Object Spawner: Favorites and Prefabs

This page covers what favorites and prefabs are, how to create them, use them and organize them

Use Case

  • Favorites and prefabs let you alias anything you want (Single objects to whole groups)

  • Things marked as favorite can be assigned a name, category and tags

  • The combination of categories and tags allow for both for browsing through your library, and also highly specifc and organized searching

  • The favorites system offer multiple ways of browsing and searching:

    • Simple text based search

    • Tag based filters

    • Grouping a categories contents by tags

  • Categories can be easily shared and merged


  • Favorite: This is a single object

  • Prefab: This is an entire group, made to be re-usable just like single objects

Creating Categories

  • The main favorites view can be found on the "Spawn New" tab, specifically the Favorites subtab

  • Underneath the Add Category header, you can find everything you need to make a new category

Creating Favorites / Prefabs

  • There are two ways of creating them:

  1. Right-Click any item in the "Spawn New" list, and choose Make Favorite

  2. Right-Click any item (Group or object) in the "Spawned UI" hierarchy, and select Make Favorite / Prefab

    1. Tip: You can also simply hit CTRL-F, and make the currently selected item a favorite / prefab

  • A popup will appear, allowing you to assign a name, tags and category:

Spawning Favorites / Prefabs

  • To spawn a favorite, simply click it in the main favorites view

    • You can also do any of the more advanced things, such as drag and dropping a favorite into the world

    • This works the same as spawning anything from the All tab

Organizing and searching

  • Clicking the icon on the right of a category will group its contents by their tags

    • This can be done recursively for each created tag category

  • If you already know what to look for, you can also use the search bar, and the Search Tags selection

    • Search tags can be set to be either in AND or OR mode

Merging / Renaming Tags and Categories

Merging / Renaming Tags

  • Often you might end up with multiple tags that indicate the same thing:

    • E.g. "Large", "large", "L", "big"

  • To combine these tags, you can use the Rename Tags header, where you can select which tags to rename, and what the new name should be

Merging Categories

  • Categories can be merged in two ways:

    • Automatic: If you ever end up having two categories with the same name (E.g. You added someone else's categories), they will be merged

    • Explicitly

  • To explicitly merge a category into another, simply use the category configuration menu (Wheel button)

Last updated

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