
It is faster to just do this:
On top of that, string.match
will return the entire string if no match is found:
The alternative:
Avoid regex
prefer String.find()
over String.match()
Don't do this (30% less performant):
Do this instead:
Description of all the configuration variables available
For adjustments to fonts and other stuffs not available in the CET overlay, manual editing may be considered.
The config file can be found in: /config.json
The config file is structured with two JSON layers, we use the format <first level>.<second level>
to represent the key.
Consider the example JSON snippet below, the key for the base size of the font is noted as font.base_size
, which carries a value of 16.0
These are the 0old Cyber Engine Tweaks config file patches for reference.
A guide on how to change the font and font size for Cyber Engine Tweaks and mods based on Cyber Engine Tweaks. And how to display non-English characters.
A collection of commonly requested commands. How do I...
The commands are case-sensitive!
Open the Console
tab to run Lua scripts or engine functions. To find out what you can do here, keep reading.
To find all the codes you can enter, check
For the most common commands, see below.
All vehicle commands are documented on the VehicleSystem page linked below.
You can print V's current coordinates to the CET console with the following command:
At this time there is no way of triggering or "fixing" stuck quests with the console.
This gets rid of the character always wearing underwear in the world. Courtesy of Alacrity#5065 on Discord.
Backups & Game Updates
Before performing these steps it is recommended that you make a backup copy of the basegame_4_gamedata.archive
If the game requires an update, you should restore this original file before updating otherwise the game will download the file from scratch (9GB). After updating, follow the steps below again.
Disclaimer: Modifying game files in this manner is experimental at best and may result in things being broken elsewhere. Perform these actions at your own risk, or alternatively, find a mod for this behavior on Nexus Mods.
Open archive/basegame_4_gamedata.archive
in your favorite HexEditor.
Do a Find & Replace All for underwear
and replace with underw_ar
Save archive file.
Enjoy not being a never-nude.
A for first-time users
For a step-by-step guide on installing the basic dependencies to make Cyberpunk run under Linux, see .
To learn what the TweakDB is, read the page on
The console uses script language, you may want to look up how to use it before proceeding. There are some guides here to get you started:
This page will tell you how the CET mod folder structure works. To download a ready-to-go example project, check the wiki's .
Start by printing simple info into the using the function. Then register a listener on the event, and print something else.
Launch the game, and open the . You should see your printed text.
Learn more about . It is an important concept to assimilate for your future mod.
For communication between mods, use the function.
Tips: Press the "Reload All Mods" button on the after making changes to your mod files to see the effect in live.
To now actually create a complex mod, you'll want to interact with the game's system, modify and create instances of game classes and modify the game's code. For that, head to the section
If you are on Linux/SteamDeck, make sure to follow to install the right .dll overrides before reading on.
You need VisualC >= 14.40.33810.0 . Download it from the official Microsoft website ()
If your game is pirated, .
If you're experiencing performance issues, check
If you are experiencing crashes caused by CET, try running Cyberpunk in
If you can't open your overlay, check
If your CET just stopped working (without a game update) or if you've been sent here to do a clean install, see below how to
For any other issues, read .
Before trying anything else, please make sure that your Windows and your graphics driver are up-to-date – this actually helps in around 50% of all cases. If you need instructions, you can find them in the red box under the general troubleshooting guide's section.
Go to your and check the following subfolder:
If you do not have these folders, then CET isn't installed correctly. Head to and start with step 3.
The easiest fix is to .
If that didn't help either, update everything - Windows, your drivers, etc. You can find links and instructions in the red box on the .
If you do have it, you can open it and try to make sense of the error message. You can find more information on that , or find help in the #cet-suppport channel on our .
Complete either of the following steps inside your :
Download the most recent CET from
(double-check if you're sure)
Head to the and follow the steps in the red box at the top
If you do not see the popup at all, or do a .
If you're experiencing performance issues with CET, first make sure to as per the instructions to rule out side effects from old files.
If that doesn't make the problems go away, make sure to update Windows and your graphics driver as per the red box under Troubleshooting's section.
If that doesn't help, you can find us in #cet-support
on the . Please note that people there will first suggest everything else from this guide, so you might as well get it out of the way first.
Make sure to update Windows and your graphics driver as per the red box under Troubleshooting's section, as this is the only chance you have of getting rid of your crashes.
Install - if nothing happens, please make sure all of your overlays and monitoring programs are disabled. There is a list of known programs that cause issues below. If you find one not on the list, contact Arsenic_Touch via the discord.
You have the most recent version of the mod from or
The has been followed correctly
Make sure cyber engine tweaks and your mods are installed with hardlink If hardlink doesn't show up under vortex, make sure the Vortex Mods folder is on the same partition as the game mods folder. This explains it .
Make sure you're using the most up to date vortex plugin for cyberpunk 2077. Check the channel on the discord for the latest information.
Ensure your game is in - Cyberpunk will usually make itself the topmost application on your screen if in fullscreen.
Ensure you don't have any or monitoring software running such as Rivatuner, Fraps, etc.
1. If you are using mod manager disable CET temporarily, if you are not using mod manager then follow guide. 2. Launch the game without CET and disable FSR/DLSS 3. Install/Enable Cyber Engine Tweaks and launch the game, the problem should be gone.
Please ensure you attempt deleting and reinstalling the mod before submitting an issue! Alternatively, . Additionally, please check to ensure your issue has not already been reported!
If you cannot find your problem listed, with the following:
String concatenation and comparison can be the difference between a brief stutter and a complete freeze or even crash to desktop. This is not a joke — see for more detail.
This becomes a problem when comparing strings in a loop (see ):
For a performance analysis of different kinds of string concatenation, check .
The config file is generated automatically and manual edits are not recommended. To modify configurations, use the in the CET overlay.
After installing CET, you can open the console overlay with the .
If you have any problems getting to this stage, please check the page.
Many console commands have changed with 2.0. If something you try doesn't work, check the most up-to-date list under .
(source: #cet-support on )
If you want to find a specific item, look for how to find the hash code for the .
You will need to know the coordinates of where you want to go in the game world, some popular . Replace X, Y, and Z with your coordinates. Coordinates can also be found in the nodeData
of .streamingsector
Clear Output
Clear the output log displayed in the console.
Will automatically scroll to the bottom when there is a new output log.
Reload All Mods
Reload all installed mods.
C:\GOG Games\Cyberpunk 2077\
Path from the guide
Folder you go to
C:\GOG Games\Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks
If true
, CET will dump all options and their default values in the log file.
CET stores a history of console commands, allowing users to easily access previous commands by pressing the up arrow key. This setting determines the number of commands that CET retains in its history.
When true
, CET saves your console command history on your disk, so you can access it in future. When false
, the history is only kept in memory while the game is running and disappears once you exit the game.
Set the font size of the overlay and mods.
Check here for details.
Check here for details.
Setting this to true will disable antialiasing (TAA), which can increase performance on older hardware but looks horrible.
Setting this to true will disable async compute, which can increase performance on older hardware.
Remove the teleport caused by going beyond the boundary in the game.
Disable the vignette effect while crouching.
Disable V-sync for Windows7
Setting this to true will disable antialiasing (TAA), which can increase performance on older hardware but looks horrible.
Setting this to true will disable async compute, which can increase performance on older hardware.
Remove the teleport caused by going beyond the boundary in the game.
Disable the first movies that play at each launch.
Disable the vignette effect while crouching.
Disable V-sync for Windows7
Will dump all options and their default values in the log file.
