
Previews for meshes and entities

Please note that the material preview is a rough draft implementation. Until somebody invests a bunch of time to fix it up, the preview will be neither accurate nor pretty, and many materials may not be created at all.

Entity Preview

To be done

Mesh Preview

You can find the mesh preview inside the file editor for .mesh files in its own tab. For further explanation of the UI, see UI documentation

UI documentation

Appearance dropdown

Lets you select an appearance from the list of defined appearances

Level of Detail

Lets you select the Level of Detail, which will load higher or lower fidelity meshes to optimize performance.

Generate Materials for Appearance

When you hold the Ctrl key, Wolvenkit will regenerate the materials from disk.

Please note that the material preview is a rough draft implementation. Until somebody invests a bunch of time to fix it up, the preview will be neither accurate nor pretty, and many materials may not be created at all.

Will create a rough approximation of the surface material. As of March 2024, this feature needs a lot of work.

Last updated