Creating Communities

This guide describes what communities are, what they are used for, and how to set them up using Object Spawner


  • Communities are used to spawn almost all NPCs that aren't crowd NPCs

  • As the name suggests, communities can be used to add large amounts of NPCs to the world while retaining a lot of control over:

    • What NPCs to spawn

    • Where those NPCs should be, what workspots they should use

    • What they should do during what time of day




  • You need to have a basic understanding of:

    • Working with WolvenKit

    • Using Object Spawner (Spawning things and importing into WolvenKit)

    • Know how to place AISpot's, see the corresponding page

General Setup

  • Each community can serve a large area

    • How many NPCs and how much of an area you serve with a single community is up to you, but it is generally recommended to have one community per location

  • Start by spawning a community, found under AI -> Community

    • The community should be placed in the rough area of where the AISpots that you want to use are

Make sure to assign a unique NodeRef to the community (Is the same as the Community ID)

  • In general, a community consists of the following hierarchical data:

    • Entries:

      • Each entry corresponds to one NPC template, e.g. Judy or some generic NPC

      • Phases:

        • Phases are used by quests, to switch between different setups

        • They are not of interest if you just want to place some NPCs without quests involved

        • Periods:

          • Periods define how many NPCs should be placed where, per time period

Setting up an entry

  • Let's start by making our community spawn a NPC, do this by adding a new entry under the Entries header

  • Here you can define a name for the entry, make sure it is unique

  • Here you can also define what NPC template should be used

  • Initial Phase Name and Active On Start are only of interest for quest modding, so ignore those for now

Setting up a phase

  • For our example, we will only need one phase, named default

  • As before, use the + [Phase] button to create a new phase for our entry

  • Here you can also define what appearances the NPCs of that entry should use

    • Do this by adding more names under the appearances header

    • This is totally optional, and the default will do

Setting up periods

  • This defines how many of the specified NPC should be spawned, where they should be spawned, and when they should be spawned

  • As before, use the + [Period] button to create a new period for our phase

  • For this example, let's create two periods

  • Each period has the following options:

    • Hour: This controls when the period is active

      • E.g. If you have two periods, 8:00 PM and Day, then from 8:00 PM until 9:00 AM (That's the start of Day), the 8:00 PM period will be active, from 9:00 AM until 8:00 PM, the Dayperiod will be active

    • Is Sequence: Only relevant if the AISpots are not set to be infinite. If checked, the NPCs will cycle through the specified spots in the same order as they are listed

    • Quantity: How many of the specified NPC should be spawned

    • Markings and Spot NodeRefs: This is where you actually define what AISpot's should be used, will be explained in the following section

Markings and Spot NodeRef's

Spot NodeRef's

  • This list defines what AISpot's the NPCs from that time period can use

  • Make sure that you have enough spots for the amount of NPCs

  • Simply add the NodeRefs of the AISpots that you want to be used during this time period


  • Markings allow you to simply tell the NPCs "Use any of the AISpots that have this marking"

    • You can think of a marking as a Tag that you assign to AISpots

  • This makes it very easy to assign many NPCs to a large amount of AISpots, randomly

  • E.g.

    • Assign the marking test_marking to all AISpots that you want to be used

    • Add that same test_marking name to the list of markings of the period

    Full example with SpotNodeRef's

  • This is a full example of having either one or two Judy's spawn in specified spots, depending on the time

Full example using markings

  • Using markings is especially worth it for larger amounts of NPCs and spots

Last updated

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