Unlocks the debug menu, use at your own risk!
Check here for details.
Check here for details.
Set the font size of the overlay and mods.
Key to open the console.
Removes most of the pedestrians and traffic from the game. Be careful using this, a save made with this activated will NEVER have pedestrians/traffic anymore!
Skips the menu asking you to press the space bar to continue (Breaching...)
Disable the first movies that play at each launch.
Skips the menu asking you to press the space bar to continue (Breaching...)
f you're experiencing flicker with the minimap in the top-right corner of the game, set true
. Only change this setting if you are indeed noticing the flicker issue.
Explaining how to create and run a custom mod
This page is still heavily WIP! Perhaps you'd like to work on it?
To browse the API, do yourself a favour and use NativeDB
What is this, what can you do with it, how does it work, redscript note
Helpers make it easy, some listed below
Where can we use it, difference to redscript thing
What is it in reds, dont store it etc.
What names to use
.new, as constructor
When to use, how to use
When to use, how to use, use on member functions
How to use, nativeDB link, enumInt
Function to add CNames, string to cname
Note on how powerful it is etc, link to seperate doc
Blackboard is a kind of shared data storage and a framework to access/notify/listen to the data in the storage. Similar to a real blackboard, game objects put their data on the board that then other objects can observe, react to or update the data. E.g. various game state values.
They require a handle (more on that later). Assuming you have a player
Handles are a way to pass an object to the function. For example IsNaked
makes no sense without telling the engine for which object we want to know this information.
These handles are static, there is only one in the game, for example the gameTimeSystem
is a singleton so there is no need to tell the script engine which one you want. That being said you need a singleton handle so it knows you want to call a function on that system.
These handles are not unique, for example, the game contains multiple NPCs so there are as many handles as NPCs. Currently as far as I know we can only get the handle of the player
by calling the global function Game.GetPlayer()
They do not need a handle and are all located in the Game
object. Sample:
A collection of helpful links and resources
Decompiled game scripts: These are the game's scripts decompiled to redscript. Extremely useful for understanding how functions work under the hood, game systems and classes interact with each other and what classes and functions are available. For more information on how to transpile redscript code to .lua code, read up on the Scripting API. Works best if downloaded and opened in some IDE like VSCode that lets you search across all files at once.
cp2077-cet-kit: psiberx's github repository with helper functions and scripts
NativeDB: This is a database containing all the classes and their functions, their relation to each other, their functions, attributes and all the Enum's. Very useful for quickly looking up what functions a class offers and what parameters it takes. Also helpful for understanding which classes inherit from which. Nativedb has more types than decompiled scripts.
CET translation helper: A utility that helps you translating your CET mods, by lgomes_gvizstudio on github
CET Kit: A collection of utility scripts, for tracking game states (In Game etc.), setting up timers and timed actions, storing data per game save and more.
Official CET Examples: A collection of small example mods, such as controlling NPC AI, working with map pins, reading player inputs and more.
Cyberpunk 2077 Explorer: Visual overview of the game's classes and structure. Very helpful for understanding the higher level structure.
Cyberpunk 2077 Modding Community: Discord server with multiple CET related channels, lots of more resources and snippets (Discord search is your best friend)
Simple Gameplay Mod Tutorial: An extensive tutorial covering how to work with the TweakDB, create a CET mod, override and observe functions and use redscript.
LUA code playground: An online sandbox to familiarize yourself with LUA and test some code without having to launch Cyberpunk with CET. Note that any CET/Game functions won't work in it.
A guide on how to change the font and font size for Cyber Engine Tweaks and mods based on Cyber Engine Tweaks. And how to display non-English characters.
Use a text editor to open the config file at /config.json
to adjust the settings.
In this page, we use this example JSON snippet to guide you through adjusting the settings:
Locate this line under the "font"
curly brace:
Add the path of the font you want to change to between the double-quotes. For example, if you want to change the font to Comic Sans, just change this line into:
Note: You should use slash (/
) instead of backslash (\
) for the path.
Some mods may have implemented multilingual support. But the non-English characters will display as a question mark "?". This is because the default font only contains ASCII printable characters.
To display a language that only uses ASCII characters (such as French, German), all you need to do is to change the font to one with a wider range (Literally any font).
To display a language that uses non-ASCII characters (such as Chinese, Russian), besides changing the font, you also need to change this line in the config file under the "font"
curly brace:
Here is a table of the "language" options and their descriptions.
Supports traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, and Japanese display
Only supports simplified Chinese display
Only supports Japanese display
For Korean
For Thai
For Vietnamese
For example, to display Chinese all you need to do is:
The result (using the Sim Hei / 黑体 font):
Cyber Engine Tweaks has builtin events which can be listened using the registerForEvent()
function. These listeners must be registered inside the init.lua
Keep in mind that CET events are not game events. For example, onInit doesn't mean the game the initializing, but rather that CET loaded mods and the game's Scripting API.
If you need to listen for game events, take a look at the Observers functions.
Here is a video showing when events are triggered in real-time:
An overview of CET-Exclusive functions
On onInit gets triggered once, when CET loads in all the mods. This event ensures that CET has fully loaded, and you have access to the Scripting API. There can be only one onInit event per mod.
This event is a safe starting point for your code interaction with the game, as it guarantees the access to most of the Scripting API.
Code completion for built-in Cyber Engine Tweaks, Dear ImGui and Cyberpunk 2077 types and functions (except sqlite)
Type resolving for Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer():Get("Type")
, NewObject("Type")
, and GetSingleton("Type")
Contextual suggestions for default values and predefined sets
The lib files linked above is not the newest version.
Locate settings.json in VS code
Ctrl + Shift + P
C: > Users > (yourname) > AppData > Roaming > Code > User > {} settings.json
Add next settings to the .vscode\settings.json
or in the Settings GUI:
NOTE: ensure commas occur after every line
On first use it takes a couple of minutes to parse and cache all definitions. Unfortunately there is no visual indication of this process. When it's done the code assistance will be more responsive.
You can specify the type of the parameters with @param
annotation. It's very handy for Observe
and Override
If type of some variable cannot be resolved or ambiguous you can force the type with @type
The type of the result of some functions depends on the parameters passed to the function. If a valid type name is passed as a parameter, then the resulting type must be resolved without custom annotations.
This event gets triggered on every frame that the game runs, thus is framerate dependent. The callback function gets the deltaTime
passed along with it, which measures the frametime in ms, useful for making e.g. timers.
Use this event with caution, as it is triggered continuously once the game is launched.
Supports languages that use (e.g. Russian, Bulgarian..)
Use it to register any , as well as do any one-off actions needed for your mod.
This event is also triggered when using "Reload all mods" button in the , as it fires when CET load all mods.
Download and extract the .
You can join the and then visit to download the newest version (CET 1.27 / Patch 2.01 Typedefs).
You can alos check the pinned messages in the for any future update.
Install the extension.
To install the typedefs for Dear ImGui, you can manually download the files from GitHub repository and then follow the same installation process in to install them in VSCode.
Opposing to , this event gets triggered whenever CET unloads all the mods, either due to the game shutting down, or when pressing the "Reload all mods" button in the .
This event gets triggered even before , and can be useful for making changes to the TweakDB, as some values can only be changes very early during the loading process.
In here you can put any code that you want to run every frame, although it is best practice to only run your code when needed, e.g. using .
This event works similarly to , except that it is used for drawing custom ImGui UI. It gets triggered on every frame that the game runs, thus is framerate dependent.
This example use . Check the for further information on its usage.
