Overview of supported I/O formats
Last updated 9 months ago
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The following formats are supported by WolvenKit for imports and exports
mesh ↔ glb/glTF Rigged and static 3d models can be converted to and from REDengine. For a detailed guide, see . Our I/O supports simple non-targeted skinned meshes for extreme efficiency. Advanced methods support multi-mesh, multi-rig, and material embedded meshes. Meshes with embedded morph targets are automatically included as shapekeys. WolvenKit can also export to virtually any 3d format (non-natively) through the built-in renderer Ab3d. You can read more about Ab3d here.\
xbm ↔ png, tga, dds, jpg, bmp, tiff Textures can be converted to and from REDengine. For a detailed guide, see .\
mlmask ↔ png, tga, dds, jpg, bmp, tiff REDengine mlmask files can be exported as an array of textures. These texture arrays can be encoded as a new mlmask with a bespoke masklist helper file. For a detailed guide, see .\
wem ↔ wav, mp3 Audio files can be converted to and from REDengine. Use the Sound Modding Tool to import new audio.\
morphtarget ↔ glb/glTF (experimental) REDengine morphtargets can be exported to glTF format. The morphs can be viewed as shapekeys/blendshapes with a 3d package. glTF files can be used to recreate morphtarget files, however only one morph is preserved.\
anims ↔ glb (experimental) Animation files can be exported to glTF format. To import a .glb file as animation, switch Target File Format to anims in the export settings. You can find a detailed guide about this process . \
Target File Format