Full install walkthrough (ELI5)
If you want step-by-step instructions on how to install and configure Wolvenkit
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If you want step-by-step instructions on how to install and configure Wolvenkit
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Created by @JJTurtle Published October 22 2022
Updated Jul 30 2023 by
This guide is intended for the beginning modder, who is still learning, and wants step-by-step instructions on how to fully install and configure their modding tools and asset depot.
To keep things simple, the recommendations in this guide will centralize many of the modding applications, assets, and related resources.
If any of the steps in this guide fail, then STOP immediately and either fix them or ask for help on Discord.
Some of the recommendations in this guide may be outdated or obsolete by the time you read it. In that case, use your best judgement and play around!
Hard disk space for the Depot:
For regular operations, <5GB storage will be enough
If you want to extract materials and meshes, you should have at least 15GB storage
Optional: If you want to create a full asset depot, then you want at least 75GB storage. If you are reading this guide, then you won't need that.
Optional, but recommended: a basic level of computer knowledge. The guide contains detailed instructions, but you'll have an easier time if you already know things like like:
Open a command prompt and run a command,
Locate your download folder and extract a zipped file,
Install an application,
Find and move files
Remember, if you don't know how to do something, you can always throw the question into Google or ask ChatGPT or the Bing assistant!
First, install Wolvenkit:
Then, we'll start with general prep work:
Let's configure and set up Wolvenkit and all its plugins:
Then, we unbundle those game assets that we need…
We do that by creating a tiny mod to make sure everything worked OK.
Feel free to skip this step, or hit up the modding wiki and get cracking.