This event get triggered when the gets hidden.
Use this to keep track of the overlays state, and e.g. to only draw your own UI when CETs overlay is visible. Use it in conjunction with to get a proper on/off switch case.
This example use the event, which is triggered continuously. Make sure to before any modification.
This event get triggered when the gets shown.
Use this to keep track of the overlays state, and e.g. to only draw your own UI when CETs overlay is visible. Use it in conjunction with to get a proper on/off switch case.
This example use the event, which is triggered continuously. Make sure to before any modification.
Explaining where to find logs file and write them
On game launch, Cyber Engine Tweaks generates individual logs files in each mod folder, using their name. eg, <
This file contains all notices, errors and logs generated by the mod.
You can write the log file using the spdlog functions.
You can use Tailblazer App to watch files in live with a GUI, or use the following command line in the Windows Command shell:
Cyber Engine Tweaks has a global log file located in <
This file contains all logs from the CET Console.
You can write the log file by using the print() function.
You can use Tailblazer App to watch files in live with a GUI, or use the following command line in the Windows Command shell:
Prints one or more objects to the CET Console and CET Console Logs file. Multiple objects will be printed separated by a space.
Write a string in the Individual Mod Logs file, eg, <
There are several spdlog
methods, all are identical and have the same output:
It is recommended to use spdlog.info(tostring(my_var))
to make sure the variable is compatible, as boolean
, interger
and other types will throw an error.
Returns a JSON-ish string with details about the members of obj
Type name
Instance functions
Static functions
The listed functions include their signatures.
If detailed
is true, function descriptions will include the function's full name hash, short name, and short name hash.
must be an instance of a wrapped game type, such as PlayerPuppet
which is returned by Game.GetPlayer()
. DumpAllTypeNames() will dump the names of all such types.
Returns the game's internal debug string for the given object. This string displays the object's properties and their values.
Beware that this string probably won't have any line breaks, so it's more advisable to open <
in a text editor with line wrapping to view the output of this function.
Like Dump(), but takes a type name rather than an object instance. Use DumpAllTypeNames() to get a list of all types.
Dump all type names to <
and prints to the CET Console the number of types dumped.
Inputs are buttons events that handle both key press and release states. They must be registered using registerInput()
at root level, outside of any event, in the init.lua
The button state (press/release) is defined in the first argument passed to the callback.
You can register an Input and make it behave like a Hotkey. This method is more reactive as it triggers on key press, when a Hotkey is triggered on release.
It is important to check the keypress
argument inside the callback. Otherwise the code will be executed twice:
One time when the key is pressed
A second time when released
This example use the onUpdate event, which is triggered continuously. Make sure to check the documentation before any modification.
Hotkeys are buttons events triggered on key release. They must be registered using registerHotkey()
at root level, outside of any event, in the init.lua
Movement and camera-related functions
Miscellaneous functions useful for debugging and getting special objects and info.
Cyber Engine Tweaks allow mods to register hotkeys that can be assigned by the player in the CET Binding screen, and execute custom code once pressed. There are two kinds of hotkeys:
Hotkeys and Inputs, while having similar functionalities, are displayed in two separated groups.
Remember to register Hotkeys/Inputs at root level, outside of any event.
Hotkeys & Inputs are displayed in the CET Bindings screen sorted in the order they were registered in the code. If you want to sort hotkeys by label in ascending order for example, you'll have to change the registration code order accordingly.
Hotkeys & Inputs can be triggered by the user from anywhere, at anytime, as soon as CET loaded your mod (even earlier than onInit event).
Which means the user might press your hotkey in the Main Game Menu or in Settings Menu. You have to keep that in mind when working with hotkeys, and make sure your script is executed where it is supposed to.
Hotkeys & Inputs are triggered on top of the game's keybinds. Which means it's possible that player set a hotkey on "R".
In-game, when the player use "R" to trigger your script, it will also trigger the game's Reload function.
⚠️ All examples in this Observe/Override method
to gain access tostateContext
Base class for AdjustTransformWithDurations
. Seems to do nothing if passed to adjustTransform
scriptable parameter. Do not use: your movement will be blocked indefinitely until you reset adjustTransform
Discovered by void*
Request to change player trajectory (view angles) and/or player position.
Function has 3 types of behavior: set trajectory, set position or set both.
This code will smoothly point your camera towards {0, 0, 0}
for trajectory
Does not change player's pitch.
Seems to target "nearest" targeting component (aka hitbox).
is ignored if target is set.
This function seem to use TargetingSystem to find the "best component" and then calls a LookAt
It is generally advisable to useObserve
whenever possible, and only use Override
when absolutely necessary
The provided callback
is always filled as follows:
The first argument is the current object that execute the method. This argument is not present when function/method is static.
Others arguments passed to the targeted method, if any.
The last argument is the original callable method.
Considering the following class and method:
When applying Override()
, the callback would be filled with the following arguments:
The self
and wrappedMethod
parameters can be renamed at your convenience:
The last argument of the Override()
function, wrappedMethod
, contains the original method as a callable function. We can use it to execute the original code and/or retrieve its result (if it returns something).
It is highly recommended to know the overriden method return statement to avoid breaking the script, and use wrappedMethod
Any method declared void doesn't return a value. Overriding it follow the same logic:
The same logic is applied to methods with a specific return statement. Overriding it must return a compatible type:
It is not required to execute the original code using wrappedMethod
. This can be omitted, but it exposes the script to malfunctions if not handled properly.
Do not allow the player to crouch:
Do not allow the player to crouch if in ADS:
This code has to be executed in the context where you have access to StateContext for example:
Will freeze player in place/in air while it's aiming (same behavior as )
(Look at function and one)
Override is a built-in CET function allowing developers to rewrite a game's class method. It must be registered using the Override()
function inside the event, in the init.lua
You can now generate Override using . You need to configure option Clipboard syntax to Lua. You can click on the "copy" button of a function, pick Copy Override and it will copy the code in your clipboard.
If you override a static function, you must define the field 'method' with the full name of the function. Otherwise it won't work. You can find the full name using . See a similar example with .
allows to listen for function/method execution
allows to overwrite a function/method
allows to trigger a function/method callback using game's script system
Returns the width and height (respectively) of the game window in pixels.
Returns the return value of the mod with the given name.
If you don't return anything in your init.lua
file, this function will return nil
. This will often look like return MyMod:new()
at the end of your file. See the Lua documentation for info about how classes can be implemented in Lua.
Returns the singleton for the given type name if it exists, otherwisenil
A singleton is the sole instance of a type, often used for global operations.
Returns the current CET build's commit hash.
Returns whether the specified .archive
file is present in the archive/pc/mod
This technique can be used to detect whether your Redscript mod is present, from CET side. It can be useful if you are writing a mod with both languages for some reason.
You can declare a static method without a body. It will do nothing:
You can now test whether this method is defined from CET side using this:
You can call IsRedscriptDetected()
and it will return true
when your Redscript method is detected (meaning your Redscript mod is loaded) or false otherwise.
Don't forget to change NameOfYourMod
in both cases.
If you're using redscript modules, and your IsDetected
function is inside a module, the name will be mangled to include the full module name and a dot separating it:
Observers are builtin CET functions that allow developers to detect when a function/method is executed by the game. They must be registered inside the onInit event, in the init.lua
There are two kinds observers:
which is triggered right at the moment the function/method is called
which is triggered once the game finished to execute the function/method
The provided callback
is always filled as follow:
The first argument is the current object that execute the function/method. This argument is not present when function/method is static.
