
How to get shit done with strings

String interpolation

REDscript lets you insert any expression into a string using the s prefix. This is a convenient way to create formatted strings without using concatenation or conversions.

Log(s"My name is \(name) and I am \(year - birthYear) years old");

This is equivalent to:

Log("My name is " + name + " and I am " + ToString(year - birthYear) + " years old");

The compiler automatically converts expressions of any type other than String using ToString.

String concatenation

Via string addition overloads, you can simply use the + operator to join strings with values of different types (such as Int32 or Float) without using String conversions.

// You can use addition to combine strings with integers, floats and several other types 
Log("My name is " + name + " and I am " + (year - birthYear) + " years old");

String conversions

Make sure to check Intrinsics for further conversions

native func NameToString(n: CName) -> String
native func StringToName(const str: script_ref<String>) -> CName

native func FloatToStringPrec(value: Float, precision: Int32) -> String
native func StringToFloat(const value: script_ref<String>, opt defValue: Float) -> Float

native func StringToInt(const value: script_ref<String>, opt defValue: Int32) -> Int32
native func StringToUint64(const value: script_ref<String>, opt defValue: Uint64) -> Uint64
native func StringToHex(const str: script_ref<String>, lineLength: Uint32) -> String

String operations

// length: default is -1
// noCase: default is false
native func StrCmp(const str: script_ref<String>, const with: script_ref<String>, opt length: Int32, opt noCase: Bool) -> Int32

native func StrContains(const str: script_ref<String>, const subStr: script_ref<String>) -> Bool
native func StrBeginsWith(const str: script_ref<String>, const match: script_ref<String>) -> Bool
native func StrEndsWith(const str: script_ref<String>, const match: script_ref<String>) -> Bool

native func StrLen(const str: script_ref<String>) -> Int32
native func StrChar(i: Int32) -> String
native func StrUpper(const str: script_ref<String>) -> String
native func StrLower(const str: script_ref<String>) -> String
native func StrFindFirst(const str: script_ref<String>, const match: script_ref<String>) -> Int32
native func StrFindLast(const str: script_ref<String>, const match: script_ref<String>) -> Int32
native func StrReplace(const str: script_ref<String>, const match: script_ref<String>, const with: script_ref<String>) -> String
native func StrReplaceAll(const str: script_ref<String>, const match: script_ref<String>, const with: script_ref<String>) -> String
native func StrSplit(const str: script_ref<String>, const divider: script_ref<String>, opt includeEmpty: Bool) -> array<String>
native func StrSplitFirst(const str: script_ref<String>, const divider: script_ref<String>, out left: String, out right: String) -> Bool
native func StrSplitLast(const str: script_ref<String>, const divider: script_ref<String>, out left: String, out right: String) -> Bool
native func StrBeforeFirst(const str: script_ref<String>, const match: script_ref<String>) -> String
native func StrAfterFirst(const str: script_ref<String>, const match: script_ref<String>) -> String
native func StrBeforeLast(const str: script_ref<String>, const match: script_ref<String>) -> String
native func StrAfterLast(const str: script_ref<String>, const match: script_ref<String>) -> String
native func StrMid(const str: script_ref<String>, first: Int32, opt length: Int32) -> String
native func StrLeft(const str: script_ref<String>, length: Int32) -> String
native func StrRight(const str: script_ref<String>, length: Int32) -> String
func StrUpperFirst(const str: script_ref<String>, opt lenght: Int32) -> String

native func IsStringValid(const n: script_ref<String>) -> Bool
native func IsNameValid(n: CName) -> Bool
native func IsStringNumber(const value: script_ref<String>) -> Bool

native func UnicodeStringEqual(const str: script_ref<String>, const str2: script_ref<String>) -> Bool
native func UnicodeStringCompare(const str: script_ref<String>, const str2: script_ref<String>) -> Int32
native func UnicodeStringLessThan(const str: script_ref<String>, const str2: script_ref<String>) -> Bool
native func UnicodeStringLessThanEqual(const str: script_ref<String>, const str2: script_ref<String>) -> Bool

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