This page contains examples for creating UI for your mod using the built-in ImGui library.
Everything you need to know about Dear ImGui can be found here and here.
You can also take a look at FellowImGui. It is a free online tool to create ImGui layouts with an easy to use interface. It also generates Lua code for you. Feel free to come on this Discord channel if you have issues or feedback to share.
Any ImGui code needs to be run from inside the onDraw callback.
Basic Window
ImGui.SetNextWindowPos(100, 500, ImGuiCond.FirstUseEver) -- set window position x, yImGui.SetNextWindowSize(300, 600, ImGuiCond.Appearing) -- set window size w, hif ImGui.Begin("Unique Window Name") then ImGui.Text("Hello World")-- more window contents hereendImGui.End()
Modal/Popup Window
if ImGui.Button("Pop Button", 120, 0) then ImGui.OpenPopup("Delete?")endif ImGui.BeginPopupModal("Delete?", true, ImGuiWindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize) then ImGui.Text("This is a popup")if ImGui.Button("Close") then ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup() end ImGui.EndPopup()end
Combo Box with Selectables
local DropdownOptions = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"}local DropdownSelected ="1"if ImGui.BeginCombo("##My Combo Box", DropdownSelected) then-- Remove the ## if you'd like for the title to display above combo boxfor _, option inipairs(DropdownOptions) doif ImGui.Selectable(option, (option == DropdownSelected)) then DropdownSelected = option ImGui.SetItemDefaultFocus()endend ImGui.EndCombo()end
if ImGui.Button("Click Me!", 100, 20) then-- Label, width, height - Use -1 as width for button to span available horizontal space-- do stuff here when button is clickedend
local pressedregisterForEvent("onUpdate", function()if pressed thenprint("You pressed me!")endend)registerForEvent("onDraw", function() pressed = ImGui.Button("Click me I'm a Sexy Button", 250, 25)end)
Default tooltip on a button.
local pressed = ImGui.Button("button text")if ImGui.IsItemHovered() then ImGui.SetTooltip("tooltip text")else ImGui.SetTooltip(nil)end
To customize the tooltip window use BeginTooltip and EndTooltip.
local pressed = ImGui.Button("button text")if ImGui.IsItemHovered() then ImGui.BeginTooltip() ImGui.PushTextWrapPos(50) ImGui.TextWrapped("tooltip text") ImGui.EndTooltip()else ImGui.SetTooltip(nil)end
Multi-column layout
Creating a multi-column layout is a pain in the ass, but you can go about it like this:
ImGui.BeginChild("Column 1", 300, 400) -- this will not display a label ImGui.Text('Column 1')ImGui.EndChild()ImGui.BeginChild("Column 2", 300, 400) -- this will not display a label ImGui.Text('Column 2')ImGui.EndChild()
You can probably use dynamic dimensions somehow. If you find out, please update this guide.