Others arguments passed to the targeted function/method, if any.
You can now generate Observable and ObservableAfter using NativeDB. You need to configure option Clipboard syntax to Lua. You can click on the "copy" button of a function, pick Copy Observable or Copy ObservableAfter and it will copy the code in your clipboard.
is an alias of ObserveBefore()
. They both work the same.
Here is a visual representation showing where observers are executed in the game's script:
In this representation, the observer callback would be filled with the following arguments:
The self
parameter can be renamed at your convenience:
In the code above, the observer listens to AimingStateEvents:OnEnter()
, which is triggered everytime the player enters in ADS state.
Additionally, the OnEnter()
method is responsible to apply different effects, like the camera zoom, the initial stamina drain etc... Following this logic, this means:
Using ObserveBefore()
allows to hook in before these effects are applied
Using ObserveAfter()
guarantees the method finished to apply all the effects
NewProxy is a built-in CET feature you can use to declare callback functions. You can use it to bind a Lua function as a callback with game's script system.
You can now generate NewProxy using NativeDB. You need to configure option Clipboard syntax to Lua. You can click on the "copy" button of a function, pick Copy NewProxy and it will copy the code in your clipboard. It only works for classes with their names ending with Listener.
CallbackName is an arbitrary name you define. A callback name can be formatted as follow On[Action]
(e.g. OnDamaged
or also OnPlayerDamaged
CallbackDefinition is the signature of the script function (args) and the Lua function (callback) you want to be executed when the callback is triggered.
The list of arguments must indicate the name of the types to expect. For example with a callback function which receives a String
, an Int32
and a reference to a GameObject
, it should be defined like this:
In this case, you can define your function callback like this:
The signature of the function depends on the game's script function you want to register a callback for.
You can use NativeDB to know the types of arguments to declare. By default, the syntax will be written in Redscript. You can change the option Code syntax
in the settings and select Pseudocode · Legacy
instead. Basically, it will show you handle:GameObject
instead of ref<GameObject>
(among other things).
Lets create a proxy:
After creating the proxy, you can use it to pass the target and function you want to callback. Lets say a game's script is defined as:
We can call the function RegisterHit
to register our callback with our proxy like this:
Note that the value, when calling listener:Function("OnHit")
, is the same we declared in the proxy.
This way, you can create multiple callback in a proxy and you just need to call listener:Function
with the name of the callback you want to use. For example:
This example will be using Codeware and its system to listen for game events. It will listen for the event Session/Ready
and print a message in CET logs.
How to make the most of psiberx's script expansion framework
This page is a stub. If you would like to expand it, please sign up and get cracking!!
You can find Codeware's existing documentation at the wiki on psiberx's github
As of Mar 2024, you can't access rRef or raRef natively via CET:
This will most likely return nil
or crash the game.
Even if it does not, no reference is kept in memory: you're effectively working on a copy and there is currently no way to pass your changes back to the game.
Currently, the only way to access resources is via Codeware, which will do its best to sync your changes with the actually-existing object.
Methods for interacting with TweakDB, the game's internal data store.
TweakDB is like the game’s database for gameplay features. It’s not actually code itself, but very large amounts of data structures, many of which link together, to make coherent gameplay elements.
TweakDB has two main elements: Flats, and Records Flats are just like a single piece of data, like a number, a string, a pointer to a record, etc. Records are like a collection of flats. Records have possible types, like a character record or a clothing record. The type of record determines what set of flats the record has.
An example of these gameplay features nearly entirely contained in TweakDB, would be the damaging quickhacks like Overheat, Contagion, and Short Circuit. The quickhack item to unlock them is in tweakdb, as well as the process of unlocking, making them show up on enemies, the uploading process, the status effect applied, all the special effects possible, as well as the stats to customize all of these things. Almost anything about these quickhacks can be changed in TweakDB.
To transform a TweakDBID into a gameItemID, call ItemId.FromTDBID(tbdID)
Print info about the TweakDB. Displays the number of flats, records, and queries, the size in bytes of flatDataBuffer, and the number of created records.
GameItemIdTo get a TweakDBId's human-readable record name rather than its hash, use id.value
Get a TweakDB record by name or ID.
Get a table of all TweakDB records under a given type.
Get a TweakDB query by name or ID. Returns a table of TweakDBIDs.
Get a TweakDB flat by name or ID.
Set a TweakDB flat by name or ID and update it. Returns whether the flat was successfully set.
Set a TweakDB flat by name or ID without updating it. Returns whether the flat was successfully set.
Update (flush data of) a TweakDB record by name, ID, or handle. Returns whether the update was successful.
Create a new TweakDB record. Returns whether the record was created successfully.
Clone an existing record identified by clonedRecordName
or clonedRecordID
to a new record named recordName
or with a TweakDBID
of recordID
. Returns whether the record was cloned successfully. If a record named recordName
or with ID recordID
already exists, this method will fail.
Delete an existing TweakDB record. Returns whether the record was deleted successfully.
This page contains examples for creating UI for your mod using the built-in ImGui library.
Default tooltip on a button.
To customize the tooltip window use BeginTooltip
and EndTooltip
Creating a multi-column layout is a pain in the ass, but you can go about it like this:
You can probably use dynamic dimensions somehow. If you find out, please update this guide.
Helper functions which let you construct internal data types.
) -> GameType
Create a new object of the type given by typeName
. This type should be an internal game type.
The geometric types discussed below can also be created with NewObject.
table<x: float, y: float, z: float>
) -> Vector3
Create a new Vector3
from a table of x
, y
, and z
In Cyberpunk, the Z axis is the up axis.
table<x: float, y: float, z: float, w: float>
) -> Vector4
Create a new Vector4
from a table of x
, y
, z
, and w
All you really need to know is that the 4th value, w
, should always be 1 when you are dealing with 3D coordinates.
table<roll: float, pitch: float, yaw: float>
) -> EulerAngles
Create a new EulerAngles
from a table of roll
, pitch
, and yaw
. Angle values are in degrees.
table<i: float, j: float, k: float, r: float>
) -> Quaternion
Create a new Quaternion
from a table of a vector part i
, j
, k
, and a scalar (real) part r
Quaternions are also often expressed with w, x, y, z
terms, which map to our terms as following:
w == r
x == i
y == j
z == k
table<hash_hi: uint32, hash_lo: uint32>
) -> CName
Create a new CName
from a table of hash_hi
and hash_lo
table<hash: uint32, length: uint8>
) -> TweakDBID
Create a new TweakDBID
from a table of hash
and length
table<id: TweakDBID, rng_seed: uint32, unknown: uint16, maybe_type: uint8>
) -> ItemID
Create an ItemID
from a table of id
, rng_seed
, an unknown field unknown
, and an unknown field maybe_type
Ready-to-paste CET code
Overview of the different functions available to use on the console.
Everything you need to know about Dear ImGui can be found and .
You can also take a look at . It is a free online tool to create ImGui layouts with an easy to use interface. It also generates Lua code for you. Feel free to come on this Discord if you have issues or feedback to share.
Any ImGui code needs to be run from inside the callback.
You may notice that functions like PlayerPuppet:GetWorldPosition
will return a Vector4
, even though, intuitively, 3D coordinates only include x, y, and z values. These Vector4
values are known as in graphical programming, useful in matrix transformations.
You can also find example mods
x: float
The x-axis component of the vector
y: float
The y-axis component of the vector
z: float
The z-axis component of the vector
x: float
The x-axis component of the vector
y: float
The y-axis component of the vector
z: float
The z-axis component of the vector
w: float
The w-axis component of the vector
yaw: float
The horizontal angle in degrees along the axis pointing up.
