If you want to use strings for localization, check Utilities ->
String interpolation
REDscript lets you insert any expression into a string using the s prefix. This is a convenient way to create formatted strings without using concatenation or conversions.
Log(s"My name is \(name) and I am \(year - birthYear) years old");
This is equivalent to:
Log("My name is " + name + " and I am " + ToString(year - birthYear) + " years old");
The compiler automatically converts expressions of any type other than String using ToString.
String concatenation
Via string addition overloads, you can simply use the + operator to join strings with values of different types (such as Int32 or Float) without using String conversions.
// You can use addition to combine strings with integers, floats and several other types
Log("My name is " + name + " and I am " + (year - birthYear) + " years old");
String conversions
Make sure to check Intrinsics for further conversions