
Debug logs

Messages logged to the DEBUG channel are visible in the CET console by default (without having to enable game logs).

LogChannel(n"DEBUG", "something")

General purpose hash map

There are several hash map implementations available in the game. Most importantly, inkHashMap (Uint64 -> ref<IScriptable>) and inkWeakHashMap (Uint64 -> wref<IScriptable>). All custom classes extend IScriptable therefore they can be used as values in those hash maps.

let map = new inkHashMap();
hashMap.Insert(TDBID.ToNumber(t"key1"), MyClass.Create(1));
hashMap.Insert(TDBID.ToNumber(t"key2"), MyClass.Create(2));
let value: ref<MyClass> = map.Get(TDBID.ToNumber(t"key1")) as MyClass;

Safe downcasting

The as operator returns null when a dynamic cast fails. You can use it combined with IsDefined to perform safe downcasts.

let manager = employee as Manager;
if IsDefined(manager) {
  // employee is known to be Manager here

Heterogeneous array literals

If you define a function to accept an array of Variant:

func AcceptVariants(variants: array<Variant>) {}

Then that function can be called with an array literal containing elements of different types:

// all elements get implicitly converted to Variant
AcceptVariants([1, new Vector2(1, 2), new inkText()]);
// you can achieve the same thing with an explicitly typed local
let variants: array<Variant> = [1, new Vector2(1, 2), new inkText()];

Custom scriptable system (singleton pattern)

You can define a custom scriptable system:

module MyMod

public class MySystem extends ScriptableSystem {
  private func OnAttach() -> Void {
    LogChannel(n"DEBUG", "MySystem::OnAttach");

  private func OnDetach() -> Void {
    LogChannel(n"DEBUG", "MySystem::OnDetach");

  public func GetData() -> Float {
    return GetPlayer(this.GetGameInstance()).GetGunshotRange();

This scriptable system can then be accessed using the scriptable system container:

let container = GameInstance.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(gameInstance);
// don't forget the namespace if you're using modules
let system = container.Get(n"MyMod.MySystem") as MySystem;

LogChannel(n"DEBUG", ToString(system.GetData()));

Persisting data

The fields of classes that extend ScriptableSystem or PersistentState (e.g. ScriptedPuppetPS) can be declared with the persistent modifier to be persisted in game saves.

You can persist data of all types except for String, Variant and ResRef (and arrays of these types).

Instances of classes can be persisted too, but note that their fields must also be marked as persistent, or they won't be persisted and instead they'll be initialized with defaults.

module MyMod

public class Entry {
    // both of these will be persisted
    public persistent let related: TweakDBID;
    public persistent let lasting: Int32;
    // this won't be persisted
    public let temporary: Int32;

public class MySystem extends ScriptableSystem {
    private persistent let m_entries: array<ref<Entry>>;

Constructing Class Object

Redscript does not have Class constructors and to set the data of class fields you would have to either do that manually

public class CustomClass{
    //all the variables 
    public let myInt: Int32;
    public let myString: String;
let myCustomClass = new CustomClass();
myCustomClass.myInt = 1;
myCustomClass.myString = "Hello";

or if you want to do it with a single clean line

public class CustomClass{
    //all the variables 
    public let myInt: Int32;
    public let myString: String;
    public static func Create(inputInt: Int32, inputString: String) -> ref<CustomClass>{
        //you create the new instance of your class here instead of in your code
        //and set its variables
        let self = new CustomClass();
        self.myInt = inputInt;
        self.myString = inputString;
        return self;

and how to use it

let myCustomClass = CustomClass.Create(1,"Hello");

DelaySystem and DelayCallback

DelaySystem is a class that allows async call of DelayCallback after the set amount of time has passed.

this is how to create a DelayCallback

public class CustomCallback extends DelayCallback{
    //all the data that your Call function needs
    private let myInt: Int32;
    public func Call() {
        //custom function that i want to be called when the specified time has passed
        if this.myInt>1 
            LogChannel(n"DEBUG", "Input is bigger than 1");
            LogChannel(n"DEBUG", "Input is smaller than 1");
    public static func Create(inputInt: Int32) -> ref<CustomCallback> {
        //use this way to create your Callback class in one line
        let self = new CustomCallback();
        self.myInt = inputInt;
        return self;

and this is how you can use the DelaySystem to call the Callback function with a delay

let delaySystem = GameInstance.GetDelaySystem(this.m_player.GetGame());
let inputInt: Int32 = 2;
let delay: Float = 1.0;
let isAffectedByTimeDilation: Bool = false;
delaySystem.DelayCallback(CustomCallback.Create(inputInt), delay, isAffectedByTimeDilation);

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