0 is north, 90 is west, 180 and -180 are south, and -90 is east.
pitch: float
The vertical angle in degrees along the axis pointing to the right.
-90 is down, 0 is straight ahead, and 90 is up.
roll: float
The roll angle in degrees along the axis pointing forward.
Positive values rotate anti-clockwise and negative values rotate clockwise.
i: float
The x-axis component of the quaternion
j: float
The y-axis component of the quaternion
k: float
The z-axis component of the quaternion
r: float
The scalar (real) part of the quaternion
hash_hi: uint32
The higher 32 bits of the CName
's 64-bit hash
hash_lo: uint32
The lower 32 bits of the CName
's 64-bit hash
value: string
The text value of the CName
hash: uint32
The CRC32 hash of the item name
length: uint8
The length of the item name
id: TweakDBID
The TweakDBID referenced by this ItemID
tdbid: TweakDBID
Alias for id
rng_seed: uint32
The RNG (random number generation) seed used for loot generation
unknown: uint16
Unknown field
maybe_type: uint8
Unknown field, possibly a type
A list of mods that you may find helpful for making an ImGui window
CET Overlay Window Builder Tool: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/12970
FellowImGui (online tool): https://fellowimgui.dev
Prints one or multiple objects into CET Console
Prints one or multiple objects into Individual Mod Logs file
Handle table
with indentation
Handle boolean
, nil
, string
and other classic types
Parse userdata
via GameDump()
or Dump()
if possible
Parse CName
via NameToString()
if possible
Prints to CET Console, similar to print() function.
Write in Individual Mod Logs file. eg, <
. Similar to spdlog.
A collection of LUA scripting utilities to make your life easier
Access and write tables using dot "." notation, also known as "flat path". Similar to TweakDB Flat logic but for any kind of LUA table.
All code examples below use this predefined table data. Note that items
is an associative object and elements
is a sequential table.
Get value
Has value
Set value
Insert sequential table value
Delete value
Descriptions of effects that can be passed into certain functions such as Game.ApplyEffectOnNPC(), any function that takes effect as a parameter.
Makes NPC T-Pose
Puts them in combat search state, but with a sleep status effect symbol over their head. Kinda weird
Works the same for both applying to NPC & Player
Unsure which is stronger this is BeserkPlayerBuff
Works the same for both applying to NPC & Player
Unsure which is stronger this is BeserkNPCBuff
Visual fx from healing
Only sound effect plays for both Player & NPC
Only sound effect plays for both Player & NPC
Freezes an NPC in place, Player gets a tiny visual effect
Gives visual effect only to Player
Effects NPCs weirdly, had me blow up in flames after hitting me...
Briefly puts weapon away then pulls it back out. Same for both NPCs and Player.
Works similar as encumbered, but puts target in combat state
Works as expected on NPCs
Slight visual/sound fx and combat state enabled for Player
Glitch/Hacked visual effect
Removes player drowning/out of oxygen
Works as expected when applied to NPC
Visual fx for Player no damage is done
Same effect as getting hit by a car but no damage
Sets NPCs into combat mode only, no actual visual knockdown occurs
Visual effect and some stat boost that I couldn't figure out maybe a health boost. After that a stun effect ocurs briefly.
Puts NPC into cyberpsychosis state
Visual/sound fx for Player
Instakills NPC, looks like both overload effect
Sound fx when applied to Player but no damage is done
Puts Player in combat mode.
Makes NPC commit suicide
This is a preliminary list of item hashes for clothes recipes, provided by Bettik#0331. I have preserved it here so the data doesn't get lost until we can find a proper home for it.
Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryBootsRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryCapRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryCasualShoesRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryFormalPantsRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryFormalShoesRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryFormalSkirtRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryGlassesRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryGogglesRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryHatRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryJacketRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryJumpsuitRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryPantsRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryScarfRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryShirtRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryShortsRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryTechRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryTightJumpsuitRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryTShirtRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryVestRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryVisorRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.EpicBootsRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.EpicCapRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.EpicCasualShoesRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.EpicCoatRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.EpicFormalJacketRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.EpicFormalShoesRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.EpicFormalSkirtRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.EpicGlassesRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.EpicHatRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.EpicHelmetRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.EpicLooseShirtRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.EpicMaskRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.EpicPantsRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.EpicScarfRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.EpicShortsRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.EpicTShirtRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.EpicUndershirtRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.EpicVisorRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.RareBootsRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.RareCasualShoesRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.RareCoatRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.RareFormalJacketRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.RareFormalPantsRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.RareFormalShoesRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.RareGlassesRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.RareHatRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.RareHelmetRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.RareJacketRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.RareMaskRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.RarePantsRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.RareScarfRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.RareShirtRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.RareShortsRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.RareTechRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.RareTShirtRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.RareUndershirtRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.RareVestRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.UncommonBalaclavaRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.UncommonBootsRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.UncommonCapRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.UncommonCasualShoesRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.UncommonFormalPantsRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.UncommonFormalShoesRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.UncommonFormalSkirtRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.UncommonHatRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.UncommonHelmetRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.UncommonJacketRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.UncommonMaskRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.UncommonPantsRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.UncommonShirtRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.UncommonTechRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.UncommonUndershirtRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.UncommonVestRecipe", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.UncommonVisorRecipe", 1)
The txt file below contains a dump directly from the game files of all currently known items in the game's TweakDB.
This list does not contain every item in the game. More will be added as we discover more locations in the game files containing items and recipes.
Do stuff later without blocking
You can get Cron.lua from psiberx's cp2077-cet-kit on github. Add it to your sources, and then define it as a global:
Cron offers a bunch of functions for executing code later. The code you want to execute has to be inside a function (=> callback) and is passed among the arguments.
For periodically running functions, you need to include logic when to stop the execution.
To save processor load, it is best practice to define your callback outside of the function call. This can have a noticable performance impact, so you're gonna want to do this.
The callback is defined once.
The callback is defined every time cron runs.
To pass arguments to your callback function, you pass them as arguments to cron:
Execute the callback after X seconds
Executes a function every X seconds.
The function will run forever unless you stop it!
You can pause a timer by passing its reference to cron:
How to teleport V
When teleporting to otherwise inaccessible areas, you may not be able to exit these locations naturally. It is recommended that you log your location before teleporting so that you can teleport back after exploring said areas.
This is an evolving list. Not all locations are included here.
Key notes on upgrading existing mod for the CET 1.14+:
Don't use Game
object and any game types before onInit
Don't use GetMod()
before onInit
Don't pass excessive params to game functions. If the max number of params is 3, then passing 4 params will result in an error.
Update Observe()
/ Override()
handlers so they accept self
as the first param. Previously, some observers lacked the self
If your mod stores player reference then unset it when game session ends.
An unreleased reference can lead to bugs such as disappearing footsteps.
Accessing Game.GetPlayer()
in onUpdate
will not cause the issue.
