Special Types

Helper functions which let you construct internal data types.



NewObject(typeName: string) -> GameType

Create a new object of the type given by typeName. This type should be an internal game type.

obj = NewObject("gameObject")
puppet = NewObject("PlayerPuppet")
vec2 = NewObject("Vector2")
vec3 = NewObject("Vector3")
matrix = NewObject("Matrix")
world_transform = NewObject("WorldTransform")

The geometric types discussed below can also be created with NewObject.


ToVector3(values: table<x: float, y: float, z: float>) -> Vector3

Create a new Vector3 from a table of x, y, and z floats.

position = ToVector3{x=-1788, y=-450, z=7.75}

In Cyberpunk, the Z axis is the up axis.


ToVector4(values: table<x: float, y: float, z: float, w: float>) -> Vector4

Create a new Vector4 from a table of x, y, z, and w floats.

position = ToVector4{x=-1788, y=-450, z=7.75, w=1}

You may notice that functions like PlayerPuppet:GetWorldPosition will return a Vector4, even though, intuitively, 3D coordinates only include x, y, and z values. These Vector4 values are known as homogenous coordinates in graphical programming, useful in matrix transformations.

All you really need to know is that the 4th value, w, should always be 1 when you are dealing with 3D coordinates.


ToEulerAngles(angles: table<roll: float, pitch: float, yaw: float>) -> EulerAngles

Create a new EulerAngles from a table of roll, pitch, and yaw. Angle values are in degrees.

rotation = ToEulerAngles{roll=0, pitch=0, yaw=45}

player = Game.GetPlayer()
Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(player, player:GetWorldPosition(), rotation)


ToQuaternion(values: table<i: float, j: float, k: float, r: float>) -> Quaternion

Create a new Quaternion from a table of a vector part i, j, k, and a scalar (real) part r.

-- 45 degree rotation about the Z axis (yaw)
rotation = ToQuaternion{i=0, j=0, k=0.383, r=0.924}

Quaternions are also often expressed with w, x, y, z terms, which map to our terms as following:

w == r x == i y == j z == k


ToCName(hash: table<hash_hi: uint32, hash_lo: uint32>) -> CName

Create a new CName from a table of hash_hi and hash_lo.

cname = ToCName{hash_hi=0x01234567, hash_lo=0x89abcdef}


ToTweakDBID(data: table<hash: uint32, length: uint8>) -> TweakDBID

Create a new TweakDBID from a table of hash and length.

id = ToTweakDB{hash=0x01234567, length=12}


ToItemID(data: table<id: TweakDBID, rng_seed: uint32, unknown: uint16, maybe_type: uint8>) -> ItemID

Create an ItemID from a table of id, rng_seed, an unknown field unknown, and an unknown field maybe_type.

dbid = ToTweakDB{hash=0x01234567, length=12}
itemid = ToItemID{id=dbid, rng_seed=0x01234567}

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