🌐World Editing

Editing the world of Cyberpunk

This page will give you an overview on how to edit the world of Cyberpunk 2077.

For its collection of guides, see the child pages in the wiki's navigation tree or click on "Next" at the foot of the page.

How to change the world?

Rather than blowing up Arasaka Tower or trying to become bomb, we're using ArchiveXL to edit the contents of .streamingsector files.

Why shouldn't we edit .streamingsector files?



Sector files often change between game versions. Your edited sector file won't know and won't care, so it will overwrite the updated file nonetheless. (See for yourself - try a pre-2.0 version from one of mana's Apartment Overhauls and watch everything explode).

ArchiveXL will modify sectors only if the number of expected nodes matches the number of total nodes in the sector. On top of that, for each node affected, a type has to be specified - so if CDPR sneakily switches out one of the nodes that you've been deleted for something else, AXL will notice and refuse to implement your sector modification.

So how do I actually do it?

    # an array of sectors, there can be multiple entries
    - path: your\path\from\red_hot_tools\ex_in_terior_99_99_0_0-streamingsector
      expectedNodes: 999
        # an array of nodes, ordered by type
        - index: 0
          type: worldNodeType
        - index: 1
          type: worldOtherNodeType
      # nodeAdditions:
        # to do: this needs to be documented

ArchiveXL will load that file from your game's mod folder and apply the modifications for you.

For more detailed information, see the nested guides, e.g. World Editing: deleting objects

Last updated