This can be achieved using next snippet or with GameSession
/ GameUI
Use corresponding getters for game systems instead of GetSingleton()
. For example, Game.GetTeleportationFacility()
instead of GetSingleton('gameTeleportationFacility')
New scripting capabilities were introduced in CET 1.14 to make it more convenient and simple:
All game classes are directly accessible by name. For example, entEntityId
, PlayerPuppet
All game enums are directly accessible by name. For example, gamedataStatType.BaseDamage
, gameGameVersion.Current
Classes can also be accessed by their aliases from redscript. For example, WeaponObject
instead of gameweaponObject
Classes have the conventional .new()
constructor. For example, MappinData.new()
A constructor can take an array of properties to create and initialize an object in a single statement. For example, EntityID.new({ hash = 12345 })
Static methods are accessible from classes using the dot. For example, ScriptedPuppet.IsDefeated(npc)
A static method can be called from an instance if the first parameter is of the same type. For example, vec4:Length()
instead of Vector4.Length(vec4)
The overloaded function is resolved based on passed parameters when called by its short name. For example, StatusEffectHelper.HasStatusEffect(target, gamedataStatusEffectType.Overheat)
Partial Variant
type support. ToVariant()
and FromVariant()
are only applicable to classes.
All new scripting features are optional. You're not required to rewrite an existing mod using these features.
The new API allows code that is also valid redscript or very close to its redscript counterpart. Thus, it simplifies the research and the transition to / from the redscript.
For example, this line looks exactly the same in Lua and in the redscript:
Constructing objects
Old API:
New API:
Constructor with initialization
Old API:
New API:
Scripted static call
Old API:
New API:
Shorthand static call
Old API:
New API:
Working with enums
Old API:
New API:
Support for patch 1.6
, TweakDB.CloneRecord
, and TweakDB.DeleteRecord
now support TweakDBID
as a parameter type
Updated usedhashes.kark
to the new URL
Moved to OpenResty Lua JIT
Support for patch 1.52.1 (made up name, they didn't bother to name it AGAIN)
Support for patch 1.52
Fix crash on Windows 7.
Fix LoadTexture overwriting the previously loaded texture.
Support for patch 1.5 hotfix 2
ImGui.LoadTexture(string path)
returns a texture loaded from an image on disk in the mods' directory.
displays a texture loaded with the LoadTexture
Full Api is as follows, note that you may omit parameters after texture and default values will be used (Texture texture, ImVec2 size, ImVec2 uv0, ImVec2 uv1, ImVec4 tintColor, borderColor)
Added stb to load images.
Fixed bad screen skip fix.
Support for patch 1.5 v2
Changed the archive hashes to use the wolvenkit KARK files for TweakDB editing
red4ext updated to 1.3.1
Support for patch 1.5
red4ext updated to 1.3.0
mimalloc updated to 2.0.3
sqlite3 updated to 3.37.0+200
Special thanks to WopsS, psiberx and Sombra for their help with this patch!
exEntitySpawner does not work.
No pedestrian patch is not tested.
Fix cursor not getting locked to the game.
Fix skip start screen patch not working.
Support for patch 1.5
exEntitySpawner does not work.
No pedestrian patch is not tested.
Feel free to tell us any other issue that may arise on github/discord.
mimalloc updated to 2.0.3
sqlite3 updated to 3.37.0+200
Improve the d3d12 hook to fix a crash when using ReShade < 5.
Improve the d3d12 hook to avoid conflicts with other overlays.
Fixed random crashes when overridden method has a script reference parameter.
Fixed random crashes when working with game structs.
Fixed random crashes for very frequently called overrides (such as GameObject.OnGameAttached
and GameObject.OnDetach
on game reload).
Fixed random crashes for hotkeys and inputs (for example, binding the mouse wheel had a very high chance of causing crashes).
Fixed potential issues when CET mods that modify TweakDB are used with TweakDBext mods at the same time.
Added the ability to add new free flats to TweakDB.
Fix bad allocation causing crashes when using some RTTI types
When using Override()
the handler receives the original function (or next in the override chain) as the last parameter
The wrapped function can be called multiple times
If any of the overrides fail then the entire override chain also fails
Observers can be called before and after the target function using ObserveBefore()
and ObserveAfter()
is an alias for ObserveBefore()
All observers are guaranteed to be called even if overrides and other observers fail
It's possible to observe and override static class methods
Full name should be used when overriding a scripted static method
Use weak handle for self
in overrides. This should decrease the number of unreleased references and make CET less dependent on garbage collection.
Reuse overridden functions on mods reload. This fixes a potential issue with the native function registry, which has a hard limit on the number of registered functions.
Support out params in overrides.To properly handle out params in overrides:
Accept all params in the handler
Don't pass out params to the wrapped function
Return all results from the handler
Added support for mods deployed as a symlink for the mod directory
Added Lua function to check if the mod archive is installed:
Use FromVariant(variant)
to extract the value
Use ToVariant(value)
to pack the value when the type is unambiguous
Use ToVariant(value, type)
when the type is ambiguous or you wanna force the type
The type of the array is resolved from the first element when possible
Added event for early TweakDB changes:
Fixed directx12 hooking not working when overlays were present.
Fixed symlink deployment with Vortex.
Drop second implementation of Scripting::ToRED()
which was very outdated. This was limiting what overridden functions can return.
Fix gamedataTDBIDHelper
helper that behaves the same as gamedataTweakDBInterface
Sanitize type names to be a valid Lua identifier. This makes namespaced types added by redscript accessible in Lua.
Force garbage collection for overridden functions of inkGameController
and it's descendants.
In some cases, there seem to be issues with unreleased instances of inkGameController
leading to crashes. This was introduced when we started to properly wrap the context in Handle<>
Changed the behavior of observers so that all observers will be called even if an override is defined.
Will output
Stricter check of the passed context when calling the RTTI function. Prevents unwanted crashes when invalid value passed as self
/ this
. In particular, it prevents crashes when a dot is accidentally used instead of a colon.
Support for ISerializable
strong and weak references. This opens access to some new classes, but not all of them.
Function to add new CName
s to the pool
Workaround for parameterized struct constructor. Previously, fields of a reference type could be corrupted right after construction.
Support of nulls for strong and weak references.
Assignment example:
Parameter example:
helper function as in redscript. Checks if reference is not null and valid. Can be used on game object's field and lua variable.
helper function as in redscript.
Support for CRUID
Support for gamedataLocKeyWrapper
Support for patch 1.31
Updated to Imgui 1.84.2
Support for patch 1.30 second edition.
Fix disappearing footsteps (1.16.1 regression).
Alternative syntax for CName
and TweakDBID
conversions without .new()
Direct access to global functions.
Throw Lua errors from RTTI calls as the Lua script will do.
Will print the full callstack in the log:
Fix channel logs not printing the message.
Added a new channel "DEBUG" that always prints even when game logs are disabled.
Re-added TweakDB printing.
Register global PlayerPuppet.OnAction
handler as for pre patch 1.3.
Override function by full name. Allows to observe/override all variants of overloaded function.
Support for patch 1.30 - huge thanks to everyone who helped with this and all testers!
Fix crash when calling functions that have optional parameters not defaulted.
Fix crash when using RegisterInputListener from an observer.
Whitelisted collectgarbage
to let scripts force release game references.
Added exEntitySpawner
to spawn entities easily
Fixed a crash that would occur on machines without ASLR enabled by enabling LuaJIT's GC64 option.
Fixed nested RTTI calls that would crash the game due to memory release of the previous call's memory.
Fix the disable anti AA and async compute patches.
Fix for TweakDB default values.
Fix tooltips that contained C format characters and would crash the game.
Improved update hook.
xmake install
will now install in the game's directory to make it easier for those installing from source.
