Import/Export: Sound effects

How to import and export audio from opusinfo/opuspaks.

Unlike music and voice-overs, sound effects in Cyberpunk 2077 are stored inside .opuspak files, which are described by a single sfx_container.opusinfo file.

For the UI documentation, check Tools: Import/Export UI

For general information such as the file structure and output directory, check Import/Export

Exporting sound effects

In order to export sound effects, you need to have the sfx_container.opusinfo file in your project. Find it in the Asset Browser and add it to your project.

With the opusinfo selected in the Export tool (if you don't see the file, press Refresh), you should now see the export options on the right.

The important field for us here is "Selected for Export". Click the three dots on the right to open a selection window where you can choose which hashes to export. Click the hash you want and press the arrow button pointing right to add it to selection.

Hash is basically an ID of a sound. To find the hashes you need, you can use the SoundDB web tool.

Once you've selected what you want, press Finish to confirm the selection and back in the Export tool press "Export Selected". The sounds you've chosen should now be in the raw folder of your project. You will find two files for each of the sounds, one is origin .opus and the other is .wav. You can usually ignore the .opus file.

Importing sound effects

To import back a sound effect, all you need is the sound file in .wav format with the exact same filename it had when you exported it. It should also be in the same folder (base).

You can usually leave the default settings as they are. After pressing "Import selected", your project's archive folder should now contain a new modified sfx_container.opusinfo and one or more sfx_container_XXX.opuspak (XXX being a number). The opuspak contains your new sound (and other sounds too).

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