Wolvenkit.CLI: Usage


This page contains information on the general use of Wolvenkit's command line interface. For more specific information, please see the corresponding sub-pages:


  • Display general help/list all commands: --help

  • Display help for a specific command: archive -h

Using WolvenKit Console globally

You can now install and update the Wolvenkit Command Line Tools (wolvenkit.cli) as a dotnet global tool. The console can be used anywhere directly from the command line, with no custom installation, and easy update.

Open command prompt/powershell and type in:

dotnet tool install -g wolvenkit.cli

WolvenKit Console can now be run from anywhere using CMD/Powershell:

wolvenkit.cli uncook -p "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\content\basegame_1_engine.archive"

For updates to WolvenKit console, open CMD/Powershell and type:

dotnet tool update --global wolvenkit.cli

Video Guide for launching CLI

Processing files in bulk

To process multiple .archive files (for e.g. extracting duplicate textures), write yourself a batch file:

@echo off

set "cli_path=C:\01_apps\Wolvenkit_CLI_8_15\Wolvenkit.CLI.exe"
set "modpath=F:\CyberpunkFiles\temp"

FOR %%F IN ("%modpath%\*.archive") DO (
    SET "baseName=%%~nF"
    "%cli_path%" uncook -p "%%F" -o "%modpath%\output"  REM -w *.xbm --uext png
    REM Move PNG files and preserve relative paths
    FOR /R "%modpath%\output" %%G IN (*.png) DO (
        SET "relPath=%%~pG"
        SETLOCAL enabledelayedexpansion
        SET "newDir=%modpath%\out\!baseName!\!relPath!"
        mkdir "!newDir!" >nul 2>&1
        move "%%G" "!newDir!"


Last updated

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