All game classes are directly accessible by name. For example, entEntityId
, PlayerPuppet
All game enums are directly accessible by name. For example, gamedataStatType.BaseDamage
, gameGameVersion.Current
Classes can also be accessed by their aliases from redscript. For example, WeaponObject
instead of gameweaponObject
Classes have the conventional .new()
constructor. For example, MappinData.new()
A constructor can take an array of properties to create and initialize an object in a single statement. For example, EntityID.new({ hash = 12345 })
Static methods are accessible from classes using the dot. For example, ScriptedPuppet.IsDefeated(npc)
A static method can be called from an instance if the first parameter is of the same type. For example, vec4:Length()
instead of Vector4.Length(vec4)
The overloaded function is resolved based on passed parameters when called by its short name. For example, StatusEffectHelper.HasStatusEffect(target, gamedataStatusEffectType.Overheat)
Partial Variant
type support. ToVariant()
and FromVariant()
are only applicable to classes.
and Override()
now accept both native and scripted type names.
Added Game.GetSystemRequestsHandler()
as an alternative to GetSingleton("inkMenuScenario"):GetSystemRequestsHandler()
Added TweakDB:SetFlats
Added WorldFunctionalTests
Added Imgui.GetStyle()
Added support for ResourceAsyncReference
. Allows editing of TweakDB props of that type by the mods.
Fixed disappearing footsteps issue.
The issue still can occur if the mods do not properly release the player reference.
The GetMod()
is only available after onInit
as there is no guarantee that the required mod will be loaded before this event.
Types and functions that rely on RTTI are only available after onInit
event to prevent some unwanted crashes and unexpected behavior.
Improved detection of whether the game is running. Prevents more crashes when exiting the game.
Implemented optional parameters support. Prevents some unexpected crashes.
Fixed DumpType("Type")
returning empty result.
Fixed crash when accessing properties of invalid Enum
, eg. Enum.new('', '').value
Fixed crash when setting an incompatible value for an object property.
Fixed crash when calling function with out parameters of Enum
, CName
or TweakDBID
Fixed memory leaks when passing strong or weak references to the function.
Fixed memory leaks when invalid parameters passed to the function.
Fixed memory leaks for function results and out parameters of certain types.
Fixed memory leaks when creating new objects.
Fixed memory leaks when setting object properties.
Fixed memory leak for arrays with elements of certain types passed as an argument.
Fixed a crash when passing an incompatible array as an argument. For example, an array of numbers instead of an array of handles.
Fixed memory leak when passing an object instead of an array as an argument. This resulted in a silent crash without calling ResetAllocator
Fixed inconsistent self
and random crashes in Observe
and Override
Reverted Override()
to the previous behavior so when the handler fails, the original game function is not called.
Added implicit conversion from Int64/UInt64 to other arithmetic types.
Added type safety checks for Int64/UInt64.
Added recursive freeing of arrays.
Added logging for errors occurred in the module loaded with require()
. Should make the transition to the new version less painful.
Global fallback table is used now for all mod environments. No need to whitelist what's defined there.
Aliases like Game['GetPlayer'] = Game['GetPlayer;GameInstance']
aren't needed in autoexec.lua
. All global and class functions are automatically resolved by short name now.
Added implicit class to strong reference conversion.
Updated RED4ext to latest version.
This fixes the error when trying to use a CName
that is None
Patch for the Minimap flicker
Support for patch 1.22
Crash when using TweakDB:Update in an Observe/Override callback
Direct3d12 command queue could be null sometimes
Error logging from Observe/Override callbacks
Redundant Lua environment passing
64bits numbers are now correctly interpreted as numbers by Lua
Strings can now be implicitly cast to a TweakDBID when the scripting framework expects a TweakDBID
Support for patch 1.21
Lua scripting errors with functions returning some values with out params
GameOptions.Toggle() now works
Fix falsy "Unknown error" when calling a global that returns nil
Return out params from global function the same way as for instance methods
EulerAngles::ToString returning swapped roll and yaw values
SQLite3 database not closing on mod reload
Equality comparison to some types (Vector3, Enum, TweakDBID,...)
Concatenation for TweakDBID
Regressions with GameOptions
Wrong version info returned back by GetVersion()
Problems with Console widget history
3rd party licences missing
ImGui.TreePop unavailable in Lua
Multiple registerInput handlers unable to be invoked at same time
Conversion of 64-bit integral values from object properties
Scroll wheel failling to register properly
Modal popups for unsaved changes into Bindings and Settings widget
Modal popup on first launch asking user explicitly to bind some hotkey for toggling Overlay
Option to enable removing of dead binds (default is on)
Option to enable ImGui assertions to make sure mods are not breaking something (default is off)
Option to toggle ImGui Diagnostic window (default is off, this option is not preserved after restart!)
Nicer formatting of headings inside Bindings widget (replace characters that are not alphanumeric by space and autocapitalize each word)
Reworked Settings menu (options are now split into two categories - Patches and Dev)
Reworked Bindings menu (separated hotkeys and inputs into two categories)
onDraw is not called for mods while CET modal dialog is active (including first launch)
First time launch (it should now be more streamlined)
Decoupled config.json from bindings.json (overlay key is now located only inside bindings.json and is left out of config.json)
Overlay key was moved to Bindings menu
Updated TiltedCore to 0.2.2
Added support for patch 1.2.
os.remove and os.rename were not working properly.
The debug menu patch would not show the menus.
Fixed dofile, loadfile and loadstring.
Lua environment would not be applied correctly to some callbacks.
Lua to RED engine converter now works correctly with nil values and double.
Security issue where scripts could override another script's functions, calling another script is now read only.
Key bindings were improved.
Support for scroll wheel.
registerInput for single inputs. This handler is similar to registerHotkey, but function now takes one boolean argument denoting if input was pressed/released.
IsBound and GetBind added to check if action is bound and retrieve string representation of it.
TweakDB experienced many changes:
All TweakDB functions can now be called with strings instead of TweakDBID. TweakDBID is still accepted.
TweakDB:SetFlat now updates records if it already exists (see SetFlatNoUpdate)
Performance improved.
Lua version changed to 5.1 this can break your mod if you were using post 5.1 language features such as bit operators. This change was done to fix environment issues, we also got a performance boost by switching to LuaJIT instead of the default Lua implementation.
Updated Imgui to version 1.82.
Updated spdlog to version 1.8.5.
Updated sqlite3 to version 3.35.0.
Re-added the SMT patch for AMD CPUs that did not get a performance boost after CDPR's patch.
Added Lua's bit32 library.
TweakDB additions:
CloneRecord, CreateRecord and DeleteRecord.
GetRecords, obtain a list of records associated with a type.
SetFlatNoUpdate, faster way to set without checking if there is an old record to update. Requires call to TweakDB:Update afterwards to apply changes!
TweakDB editor in the UI.
Supports loading archivehashes.txt
Can now search through record flats.
Fix memory allocation errors due to missing argument.
Fix Observe/Override sometimes affecting scripts when they shouldn't.
Fix crash when using multiple mods.
Crash on game exit when a reference had not been garbage collected by the lua vm.
Crash when using Override/Observe on pure script functions.
Crash when reloading mods using Override/Observe.
Crash when a malformed lua file was loaded with "require".
Lua execution error when a callback used a global variable because environments were not applied.
Fix memory leaks when reloading mods using Observe/Override.
Memory optimization for calls.
Replaced the hacky thread safety used for the Lua VM with TiltedCore's Lockable<T>.
API changes to support Imgui 1.81 and added missing ColorButton overloads.
