The Wolvenkit Nightly

What is the Nightly, and why should (or shouldn't) you use it?

What is the Nightly?

The Nightly is Wolvenkit's Alpha/Beta version. Releases are build every day when the code changes (traditionally during the night, but this is CyberPUNK), so you will always have access to the latest and hottest features.

Naturally, the Nightly will have more bugs than the stable version — but you should use it regardless, because we need help catching those bugs.

For more information on this, check How do I report bugs?

How do I install it?

Download the portable version:

Then, extract the downloaded .zip file into a folder on your hard drive (for example, C:\Cyberpunk2077Mod\Wolvenkit_Nightly) and start it. Done!

How do I report bugs?

Is it a regression?

Double-check the bug in your stable install. If if works there, but doesn't work in the Nightly, then it's a regression (something that used to work but got broken).

If it's broken in both places: congratulations, you've found a new bug!

Reporting a bug

  1. Head to the "Issues" section of Wolvenkit's github (you need a github or Google account; they will not send you spam)

  2. Click the "New issue" button

  3. Select the type of issue you are reporting (probably "bug report")

  4. Give a description of the bug, including the following information:

    1. Your Nightly version (date is okay)

    2. Is the bug a regression? (Does it also happen in the latest stable?)

    3. The files necessary to make this happen, or their paths if they are vanilla files

    4. An itemized list on how to make the bug happen

Last updated

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