Override has now 2 overloads to simplify usage, this will completely remove the original function or add one if it doesn't exist:
Override(typeName, fullFunctionName, shortFunctionName, function)
Override(typeName, functionName, function) - both full and short names are set to functionName
Observe has now 2 overloads to simplify usage, this will not remove the original function but will add one if it doesn't exist:
Observe(typeName, fullFunctionName, shortFunctionName, function)
Observe(typeName, functionName, function) - both full and short names are set to functionName
Fixed Override so that it can override at runtime after scripts have been loaded.
Revert Lua caching of functions as the new override method will work regardless.
Fix game crash when a script used "require" on a malformed file.
Override function to either listen to a function or to replace a game function. Despite its name it can also be used to extend a type by adding a new function. Usage is as such:
The first parameter is the class type, second the full name of the function, the third is the short name (usually they are the same), the fourth boolean is used to specify if this is a replacement of the function or not, if set to true it will replace entirely the original function, if set to false, your function will be called before the original function is called. The last parameter is your handler function, note that the parameters are passed according to the RED script definition.
Telemetry, the experiment gave us the data we wanted, obviously a lot of people use the mod and we are very happy about that! We are sorry this caused so much drama, it wasn't the intention and quite frankly we still don't really understand why.
Calling RED functions used to be cached, given that functions can be overridden at any time the cache has been removed, it's a bit slower but shouldn't be visible in the real world.
Using the up and down arrows in the console now retrieves the command history
Added Telemetry so we know how many people use CET (can be disabled in settings), note that we do not store any information we just count the number of players
Fix TweakDBID issues with large arrays
Fix TweakDBID crash when using specific functions
Updated to game version 1.12
Updated RED4ext.sdk to the latest
Each mod is (right now) assigned sqlite3 database implicitly, accessible through db
lua object (will be changed later to on-demand through info in metadata file)
Introduced proper sandbox with LuaSandbox helper class
Bytecode cannot be loaded now (native modules included)
cache is reset on Reload all mods
does not support '.' instead of '/' now (only breaking change, functions the same otherwise)
All pathing is now relative to mod (breaking change, includes all io functions, dofile()
and such included)
stripped ImGui, json, io and dofile and such from console sandbox (only needed things left for it in)
Added dir()
command for mods to list directory contents
Errors that happen in Game, game class methods,... should now log into proper environment (to console when executed from console, to mod log when executed from mod)
Enabled ImGui keyboard navigation. (ctrl + tab
to switch window, arrow keys to navigate)
Removed the deprecated power
argument in Drag and Slider widgets, replace it with the newer ImGuiSliderFlag (breaking change)
Made the argument open
optional in ImGui.Begin()
, ImGui.BeginModal()
, ImGui.BeginTabItem()
, so the close button can be hidden when setting flags.
Major vulnerability in the game's save loader fixed
Updated to game version 1.11
Updated RED4ext.sdk to the latest
Updated to spdlog 1.8.2
Replaced pattern search with much faster library
Fix issue when resizing game window (eg. resolution change in Options)
Fix issue causing game window to stop rendering and freeze on last frame
Fix ImGui.CalcTextSize overloads (now, second parameter is removed from all, as it did not make sense for Lua anyway)
Fix Windows 7 flatlining
Added json
support to Lua
Added support for the latest patch 1.10
UI with settings will now ask you for a console key on first launch, you can edit it later
Mods can now request hotkeys via registerHotkey
, the user can pick what key they want to use in the menu
You can now instantiate game objects with NewObject('class name')
, do not expect this to work with every class without any issues
SQLite3 support was added, you can use the entire API at the moment, we are going to remove all open functions in the near future and replace it with a open that can only open a single database linked to your mod
Mods will now log to their own log files, you can also use spdlog
to print in your log
Scripting is now handling memory correctly, calling Game.GetPlayer()
every frame is fine now
Game doesn't crash when exiting anymore
is now deprecated, use only mods please, it will be removed entirely in the next update
Published: Feb 18 2024 by Last documented edit: Feb 18 2024 by
Contains: and
Contains: , , and
Contains: , , and
Contains: , , , and
Contains: , , , , , , and
Contains: , , , , ,
Missing enum value CellPadding in Imgui Lua (Pull Request: ).
Upgrade Imgui 1.80 to .
Proper sandboxing ():
More ImGui stuff(, , , ):
Added for the new tables widget in ImGui 1.8.0
selected mouse utilities back
Added bindings for
TweakDB binding ()
Akulov penthouse
-1218.135986, 1409.635010, 113.524445
Peralezes Apt
-75.815399, -113.607819, 111.161728
Gutierrez Apt
20.760391, 5.750076, 138.900955
Time Machine Guitar room
-1843.676392, -575.336243, 7.754036
Denny's Estate Inside
486.977325, 1291.791016, 234.458664
Hanako Estate bedroom
290.197662, 1022.468079, 229.920425
Voodoo Boys Subway
-1662.758545, -1867.002563, 54.982040
Slayton Apt
-1450.692139, -1038.510742, 77.555298
NCPD Conference room
-1761.547729, -1010.821655, 94.300003
JigJig St. hotel room
-664.977112, 847.753113, 28.499626
Dark Matter hotel room
-372.268982, 271.240143, 215.515579
Megatower H8 penthouse
-701.484680, 849.270264, 322.252228
Mr. Hands (Heavy Hearts)
-1577.5237, -2336.9883, 57.89293
Outside the city (Nomad starting)
-3235.881592, -6146.751465, 96.834175
V's Mansion
-1341.383545, 1242.970337, 111.100006
Grand Imperial Plaza Mall
-2278.209473, -1992.328613, 20.570023
Unfinished Casino
934.451233, 1458.630981, 242.120010
VB Data Fortress
-1661.448242, -1869.755859, 54.992889
River BD School
-6491.909180, -3167.271240, 57.558006
Monorail Tunnel
-1663.618774, -1867.443726, 54.990150
Konpeki Tower
-2229.413818, 1769.449707, 21.000000
Konpeki Tower Penthouse
-2220.772705, 1765.388916, 308.000000
Konpeki Tower - V Suite
-2202.186035, 1783.184204, 163.000000
-625.404236, 794.564392, 132.252228
-1795.816162, -526.988647, 74.241196
-753.868530, 1107.427612, 61.000000
Badlands Tunnel
-1255.622437, 126.991272, -43.753677
Badlands Tunnel Entrance
185.345749, 2365.449707, 67.081177
Petrochem Off-limits area
-118.046112, -486.535583, 7.296860
Arasaka Tower Abandoned area
-1475.830200, 161.548401, 208.637604
Arasaka Tower Jungle
-1449.256470, 118.300171, 321.639038
Arasaka Tower Upper Atrium
-1390.497559, 162.406921, 388.347961
Arasaka Tower CEO level
-1437.788208, 157.247620, 565.346008
Arasaka Tower CEO office
-1447.286621, 73.579651, 568.946045
Arasaka Tower Unlisted levels
-1428.207520, 95.437912, 543.348022
Arasaka Tower Unlisted temple
-1383.655518, 118.832474, 542.696289
Arasaka Tower Counter-intel
-1442.981689, 139.817459, 141.996506
Arasaka Tower Underground
-1376.191528, 143.706009, -26.648010
Arasaka Tower Boring Machine
-1447.010010, 40.182648, -36.814171
Arasaka Mikoshi Mainframe
-1448.108398, 149.156219, -27.652016
Arasaka Orbital Station
4743.650879, -1091.755127, 1310.439575
Johnny interrogation room
-1389.446533, 141.266556, -139.361572